Shoalhaven Traffic Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 13 June, 2023

Location:            Manyana Meeting Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   9:30 am


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Apologies

2.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Shoalhaven Traffic Committee - 9 May 2023............................................................... 1

3.    Business Arising from Previous Minutes

4.    Reports of the Convenor

TC23.29...... Traffic Signals and Associated Works - St. Vincent Street - South Street - Ulladulla (PN 3756)....................................................................................................... 5

TC23.30...... Traffic Signals and Associated Works - Princes Highway - South Street - Ulladulla (PN 3759)..................................................................................................... 14

TC23.31...... Linemarking - Elizabeth Drive - Vincentia (PN 3760).................................. 27

TC23.32...... Parking Restrictions - Church Street - Milton (PN 3761)............................. 40

TC23.33...... Parking Restrictions - Railway Street - Bomaderry (PN 3762).................... 43

TC23.34...... Linemarking & Parking Restrictions - River Road - Sussex Inlet (PN 3763) 48

5.    General Business


Note:     The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 July 2023.

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 Shoalhaven Traffic Committee – Tuesday 13 June 2023




Mr David Pieresko – Convenor

Clr Patricia White

Clr Matthew Norris

Ms Nicole Brodie

Sergeant Kelly Thomas

Ms Shelley Hancock MP (or representative)

Mr Stuart Coughlan





 The Shoalhaven Traffic Committee is a technical review committee, not a committee of Council under the Local Government Act 1993.  Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has delegated certain powers to Council under the Transport Administration Act 1988 (Section 50).  A condition of this delegation is that Council must take into account the Traffic Committee recommendations.


There are four formal members of the Traffic Committee, each of whom has a single vote only.  The members are representatives from:


If TfNSW or NSW Police Force disagrees with any Traffic Committee recommendation, or Council’s resolution (on any Traffic Committee recommendation), they may lodge an appeal with the Regional Traffic Committee for determination.  The appeal must be lodged in writing within 14 days of the date of notification in writing.  Any action relative to any issue under appeal must cease until the matter is determined.  The Regional Traffic Committee is chaired by an independent chairperson and submissions and representations are welcomed from all interested parties.


Council cannot amend a Traffic Committee recommendation. The Council can only: adopt the Traffic Committee recommendation; not adopt the Traffic Committee recommendation, or request the Traffic Committee reconsider the issue.


The full guide to the delegation to Council’s for the regulation of traffic can be viewed at TfNSW Website







Minutes of the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Location:            Manyana Meeting Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   9:35 am



The following members were present:


Convenor Bianca van der Merwe – Coordinator Engineering Design

Clr Patricia White

Ms Nicole Brodie – TfNSW

Mr Lee Birrer – TfNSW

Mr Stuart Coughlan (Representing Mr Gareth Ward MP)

Sgt Simon Pugh – NSW Police


Others present:


Ms Simone King – Premier Motor Services (Remotely)

Mr Craig Exton – Manager – Technical Services


Note: Ms Liza Butler MP submitted votes on the items following the conclusion of the meeting, the date being 11 May 2023.



Apologies / Leave of Absence




Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Minutes of the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee held on Tuesday 11 April 2023 be confirmed.




Business Arising from Previous Minutes




Reports of the Convenor


TC23.26     Shared User Path and Raised Pedestrian (Wombat) Crossing - South Street - Camden Street - Ulladulla (PN 3755)

HPERM Ref: D23/163593

Ms Nicole Brodie – TfNSW – noted that it is preferable to have lighting installed along the pedestrian crossing at South Street and Camden Street, Ulladulla.

Council staff advised they would investigate the installation of lighting at the pedestrian crossing if it is not currently proposed.



1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Shared User Path and Raised Pedestrian (Wombat) Crossing at South Street and Camden Street, Ulladulla as per Plan No. D23/163601.


2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411



1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Shared User Path and Raised Pedestrian (Wombat) Crossing at South Street and Camden Street, Ulladulla as per Plan No. D23/163601.


