Shoalhaven Traffic Committee
Meeting Date: Tuesday, 08 October, 2024
Location: Manyana Meeting Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 9.30am
Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.
1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Minutes
· Shoalhaven Traffic Committee - 10 September 2024........................... 1
3. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
4. Reports of the Convenor
TC24.21....... No Stopping Regulations - Forest Road - Turn Around Area - Comberton (PN 3815).............................................................. 5
TC24.22....... Wandandian - Community Expo & Annual Woodchop Exhibition 2024 - (PN 3819)..................................................... 8
TC24.23....... Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival Weekend - (PN 3820)........... 11
Note: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12 November 2024.
Shoalhaven Traffic Committee – Tuesday 08 October 2024 Page i |
Mr David Pieresko – Convenor
Clr - Vacant
Clr - Vacant
Ms Nicole Brodie - TfNSW
Sgt Kelly Thomas – NSW Police
Sgt Simon Pugh – NSW Police
Ms Liza Butler MP (or representative)
Mr Stuart Coughlan
The Shoalhaven Traffic Committee is a technical review committee, not a committee of Council under the Local Government Act 1993. Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has delegated certain powers to Council under the Transport Administration Act 1988 (Section 50). A condition of this delegation is that Council must take into account the Traffic Committee recommendations.
There are four formal members of the Traffic Committee, each of whom has a single vote only. The members are representatives from:
If TfNSW or NSW Police Force disagrees with any Traffic Committee recommendation, or Council’s resolution (on any Traffic Committee recommendation), they may lodge an appeal with the Regional Traffic Committee for determination. The appeal must be lodged in writing within 14 days of the date of notification in writing. Any action relative to any issue under appeal must cease until the matter is determined. The Regional Traffic Committee is chaired by an independent chairperson and submissions and representations are welcomed from all interested parties.
Council cannot amend a Traffic Committee recommendation. The Council can only: adopt the Traffic Committee recommendation; not adopt the Traffic Committee recommendation, or request the Traffic Committee reconsider the issue.
The full guide to the delegation to Council’s for the regulation of traffic can be viewed at TfNSW Website
Minutes of the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee
Meeting Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Location: Manyana Meeting Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 9.30am
The following members were present:
Convenor David Pieresko - Coordinator Engineering Design
Clr Matthew Norris
Sgt Simon Pugh - NSW Police
Mr Blair Oliver - TfNSW
Ms Simone King – Premier Bus Company (Remotely)
Others present:
Mr Micaiah Tipton – Manager – Design Services
Note: Mr Stuart Coughlan – MP Kiama Representative and Ms Liza Butler – MP South Coast submitted email votes on the agenda items, confirming in favour of the recommendations.
Apologies / Leave of Absence |
Mr Stuart Coughlan – MP Kiama Representative.
Confirmation of the Minutes |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Minutes of the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee held on Tuesday 13 August 2024 be confirmed. CARRIED |
Business Arising from Previous Minutes |
Reports of the Convenor
TC24.17 No Stopping (Authorised Vehicles Excepted) - Hawke Street - Huskisson (PN 3814) |
HPERM Ref: D24/371756 |
Recommendation That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the “No Stopping” (Authorised Vehicles Excepted) signage along Hawke Street, Huskisson as per Plan No. D24/371785. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 |
RECOMMENDATION (By consent) That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the “No Stopping” (Authorised Vehicles Excepted) signage along Hawke Street, Huskisson as per Plan No. D24/371785. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 Note: This Recommendation was approved by the Director City Services 12 September 2024. CARRIED |
TC24.18 Edge Linemarking - Yalwal Road - Cabbage Tree Lane - Mundamia (PN 3816) |
HPERM Ref: D24/373265 |
Mr Blair Oliver – TfNSW suggested to enhance the centre line to 150mm if the speed limit is to remain at 100/km. |
