Special Shoalhaven Traffic Committee
Meeting Date: Tuesday, 23 July, 2024
Location: Email Meeting
Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.
1. Apologies
2. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
3. Reports of the Convenor
TC24.13....... Signage and Linemarking - Far North Collector Road - Badagarang (PN 3808)............................................................ 2
Note: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13 August 2024.
Special Shoalhaven Traffic Committee – Tuesday 23 July 2024 Page 1 |
TC24.13 Signage and Linemarking - Far North Collector Road - Badagarang (PN 3808)
HPERM Ref: D24/225232
Convenor: David Pieresko
Attachments: 1. PN(3808) Plan ⇩
Reason for Report:
The reason for this report is to seek Shoalhaven Traffic Committee approval for the proposed regulatory signage and linemarking associated with the construction of the Far North Collector Road, Badagarang, as per Plan No. D24/225241.
That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Far North Collector Road (Bannada Way) as per Plan No. D24/225241. 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411. |
Shoalhaven City Council received grant funding for the construction of the Far North Collector Road (Bannada Way). The Far North Collector (Bannada Way) will link Illaroo Road (near the western end of West Cambewarra Road, Bangalee to Moss Vale Road (at Bells Lane) in Cambewarra. The project is an integral component of the overarching “Preferred Road Network” adopted with the Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan.
Details of Submission:
The proposal involves the installation of signage and linemarking with reference to the following construction items:
- 1.8 kilometres of single carriage way road
- Two new roundabouts
- Four new bridges
As displayed in the attached plan, there are multiple areas of implementation of regulatory devices along the Far North Collector Road and associated roundabouts.
The roundabout between the Far North Collector Road and Moss Vale Road has been approved by Transport for NSW through a Works Authorisation Deed.
The roundabout between the Far North Collector Road and Illaroo/West Cambewarra has previously been approved by Traffic Committee.
Community consultation was undertaken with adjacent residents, stakeholders, businesses.
The Far North Collector Road project is included as part of the adopted Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan (NBSP) “preferred road network”, the NBSP was subject to extensive community consultation during its development.
Risk Implications:
This proposal aims to improve driver awareness and safety along the 1.8 kilometre stretch of road by installing road safety devices such as new safety barriers/guardrails, wider road cross-sections, relevant signage, audio tactile linemarking and two new roundabouts to attain a safe road environment.
Financial Implications:
The proposal would be funded by the Australian Government’s Infrastructure Investment Program provided to Council by the Australian Government.