Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee



Meeting Date:     Wednesday, 16 February, 2022

Location:            Council Chambers and Microsoft Teams

Time:                   4.00pm


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Apologies

2.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee - 14 December 2021........................ 1

3.    Declarations of Interest

4.    Presentations

CBD22.1..... Overview Presentation – Nowra CBD Revitalisation Action Plan


In July 2021 the Council endorsed the ‘Revitalising Nowra Action Plan 2021-23’ as the basis for the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee’s activities for the period 2021-2023. The Plan was prepared with the specialist assistance of Place Score Pty Ltd.

It was also resolved that Council would maintain the annual budget allocation of $500,000 to support the implementation of the Action Plan over its three years and that any unspent funds from the yearly allocation would be rolled over to the next financial year to enable the Committee to strategically plan, respond flexibly and also undertake other relevant activities.

The endorsed Revitalising Nowra Action Plan and the background documents to it, are available on the Committee’s ‘Get Involved’ page under ‘Document Library’ (right hand side of the Get Involved Page).

Council staff will provide an overview briefing on the Action Plan and its preparation at the meeting.


5.    Reports

CBD22.2..... Election of Chairperson and Notification of Council Resolution.................... 6

CBD22.3..... Committee Actions Report for Ongoing/Completed Items........................... 10

CBD22.4..... Budget Update - February 2022................................................................... 26

CBD22.5..... Project Update - February 2022................................................................... 29

CBD22.6..... Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Project Management Services Contract 33

CBD22.7..... Review of Terms of Reference - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee...................................................................................................................... 46                           

6.    General Business

Logo, company name

Description automatically generated


 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 16 February 2022




Mr James Caldwell - Chairperson

Clr Serena Copley

Clr Matthew Norris

Clr Tonia Gray

Clr Patricia White (Alternate)

Director, City Services or delegate

Director, City Futures or delegate

Mr Scott Baxter

Mr Brendan Goddard

Mr George Parker

Mr Wesley Hindmarch

Ms Alison Henry

Mr Christopher Williamson

Ms Catherine Shields


Non-voting members

All other Councillors


Quorum – Eight (8) members


Role of he Committee

Note: Tasks in relation to part 4 will not be undertaken by Councillors

For the purpose of this Terms of Reference, Councils annual Capital Works Budget which is defined as any Special Rate on the CBD (currently $500,000) plus any top up funding (such as grants or loans obtained by council or other council budgetary allocations) that Council provides to deliver a project initiated by Special Rate Funding.

Note: Any other Capital Works Funding in excess of $100,000 within the CBD will be discussed with the Committee prior to expenditure of funding.

1.         Recommend to Council possible refinement of, and improvements to, the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy as the committee considers appropriate.

2.         Develop a list of projects (with estimated costings) for Council to consider priorities over a rolling three year time frame, that will assist in achieving the ten elements of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy. The list is to be presented to an Ordinary Meeting of Council in February each year, and thus adopted by the Council.

3.         Make a formal submission to Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD, in accordance with Council’s budgeting process.

4.         Monitor the expenditure of Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD, in particular;

4.1   Approving design plans and specifications at the preliminary concept stage and prior to the detailed drafting and then at final approval stage.

4.2   In cases where the General Manager (or delegate) determines that capital works within the Nowra CBD, will be tendered out, the Committee Chair (or delegate) will approve the tender documentation before tenders are advertised.

4.3   The Committee Chair and delegate are to participate on tender evaluation panels for capital expenditure in the Nowra CBD.

4.4   Assign a Project Steering Working Group to endorse the payment of progress claims and endorse the approval of variations, for capital expenditure in the Nowra CBD.

4.5   In the case where Council staff undertake substantial capital expenditure (greater than $150,000) in the Nowra CBD, the Committee will receive a report outlining progress (including expenditure updates) and plans at each of the Committee’s Meetings.