Recommendation That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed “Edge Line” (EL1) linemarking along Yalwal Road, from Cabbage Tree Lane to George Evans Road, Mundamia as per Plan No. D24/373273. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 |
RECOMMENDATION (By consent) That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed “Edge Line” (EL1) linemarking along Yalwal Road, from Cabbage Tree Lane to George Evans Road, Mundamia as per Plan No. D24/373273. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 Note: This Recommendation was approved by the Director City Services 12 September 2024. CARRIED |
TC24.19 Signage, Linemarking & BAR Treatment - Lot 232 - DP1281372 - 78 Isa Road - Worrigee - DA23/1050 (PN 3817) |
HPERM Ref: D24/376752 |
Recommendation That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed signage, linemarking and Basic Right-Turn (BAR) treatment associated with the development (DA23/1050) at 78 Isa Road, Worrigee as per Plan No. D24/376790. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 |
RECOMMENDATION (By consent) That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed signage, linemarking and Basic Right-Turn (BAR) treatment associated with the development (DA23/1050) at 78 Isa Road, Worrigee as per Plan No. D24/376790. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 Note: This Recommendation was approved by the Director City Services 12 September 2024. CARRIED |
TC24.20 Huskisson- Triathlon Huskisson 2024 - (PN 3818) |
HPERM Ref: D24/379698 |
Mr Oliver advised that the traffic cones on Beach St need to be brought further down at Moona Moona Beach Park to avoid conflict with vehicles. Mr Oliver advised that a VMS board providing notice of the event should be placed on the Wool Rd, east of Naval College Rd. fNSW will also look at providing a VMS board north of Forest Rd on the Princes Hwy. Mr Oliver advised that the event organisers will need to liaise with the TfNSW’s JB Road Team. |
Recommendation That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed traffic management plan (TMP) and associated traffic guidance schemes (TGS) for the Huskisson Triathlon (2024) as per Plan No. D24/379705 (TMP), D24/379713 (TGS-SAT) and D24/379718 (TGS-SUN), subject to the following a. The TMP/TGS being implemented in accordance with ‘TS05492 – Traffic Control at Work Sites 20.346’, Clause 4.3.2 for Lane Widths and Clause 4.4.5 for Heavy Vehicles. b. Accurate contact information (update accordingly) c. Signpost the following streets: Bayswater St, Berry St, Montague St and Susan St with “Special Event In Progress” like Church St. d. Plan SZA1 (SUN) to be updated to retain 50km/h segment of Woollamia Road. e. Plan 11 (SUN) include metal crowd barriers on Owen Street, from Currambene Street to Sydney Street. f. Labelled dimensions in accordance with ‘TS05492’ for lane widths on Plans 4, 5, 12, 13 and 15 (SAT). 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 |
RECOMMENDATION That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed traffic management plan (TMP) and associated traffic guidance schemes (TGS) for the Huskisson Triathlon (2024) as per Plan No. D24/379705 (TMP), D24/379713 (TGS-SAT) and D24/379718 (TGS-SUN), subject to the following a. The TMP/TGS being implemented in accordance with ‘TS05492 – Traffic Control at Work Sites 20.346’, Clause 4.3.2 for Lane Widths and Clause 4.4.5 for Heavy Vehicles. b. Accurate contact information (update accordingly) c. Signpost the following streets: Bayswater St, Berry St, Montague St and Susan St with “Special Event In Progress” like Church St. d. Plan SZA1 (SUN) to be updated to retain 50km/h segment of Woollamia Road. e. Plan 11 (SUN) include metal crowd barriers on Owen Street, from Currambene Street to Sydney Street. f. Labelled dimensions in accordance with ‘TS05492’ for lane widths on Plans 4, 5, 12, 13 and 15 (SAT). g. The provision of an additional VMS board on the Wool Rd, east of Naval College Rd. h. Liaison with TfNSW’s Jervis Bay Road and Princes Highway intersection Upgrade Team prior to the event. i. Traffic cones on Beach St being brought further down at Moona Moona Beach Park to close off area from vehicles. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411. Note: This Recommendation was approved by the Director City Services 12 September 2024. CARRIED |
There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 10.00am.