2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411


Note: This Recommendation was approved by the Director City Services 12 May 2023


TC23.27     Private Use of Public Parking - 29 Kinghorne Street - Nowra (PN 3757)

HPERM Ref: D23/164553



1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the temporary use of 12 parking spaces within the Stewart Place carpark, behind 29 Kinghorne Street, Nowra for a period of four (4) weeks during maintenance works to the Holt Centre, as per Document No. D23/164555; subject to the following:

a.    Payment of associated fees in accordance with Council’s Policy for Private Use of Public Parking POL22/110.

b.    The provision of a pedestrian ramp to allow wheelchairs / scooters access to the arcade through the Holt Centre;

c.    The provision of commercial waste services to the Holt Centre, allowing existing commercial front loaded bins to be serviced for the duration of the works;

d.    The continuation of deliveries to businesses located within and adjacent to the Holt Centre due to the removal of the loading zone for the duration of works.

2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411



1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the temporary use of 12 parking spaces within the Stewart Place carpark, behind 29 Kinghorne Street, Nowra for a period of four (4) weeks during maintenance works to the Holt Centre, as per Document No. D23/164555; subject to the following:

a.    Payment of associated fees in accordance with Council’s Policy for Private Use of Public Parking POL22/110.

b.    The provision of a pedestrian ramp to allow wheelchairs / scooters access to the arcade through the Holt Centre;

c.    The provision of commercial waste services to the Holt Centre, allowing existing commercial front loaded bins to be serviced for the duration of the works;

d.    The continuation of deliveries to businesses located within and adjacent to the Holt Centre due to the removal of the loading zone for the duration of works.

2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411


Note: This Recommendation was approved by the Director City Services 12 May 2023


TC23.28     Parking Restrictions - River Road - Sussex Inlet (PN 3758)

HPERM Ref: D23/164782



1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Parking Restrictions at River Road, Sussex Inlet as per Plan No. D23/164791.


2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411



1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Parking Restrictions at River Road, Sussex Inlet as per Plan No. D23/164791.


2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411


Note: This Recommendation was approved by the Director City Services 12 May 2023



There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 10:03am.


Bianca van der Merwe








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TC23.29     Traffic Signals and Associated Works - St. Vincent Street - South Street - Ulladulla (PN 3756)


HPERM Ref:       D23/163879


Convenor:          Bianca van der Merwe 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3756 Plans  


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Traffic Signals and Associated Works at St. Vincent Street and South Street, Ulladulla, as per Plan No. D23/163887.


2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411



Shoalhaven City Council has received funding under the Federal Stimulus Road Safety Program – Pedestrian Safety at School Zones to design and construct a signalised intersection and associated improvements at St. Vincent and South Streets in Ulladulla.

This is the final stage of intersection upgrade works following the fatal accident involving a student from Ulladulla High School which took place in June 2020.

A layout plan has been submitted to the Committee for consideration.


Details of Submission:

The extent of this proposal would involve the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of St. Vincent Street and South Street in Ulladulla, adjacent to Ulladulla High School.

Additional works would involve the reconstruction of kerb & gutter on the northern side of the intersection, installation of kerb ramps on all legs of the intersection, construction of new footpath, resurfacing of the roadway and the installation of line marking and signage associated with the changes to the intersection configuration.



Council commenced consultation in June 2021 to discuss the proposal. Consultation included affected residents, landowners, Ulladulla High School, including P&C, other stakeholders, and the Ulladulla and Districts Community Forum.  To date, Council has received no submissions.


Risk Implications:

This proposal would provide more protection and result in safer road crossing for pedestrians and cyclist (particularly school children) at the intersection of St. Vincent Street and South Street.


Financial Implications:

The proposal will be funded by the Federal Stimulus Road Safety Program – Pedestrian Safety at School Zones provided to Council by the NSW Government.




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TC23.30     Traffic Signals and Associated Works - Princes Highway - South Street - Ulladulla (PN 3759)


HPERM Ref:       D23/194957


Convenor:          David Pieresko 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3759 Plans - Traffic Signals

2.  PN 3759 Plans - Parking   


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.   This report, Traffic Signal Plans (D23/194959), and the Parking Loss Plan (D23/194960) be received for information.