5.         Act as a communication conduit between Council and the CBD stakeholders in respect to the ten elements within the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy and approved Capital Works within the Nowra CBD with reasonable support from Council, at Council’s expense, as determined by the General Manager.

6.         Assist Council in advocating to the community the adopted list of projects that seek to deliver on the ten elements of the CBD Revitalisation Strategy.

7.         Provide a report to Council each quarter outlining the year to date expenditure of Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD and present a report to an Ordinary Meeting of Council in August each year that explains the capital expenditure and any non-expenditure, for the previous financial year.

8.   Consult with relevant stakeholders as needed.



Delegated Authority

1.    To expend the funds allocated by Council annually from the Business – Nowra subcategory (currently $500,000) to the CBD Nowra Revitalisation Strategy Committee, as the committee deems appropriate in accordance with objectives of the Nowra CBD Strategic Plan.

2.    To establish Working Groups as deemed appropriate.

3.    To promote the advantages of the CBD inside and outside the Local Government area, including making press releases and promoting the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy and its projects.

4.    Council will provide “in-kind” support to the committee in relation to:

a.    Project Design and Documentation

b.    Facilitation of meetings

c.     Preparation of reports for the Committee consideration


Nowra Revitalisation Committee - Sub/Working Groups


Events / Christmas Promotions

Infrastructure (including Wayfinding signs)

Writers / Historic Walk

Mural Proposal – Bonnie Greene

Banners / Perm Lighting

Logo / Communications

Architectural Ideas Comp

James Caldwell (Chair)

















Wesley Hindmarch





Scott Baxter






Brendan Goddard





George Parker








Alison Henry








Christopher Williamson








Catherine Shields








Gordon Clark







Yes or Rep

Paul Keech








SCC Contact (Director / Rep)

Kate Crowe


Gordon Clark



Kate Crowe








Minutes of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Location:            Email Meeting



The following members participated:


Mr James Caldwell - Chairperson

Mr Brendan Goddard

Mr Wesley Hindmarch

Ms Alison Henry

Mr Paul Keech - Director City Services

Mr Gordon Clark - Director - City Futures




1.            Apologies / Leave of Absence





2.            Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Wesley Hindmarch)


That the Minutes of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee held on Wednesday 06 October 2021 be confirmed.





3.            Declarations of Interest







CBD21.44  New Mural Opportunity - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Public Art - 11 Haigh Ave, NOWRA

HPERM Ref: D21/490498

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee:

1.    Supports the commissioning of muralists Krimsone and Scott Nagy for a Nowra CBD Mural project in February/March 2022.

2.    Supports the subject of the mural proposal being open to creative freedom/expression of the artists with the following broad scope:

a.    The artist to possibly incorporate local landscape/landmarks, flora/fauna and/or a prominent local identity.

b.    First preference for the mural location is the northern brick wall of the former Care South building at 11 Haigh Avenue, Nowra.

c.    Second preference for the mural location is the southern brick wall of the former Spotlight building at 26 Berry Street, Nowra (western side of Stewart Place car park).

3.    Request council staff negotiate with landowners of preferred walls listed above, or other buildings if unavailable, to enable the mural to be painted.

4.    Allocate a budget of $55,000 (maximum) to cover the commissioning of the artists and associated costs for the mural project.


RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Wesley Hindmarch)

That the Committee:

1.    Supports the commissioning of muralists Krimsone and Scott Nagy for a Nowra CBD Mural project in February/March 2022.

2.    Supports the subject of the mural proposal being open to creative freedom/expression of the artists with the following broad scope:

a.    The artist to possibly incorporate local landscape/landmarks, flora/fauna and/or a prominent local identity.

b.    First preference for the mural location is the northern brick wall of the former Care South building at 11 Haigh Avenue, Nowra.

c.    Second preference for the mural location is the southern brick wall of the former Spotlight building at 26 Berry Street, Nowra (western side of Stewart Place car park).