Mr David Pieresko
Shoalhaven Traffic Committee – Tuesday 08 October 2024 Page 1 |
TC24.21 No Stopping Regulations - Forest Road - Turn Around Area - Comberton (PN 3815)
HPERM Ref: D24/372752
Convenor: Bianca van der Merwe
Attachments: 1. D24/372766 - Signage & Linemarking Plan ⇩
The purpose of this report is to seek Shoalhaven Traffic Committee approval for the proposed parking restrictions at the turn around area located on Forest Rd adjacent to the intersection with the Princes Highway.
That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed “No Stopping” signage and supplementary yellow “No Stopping” (NS1) linemarking within the Forest Road turn loop, Comberton as per Plan No. D24/372766. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 |
A local bus company reported that buses can’t turn around properly when cars are parked on the inside of the loop provided as a turnaround area on Forest Rd adjacent to the intersection with the Princes Highway. Bus companies are required to use the loop as part of their school routes. The loop is a popular parking location for commuter travellers that carpool from the villages of Callala Beach, Callala Bay and Currarong.
The original design didn’t include parking inside the loop.
Details of Submission:
The proposed solution to further formalise the intent of the original design;
- No Stopping: “No Stopping” (R5-400 L+R) signage and supplementary yellow “No Stopping” (NS1) linemarking along the inside edge of bus loop.
This will result in parking continuing to be available on the outside of the loop with parking being prohibited on the inside.
Council requested comment from nearby residents and stakeholders including Callala Bay, Callala Beach & Currarong CCB. No responses were received.
Risk Implications:
By installing the recommended ‘No Stopping’ signs, Council aims to increase compliance, safety, turning area widths (for large vehicles), and traffic efficiency along Forest Road.
Financial Implications:
The linemarking and signage for this proposal would be funded by Transport for NSW’s Block Grant Funding allocated to Council for new signage and linemarking.
Shoalhaven Traffic Committee – Tuesday 08 October 2024 Page 1 |
TC24.22 Wandandian - Community Expo & Annual Woodchop Exhibition 2024 - (PN 3819)
HPERM Ref: D24/427414
Convenor: Bianca van der Merwe
Attachments: 1. D24/427424 - Traffic Guidance Scheme ⇩
Reason for Report:
The reason for this report is to seek Shoalhaven Traffic Committee approval for the Traffic Guidance Scheme proposed for the Community Expo & Annual Woodchop Exhibition at Wandandian.
That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed traffic guidance scheme (TGS) for the Community Expo & Annual Woodchop Exhibition at Wandandian as per Plan No. D24/427424. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 |
The Wandandian Expo 2024 is a vibrant community event filled with activities for all ages, taking place on 20 October 2024. Starting at the Wandandian Progress Hall, the expo features a woodchop competition, a classic car show, community-run stalls, family-friendly activities like face painting, and food and coffee vans. With raffles and free entry for the public, this event celebrates local talent and community spirit.
Details of Submission:
1. Road Closures
No road closures for the event, however part of the Princes Highway and Wandean Road will be slowed to 40 km/h for the duration of the event.
2. Transportation, Awareness of Event and Access
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: The applicant has clarified that there are no public transport services in Wandandian over weekends. As such, the event’s use of the bus stop and associated area will not impact any potential bus services and is generally acceptable. Notwithstanding, the applicant has not considered a public transport strategy to provide additional bus pickups / drop offs to the site.
PARKING: There is dedicated parking available for this event at nearby parcels of private land, the applicant has provided owner’s consents for all lots to be used for parking. There are five disabled parking spaces available on-site, and they will be clearly signposted at the main entrance area.
ACCESS/AWARENESS: There has not been any signage proposed on the TGS to indicate the locations of parking areas. The applicant has not clarified whether additional ‘event signage’ will be deployed within the area or along the Princes Highway to provide further awareness of the event and parking areas to be accessed.
Risk Implications:
1. Parking Limitations and Potential Congestion:
The event is proposed to take place on 20 October, when there is typically a high volume of day trippers and visitors to the region. With the higher vehicle and pedestrian demand and combination of event patrons, there is the potential for traffic flow issues, parking constraints and delays throughout Wandandian.