2.   That Transport for NSW (TfNSW) undertake adequate community notification of these works.



Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is planning the installation of a signalised intersection at Princes Highway and South Street in Ulladulla. This report has been requested by TfNSW to inform Traffic Committee members of these works and the associated loss in parking.


Details of Submission:

The extent of this proposal will involve the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Princes Highway and South Street in Ulladulla.

Additional works would involve the reconstruction of kerb and gutter and installation of kerb ramps on all legs of the intersection, construction of new footpath, resurfacing of the roadway and the installation of line markings and signage associated with the changes to the intersection configuration.

On-street parking adjacent to the intersection will be reconfigured to accommodate the required turning lanes, resulting in the loss of 24 spaces.



This project is under the control and management of Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW), as a result Council has not been involved in any consultation with residents, businesses, landowners or stakeholders.  As such, Council recommends that TfNSW undertake adequate community notification of these works.


Risk Implications:

This proposal will assist in improving vehicle manoeuvrability and remove potential sources of congestion along the Princes Highway during peak periods.

It will result in a safer travel path at the intersection of Princes Highway and South Street, improving the safety of pedestrians and cyclists by providing more protection.


Financial Implications:

There are no financial implications to Council, signage for this proposal would be installed by Transport for NSW at their cost.



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TC23.31     Linemarking - Elizabeth Drive - Vincentia (PN 3760)


HPERM Ref:       D23/195177


Convenor:          David Pieresko 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3760 Plans   


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Linemarking at Elizabeth Drive, Vincentia as per Plan No. D23/195179.

2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411



Shoalhaven City Council has received concerns regarding occasional speeding and improper parking along Elizabeth Drive in Vincentia.


Details of Submission:

The proposed line marking will assist in delineating a 3.5-metre-wide travel lane, and aid in the delineation of on-street parking.

The extent of this proposal would involve the installation of E1 Edge line marking from Illfracombe Avenue to The Wool Road, a distance of approximately 1980 metres.  This is to be complemented with C3 Yellow line marking on the approach to The Wool Road roundabout for a distance of 60 metres, reinforcing existing “No Stopping” restrictions.



Council commenced consultation with affected residents, stakeholders and the Vincentia Ratepayers and Residents Association in April 2023 to discuss the proposal.  To date, Council has received fifteen (15) submissions, four (4) supporting the proposal, four (4) against the proposal and seven (7) giving a mixed response. Those against this proposal had concerns that this should be a matter for police enforcement, that parking would be lost, and that road repairs should be prioritized instead. Council has informed these residents that this proposal retains existing parking capacities. Those with mixed responses also have concerns that this will not resolve the speeding issues or improve pedestrian safety at this location. Some respondents would have liked to see roundabouts and others new K&G to narrow down the lane widths.

The line marking solution proposed is considered to be a cost-effective measure to improve guidance for road users and promote safer driving behaviour.


Risk Implications:

This proposal is expected to reduce the incidence of speeding by providing the perception of a narrower roadway and provide a delineation between travel and parking lanes, improving road safety in the area.


Financial Implications:

The line marking for this proposal would be funded by Transport for NSW’s Block Grant Funding allocated to Council for new signage and line marking.



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TC23.32     Parking Restrictions - Church Street - Milton (PN 3761)


HPERM Ref:       D23/201103


Convenor:          David Pieresko 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3761 Plan   


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Parking Restrictions at Church Street, Milton as per Plan No. D23/201104.

2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411



Shoalhaven City Council has received concerns regarding parking and road safety on Church Street in Milton.

Council staff have conducted a site inspection at this location, taking note of existing signage, current parking restrictions and road conditions.  From this inspection, it was found that there is not enough distance to meet the requirements of the Standards for on-street parking between the egress from Council’s carpark (behind Milton IGA) and the driveway for 37 Church Street.

Due to the issue of insufficient space at this location, Council is proposing the installation of parking restrictions along this section of Church Street to improve safety.


Details of Submission:

This proposal would involve the installation of 9.9m of “No Stopping” restrictions and associated line marking across part of the frontage of 37 and 41 Church Street.