3.    Request council staff negotiate with landowners of preferred walls listed above, or other buildings if unavailable, to enable the mural to be painted.

4.    Allocate a budget of $55,000 (maximum) to cover the commissioning of the artists and associated costs for the mural project.




CBD21.45  Standing Report - Nowra CBD Planning Controls

HPERM Ref: D21/494482

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee receive the update report on the review of planning controls in Nowra CBD / commercial core area for information.


RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Wesley Hindmarch)

That the Committee receive the update report on the review of planning controls in Nowra CBD / commercial core area for information.





CBD21.46  Event Proposal - Monthly Food Market

HPERM Ref: D21/495232

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Nowra CBD Committee:

1.    Formally partner with the Shoalhaven Food Network to deliver a monthly food event in Jellybean Park and Egans Lane for 6-12 months, in line with Action A13 and A14 in the Revitalisation Strategy. Noting there are some changes from Action A13 Monthly Fresh Food Market, including the proposed day and nature of food market.

2.    Create a working group of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee to work with the Shoalhaven Food Network and act as a liaison until the Placemaker is appointed to take over the role.

a.    Allocate the following two members to the working group:

i.     James Caldwell

ii.     Brendan Goddard

3.    Request that the working group negotiate a funding agreement in line with the adopted budget to support event delivery and report back recommendations to the next meeting.


RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Wesley Hindmarch)

That the Nowra CBD Committee:

1.    Formally partner with the Shoalhaven Food Network to deliver a monthly food event in Jellybean Park and Egans Lane for 6-12 months, in line with Action A13 and A14 in the Revitalisation Strategy. Noting there are some changes from Action A13 Monthly Fresh Food Market, including the proposed day and nature of food market.

2.    Create a working group of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee to work with the Shoalhaven Food Network and act as a liaison until the Placemaker is appointed to take over the role.

a.    Allocate the following two members to the working group:

i.     James Caldwell

ii.     Brendan Goddard

3.    Request that the working group negotiate a funding agreement in line with the adopted budget to support event delivery and report back recommendations to the next meeting.




CBD21.47  Committee Actions Report for Ongoing/Completed Items

HPERM Ref: D21/484798

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the:

1.    Outstanding/Ongoing Action report be received for information.

2.    Following completed items in the Action List attached to the report be removed from the listing:

a.    CBD21.35 - Report Required - Update - Nowra CBD Planning Controls Review - Proposal - Outcomes - SLEP 2014;

b.    CBD21.36 - Budget Update October 2021 - Business Rate - General Fund - $500,000;

c.    CBD21.37 - Project Proposal – Feasibility Investigation - Use of Smart Poles in the Nowra CBD - Endorse - Allocate - Budget – Scope;

d.    CBD21.38 - Project Proposal – Investigation & Design - Pedestrian Crossing - Junction Street Nowra - Endorse - Investigate Speed limit Reduction – Allocate;

e.    CBD21.39 - Project Proposal - Traffic Master Plan - North St Nowra - Scope – Intersection.


RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Wesley Hindmarch)

That the:

1.    Outstanding/Ongoing Action report be received for information.

2.    Following completed items in the Action List attached to the report be removed from the listing:

a.    CBD21.35 - Report Required - Update - Nowra CBD Planning Controls Review - Proposal - Outcomes - SLEP 2014;

b.    CBD21.36 - Budget Update October 2021 - Business Rate - General Fund - $500,000;

c.    CBD21.37 - Project Proposal – Feasibility Investigation - Use of Smart Poles in the Nowra CBD - Endorse - Allocate - Budget – Scope;

d.    CBD21.38 - Project Proposal – Investigation & Design - Pedestrian Crossing - Junction Street Nowra - Endorse - Investigate Speed limit Reduction – Allocate;

e.    CBD21.39 - Project Proposal - Traffic Master Plan - North St Nowra - Scope – Intersection.