2. Local Business and Resident Impact:
Events can impact local businesses and residents negatively. Speed limit reductions and increased traffic may make it challenging for customers to reach businesses, and residents may experience noise disturbances, limited access to their properties, or inconvenience due to traffic restrictions.
3. Pedestrian Safety:
Based on the applicant’s TGS, pedestrians will be crossing at the refuge island along Princes Highway to access the event, as well as one crossing of Wandean Road. There is no infrastructure on Wandean Road to assist with the crossing point.
The event organiser has commenced consultation closing before the event. Due to the timeframe available between closing of consultation and the event taking place, this report is brought forward for consideration, unaware of the responses.
Financial Implications:
This event is funded by the event organiser (Yila Healing Trail) and there will be no financial implications to Council.
Shoalhaven Traffic Committee – Tuesday 08 October 2024 Page 1 |
TC24.23 Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival Weekend - (PN 3820)
HPERM Ref: D24/428105
Convenor: Bianca van der Merwe
Attachments: 1. D24/428745 - Traffic & Parking Plan ⇩
2. D24/428766 - Traffic Management Plan ⇩
Reason for Report:
The reason for this report is to seek Shoalhaven Traffic Committee approval for the proposed Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival Weekend at Kangaroo Valley as per Traffic Management Plan No. D24/428766.
That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for the Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival Weekend at Kangaroo Valley as per Plan No. D24/428766. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411. |
The Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival (2024) is proposed to be held between 18 October 2024 to 20 October 2024 at the Kangaroo Valley showground and at various venues throughout the village. The festival will feature over 50 acts and more than 150 performances by international, national and local performers, dancers, poets and street artists. It will attract visitors from near and far including many who have not been to the area before.
There will be six venues of varying sizes with attendance over the three days estimated at 4,500.
Details of Submission:
1. Road Closures
There are no proposed road closures for the event.
Event and truck warning signs are proposed at 50m and 100m at approach to the showground parking access.
2. Event Infrastructure
AMBULANCES: Emergency access lanes have been provided to allow emergency access.
MEDICAL: There are sufficient First Aid people onsite for the duration of the event, at the showground.
PORT-A-LOOS: There will be several port-a-loos and four accessible toilets at the showground.
CLEANING / REMOVAL / DISPOSAL: The Festival and bar area waste is managed by continual transfer of waste from the bins placed in key areas to the pre-arranged waste depot throughout the weekend.
WATER DRINKING STATION: Various places around the showground.
BARRICADES: Entry from Moss Vale Road barricaded to all except disabled drivers at the pedestrian access point.
3. Transport, Awareness of Event and Access
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Public Transport will not be disrupted.
PARKING: Dedicated on-site parking is available for this event.
ACCESS/AWARENESS: Access to the event is provided through the existing showground access with parking on site. Pedestrian access is separate to vehicle access. “EVENT AHEAD” and Truck signs will be placed along Moss Vale Road at 50m and 100m on approach to the carpark access. Pedestrians directional signage is proposed from the parking area to the pedestrian access / event entry point.
Risk Implications:
1. Parking Limitations and Potential Congestion:
The festival is proposed to be held between 18 October 2024 to 20 October 2024 and estimated attendance of 4,500 over the three days. There is the potential of traffic flow issues, parking constraints and delays throughout Kangaroo Valley and along Moss Vale Road.
2. Local Business and Resident Impact:
Events can impact local businesses and residents negatively. Speed limit reductions and increased traffic may make it challenging for customers to reach businesses, and residents may experience noise disturbances, limited access to their properties, or inconvenience due to traffic restrictions.
As there are no camping on the showground, visitors will be staying at the local holiday park adjacent to the showground and various other locations throughout Kangaroo Valley.
3. Pedestrian Safety:
Parking is provided on site, pedestrian guide signage is proposed to direct pedestrians from the parking to Moss Vale Road, to the pedestrian access point. There is no need to cross Moss Vale Road.
No formal consultation is taking place for this event, the event is advertised through the event website and social media by the event organiser.
Financial Implications:
The event is funded through ticket sales by the event organiser (Kangaroo Valley Festival) and there will be no financial implications to Council.