Council commenced consultation with affected residents, stakeholders and the Milton District Forum in April 2023 to discuss the proposal.  To date, Council has received four (4) submissions, all support the proposal.

Risk Implications:

This proposal would facilitate improved access onto Church Street from Council’s carpark, reduce the potential for traffic accidents and illegal parking, and improve road safety.


Financial Implications:

The signage for this proposal would be funded by Transport for NSW’s Block Grant Funding allocated to Council for new signage and line marking.


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TC23.33     Parking Restrictions - Railway Street - Bomaderry (PN 3762)


HPERM Ref:       D23/204882


Convenor:          David Pieresko 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3762 Plan   


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Parking Restrictions at Railway Street, Bomaderry as per Plan No. D23/204888.2.         The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411



Shoalhaven City Council has received concerns regarding limited vehicle manoeuvrability and congestion due to parked vehicles, limited sight distance and vehicle safety along Railway Street in Bomaderry.

As such, Council staff have investigated the existing signage, parking, and road conditions at this location and a sight distance assessment was conducted for various driveways fronting No. 10 Railway Street.  From this investigation, it was noted that there are inadequate levels of sight distance to approaching northbound and southbound vehicles.

Furthermore, due to the manoeuvrability issues and limited sight distance at this location, Council is proposing the installation of parking restrictions along this section of Railway Street to improve safety.


Details of Submission:

This proposal would install two (2) sections, totalling approximately 99 metres of “No Stopping” restrictions with C3 Yellow line marking along the frontages of 2-10 Railway Street, and 25 metres of “No Stopping” restrictions along the frontage of 13 Railway Street.

This proposal would result in the loss of approximately 10 car spaces.  The manoeuvring requirements of large trucks and semi-trailers has been taken into consideration in determining the Parking Restrictions, as well as mitigating the loss of existing parking.  Details of the worst-case scenario turning movements have been provided as part of the submitted plan set.



Council commenced consultation with affected businesses and the Pride of Bomaderry in May 2023 to discuss the proposal.  To date, Council has received two (2) submissions, both supporting the proposal.


Risk Implications:

This proposal would facilitate improved access to adjacent businesses by providing better manoeuvrability for large trucks and semi-trailers that utilise this industrial area.  It would also improve sight distance along Railway Street by reducing potential conflicts created by stationary vehicles, promoting safer reaction times, reducing the potential for traffic accidents, and improving road safety.


Financial Implications:

The line marking and signage for this proposal would be funded by Transport for NSW’s Block Grant Funding allocated to Council for new signage and line marking.



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TC23.34     Linemarking & Parking Restrictions - River Road - Sussex Inlet (PN 3763)


HPERM Ref:       D23/222111


Convenor:          David Pieresko 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3763 Plan   


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed parking restrictions & line marking at River Road, Sussex Inlet as per Plan No. D23/222112.

2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411



Shoalhaven City Council has received concerns regarding road safety issues at the northern corner of River Road in Sussex Inlet.

As such, Council staff have investigated the existing signage, parking restrictions and road conditions.  From this investigation it was noted that there is sufficient roadway width to permit parking in this area, however buses and large trucks may experience some difficulty manoeuvring through the corner with opposing traffic.


Details of Submission:

The extent of this proposal would involve the installation of 25 metres of double barrier “BB” centreline marking around the northern corner of River Road, adjacent to the Sussex Inlet Veterinary Surgery.

It is also proposed to install approximately 33 metres of “No Stopping” parking restrictions complemented with C3 Yellow line marking to ensure compliance with s208 of the NSW Road Rules.

The parking restrictions along the north-eastern side of the roadway will result in the loss of three (3) unrestricted parking spaces.



Council commenced consultation with affected residents, businesses, stakeholders and the Sussex Inlet & Districts Community Forum in May 2023 to discuss the proposal.  To date, Council has received two (2) submissions, one (1) supporting the proposal and one (1) giving a mixed response.


Risk Implications:

This proposal is expected to reduce the potential for accidents on this section of road, improving road safety and vehicle manoeuvrability.


Financial Implications:

The signage and line marking for this proposal would be funded by Transport for NSW’s Block Grant Funding allocated to Council for new signage and line marking.



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