CBD21.48  Budget Update - December 2021

HPERM Ref: D21/488003

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee notes for information:

1.    That $0 has been spent since the last meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget update.

2.    The total year to date spend for the 2021/22 financial year is $0 of the available budget of $1,326,507

3.    A summary of expenditure is in the attachment to this report D21/502766.


RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Wesley Hindmarch)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee notes for information:

1.    That $0 has been spent since the last meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget update.

2.    The total year to date spend for the 2021/22 financial year is $0 of the available budget of $1,326,507

3.    A summary of expenditure is in the attachment to this report D21/502766.







CBD21.49  Project Update - December 2021

HPERM Ref: D21/488017

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee note the update provided on the nominated projects within the Nowra CBD.


RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Wesley Hindmarch)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee note the update provided on the nominated projects within the Nowra CBD.








Mr James Caldwell







 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 16 February 2022

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CBD22.2    Election of Chairperson and Notification of Council Resolution


HPERM Ref:       D22/51095


Department:       Business Assurance & Risk

Approver:           Paul Keech, Director - City Services  

Reason for Report

To allow for the election of new Chairperson for the interim until the next Call Meeting (scheduled for September 2022), and to advise the Committee of Council’s resolution in relation to the re-establishment of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.



That the Committee:

1.    Receive the report regarding Council Resolution – Re-establishment for information; and

2.    Elect (insert name) as Chairperson for the period to September 2022, noting that will be reaffirmed by Council.




1.    As recommended

Implications: The membership structure as specified in the Council Resolution is adopted for the period to September 2022.



Each year in September, Council reaffirms all its committees for the next 12 months. At that meeting Council has the option to: reaffirm its committees; make any change to membership, purpose, delegation, quorum, and the number of meetings required for those committees; or disband committees.

This report is provided to inform the Committee members of the resolution of the Council. At the Ordinary meeting on 25 January 2022 Council adopted the following in relation to the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee for the period to September 2022:


Meetings per year – Six (6)

Commencement time – 4.00pm

Quorum – Eight (8)

Terms of Reference: POL20/80 (50242E)

Amended: 22 September 2020

Role of the Committee

Note: Tasks in relation to part 4 will not be undertaken by Councillors

For the purpose of this Terms of Reference, Councils annual Capital Works Budget which is defined as any Special Rate on the CBD (currently $500,000) plus any top up funding (such as grants, or loans obtained by council or other council budgetary allocations) that Council provides to deliver a project initiated by Special Rate Funding.

Note: Any other Capital Works Funding in excess of $100,000 within the CBD will be discussed with the Committee prior to expenditure of funding.

1.         Recommend to Council possible refinement of, and improvements to, the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy as the committee considers appropriate.

2.         Develop a list of projects (with estimated costings) for Council to consider priorities over a rolling three-year time frame, that will assist in achieving the ten elements of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy. The list is to be presented to an Ordinary Meeting of Council in February each year, and thus adopted by the Council.

3.         Make a formal submission to Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD, in accordance with Council’s budgeting process.

4.         Monitor the expenditure of Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD, in particular;

4.1   Approving design plans and specifications at the preliminary concept stage and prior to the detailed drafting and then at final approval stage.

4.2   In cases where the General Manager (or delegate) determines that capital works within the Nowra CBD, will be tendered out, the Committee Chair (or delegate) will approve the tender documentation before tenders are advertised.

4.3   The Committee Chair and delegate are to participate on tender evaluation panels for capital expenditure in the Nowra CBD.

4.4   Assign a Project Steering Working Group to endorse the payment of progress claims and endorse the approval of variations, for capital expenditure in the Nowra CBD.

4.5   In the case where Council staff undertake substantial capital expenditure (greater than $150,000) in the Nowra CBD, the Committee will receive a report outlining progress (including expenditure updates) and plans at each of the Committee’s Meetings.

5.         Act as a communication conduit between Council and the CBD stakeholders in respect to the ten elements within the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy and approved Capital Works within the Nowra CBD with reasonable support from Council, at Council’s expense, as determined by the General Manager.

6.         Assist Council in advocating to the community the adopted list of projects that seek to deliver on the ten elements of the CBD Revitalisation Strategy.

7.         Provide a report to Council each quarter outlining the year-to-date expenditure of Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD and present a report to an Ordinary Meeting of Council in August each year that explains the capital expenditure and any non-expenditure, for the previous financial year.

8.         Consult with relevant stakeholders as needed.


1    To expend the funds allocated by Council annually from the Business – Nowra subcategory (currently $500,000) to the CBD Nowra Revitalisation Strategy Committee, as the committee deems appropriate in accordance with objectives of the Nowra CBD Strategic Plan.

2    To establish Working Groups as deemed appropriate.

3    To promote the advantages of the CBD inside and outside the Local Government area, including making press releases and promoting the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy and its projects.

4    Council will provide “in-kind” support to the committee in relation to

·    Project Design and Documentation

·    Facilitation of meetings

·    Preparation of reports for the Committee consideration

Chairperson – Appointed by the Committee (reaffirmed by Council)

Proposed 2022 Councillor/Staff Membership

Clr Copley

Clr Norris

Clr Gray

Clr White (Alternate)

All other Councillors (non-voting members)

Director City Services

Director City Futures

Community Representatives

Two (2) Community members (non-business operator or CBD property owner)

One (1) Nowra CBD Retail/Business operators (non-CBD property owner)

Two (2) Nowra CBD Property Owners

Two (2) Nowra CBD Business owner/operator

One (1) Nowra CBD Business Chamber representative


Outlined below is the process that is followed for the Election of Office Bearers for Committees of the Council:

At the time on the agenda when the election of office bearers is listed, the following process will be followed:

(1)   The chairperson to step down from the chair (unless their position is not up for election). An appropriately Senior Officer of the Council or other official should assume the chair for the nomination process.

(2)   Individually, for each position the following is to take place:

a.    Nominations are called for that position (from voting Committee Members only, not a Councillor or Staff member) and are acknowledged by the chair

i.   They may be received in writing prior to the meeting or provided verbally at the meeting

ii.  The Officer conducting the election shall confirm acceptance of each nominee prior to his or her inclusion in the ballot. If the nominee is not present at the meeting and thus cannot confirm their acceptance of the nomination at the time of the election the nomination will not be accepted.

b.    If only one nomination is received, that person is declared as elected

c.    If more than one nomination is received, the Committee will be asked to resolve whether the election is to take place by open voting (i.e., show of hands) or ordinary ballot (i.e., written votes, or emails from remote participants, recorded and provided to the chairperson in secret).

d.    Where a large number of nominations are received, the Committee may elect to proceed by a preferential ballot, whereby ballots are consecutively taken and the nominee with the least number of votes is excluded from running after each ballot, until there are two preferred candidates remaining and a final ballot is undertaken and declared.

e.    The nominee with the most ballots is declared as elected.

f.     In the event of an equal number of ballots being cast for nominees, the position shall be determined by draw. The name drawn by the chairperson will be appointed to the position.

At the conclusion of the elections, the Chairperson shall reassume control of the meeting and proceed with other business.



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CBD22.3    Committee Actions Report for Ongoing/Completed Items


HPERM Ref:       D22/45570


Department:       Business Assurance & Risk

Approver:           Paul Keech, Director - City Services 

Attachments:     1.  Outstanding/Ongoing Actions Report   

Reason for Report

To advise and update the Committee on the Outstanding/Ongoing Actions from the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the:

1.    Outstanding/Ongoing Action Report be received for information.

2.    Following completed items in the Action List attached to the report be removed from the listing:

a.    CBD21.15 - Investigation - Alcohol Prohibited Areas - Egans Lane & Stewart Place Car Park - Nowra CBD (MIN20.902) - Form Working Group - Application – Evidence

b.    CBD21.34 - Review of Terms of Reference - Working Groups - Membership




1.    As Recommended

2.    Adopt an alternate recommendation


The actions listed in the attachment are drawn from resolutions made by the Committee of which an action is required.

Outstanding/Ongoing Action Report (attached) is current as at the time of drafting this report (Friday, 4 February 2022).

This will be a standing report on the agenda for each meeting to keep the Committee informed of progress on the actions / resolutions from previous meetings.





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CBD22.4    Budget Update - February 2022


HPERM Ref:       D22/45650


Department:       Technical Services

Approver:           Paul Keech, Director - City Services 

Attachments:     1.  Budget Update - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee - February 2022   

Reason for Report

To provide an update on the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee Budget.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee notes for information:

1.    That $0 has been spent since the last meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget update, (Noting that $623,600 of the $935,000 Junction Court Revitalisation Grant has been spent to date).

2.    The total year to date spend for the 2021/22 financial year is $0 of the available budget of $1,326,507

3.    A summary of expenditure is in the attachment to this report (D22/49465).





This report provides an update to the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget spending compared to the 3-year action plan that was endorsed by Council on 20/07/2021 (MIN21.540). A summary of the Budget is attached (D22/49465). Note that the CBD Promotions and Activation item ($52,400) is not included in the available budget amount reported in the recommendation.



NIL since the December meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.


A new line item for the CBD Mural Project has been added in the 2021-2022 budget column with a budget of $55,000 as resolved at the December meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee (CBD21.44)


RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Wesley Hindmarch)

That the Committee:

1.    Supports the commissioning of muralists Krimsone and Scott Nagy for a Nowra CBD Mural project in February/March 2022.

2.    Supports the subject of the mural proposal being open to creative freedom/expression of the artists with the following broad scope:

a.    The artist to possibly incorporate local landscape/landmarks, flora/fauna and/or a prominent local identity.

b.    First preference for the mural location is the northern brick wall of the former Care South building at 11 Haigh Avenue, Nowra.

c.    Second preference for the mural location is the southern brick wall of the former Spotlight building at 26 Berry Street, Nowra (western side of Stewart Place car park).

3.    Request council staff negotiate with landowners of preferred walls listed above, or other buildings if unavailable, to enable the mural to be painted.

4.    Allocate a budget of $55,000 (maximum) to cover the commissioning of the artists and associated costs for the mural project.




NIL since the December meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.



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CBD22.5    Project Update - February 2022


HPERM Ref:       D22/45657


Department:       Technical Services

Approver:           Paul Keech, Director - City Services 

Attachments:     1.  Preliminary Design - Proposed Pedestrian Crossing - Junction St Nowra   

Reason for Report

To provide the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee with an update on nominated projects within Nowra CBD.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee note the update provided on the nominated projects within the Nowra CBD.





The following projects are funded by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee. Updates on each of the below projects will be provided at meetings of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee:

·    Feasibility Investigation - Use of Smart Poles in the Nowra CBD

·    Investigation & Design - Pedestrian Crossing - Junction Street Nowra

·    Traffic Masterplan for North Street, Nowra

·    Nowra CBD Action Plan

The following projects are funded by Council. The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee has requested a short update on the below projects at meetings of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee:

·    Nowra Arts Centre - Roof Renewal Works

·    Nowra CBD - All Day Car Parking

·    Nowra - O'Keeffe Avenue

·    Nowra - Berry / Worrigee Street – Multi Storey Car Park - Investigate and Design

·    Nowra - Bridge Rd / Hyam St Intersection - Safer Roads Project

·    Nowra - Berry St / Worrigee St – Intersection Upgrade Traffic Lights (Design)

·    Council Admin Building Works


Project Updates

1.    Feasibility Investigation - Use of Smart Poles in the Nowra CBD

Budget - $12,000.

Expected Delivery Date – May 2022.

Complete Urban has been engaged to undertake the feasibility investigation for $10,190 excl GST. A site meeting was held with the consultant and Council staff in January.

2.    Investigation & Design – Pedestrian Crossing – Junction Street, Nowra

Budget - $5,000.

Expected Delivery Date – April 2022

A preliminary signage and linemarking plan is attached to this report (D22/46818). An electrical engineer has been engaged to complete a street lighting upgrade design as required by the Australian Standards.  

3.    Traffic Masterplan for North St, Nowra

Historical reports and studies have been reviewed. A request for quote has been sent to a number of engineering consultancies to assist with developing concept drawings based on this review.

4.    Nowra CBD Action Plan

Updates on the Nowra CBD Action plan will be provided here in future reports by the Place Manager when appointed.

5.    Nowra Arts Centre - Roof Renewal Works

Project been deferred until 22/23 due to variations associated with the works on the Library Airconditioning.

6.    Nowra CBD - All Day Car Parking

A report recommending a preferred location for this project will go to the Ordinary meeting of Council possibly in February 2022.

7.    Nowra - O'Keeffe Avenue

This project is to provide a signalized pedestrian crossing at the existing pedestrian crossing between Coles and the Ex Servos. The Project has a budget of $289,000 and is expected to start and finish construction in May 2022.

8.    Nowra - Berry/Worrigee Street - Multistorey Car Park - Investigate and Design 

This Project is to design a multi storey Carpark at the corner of Berry St and Worrigee St. The Civil and Structural Design has been completed. Facade and electrical design are ongoing and expected to be complete by the end of the 21/22 financial year. A Grant Application to partially fund the construction of this project from the Building Better Regions Fund was submitted in 2021 but was unsuccessful. An application for the Building Better Regions Fund - Round 6 is currently being prepared for submission in February 2022.

9.    Nowra - Bridge Rd / Hyam St Int - safer roads project

This Project is for the design of Traffic Lights at the Intersection of Bridge Rd and Hyam St, Nowra. This project is reliant on grant funding. To date Council has been unsuccessful in obtaining grant funding and the project is on hold.

10.  Design of Traffic Lights at the Intersection of Worrigee St and Berry St, Nowra.

This project is reliant on grant funding. To date Council has been unsuccessful in obtaining grant funding and the project is on hold.

11.  Council Admin Building Works

Nowra Admin Safety Works – To improve safety measures in the northern carpark – Budget $50,000 – Complete.

Basement Entry Improvements – To improve the entrance to the basement carpark – Budget $40,000 – Existing door refurbished and road pavement renewal -  Complete.

Digital Signage upgrade in public areas & council offices – To improve digital signage and screens within both Public and Staff areas of the Administration Building – Budget $60,000 – Project currently being scoped.

Upgrade to Accessible Amenities – Provide additional accessible amenities – Budget - $150,000 – Project currently being planned and designed.

Fire Mitigation Upgrade – To improve the administration buildings fire safety measures– Budget $1,010,000 – Project currently being scoped.

Reception Service Counter Renewal - To upgrade the front counter area of the Administration Building – Budget $150,000 – This project was identified when the new customer experience was being formed. This project is currently on hold pending a review of priorities within the Customer Experience Department.



 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 16 February 2022

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 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 16 February 2022

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CBD22.6    Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Project Management Services Contract


HPERM Ref:       D22/46158


Approver:           Paul Keech, Director - City Services 

Attachments:     1.  Draft Contract - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy 2022   

Reason for Report

The reason for this report is to allow the committee to consider the Contract of Engagement for a Project Manager to deliver the Revitalising Nowra Action Plan 2021-23


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee adopt the CONTRACT OF ENGAGEMENT for Project Management Services as presented (D22/50440) noting that;

1.   The Executive that will act as the Principal’s Agent is to be;

·    The CBD Committee Chair – James Caldwell

·    A Committee Member (Not a Councillor)

·    The Director City Services – Paul Keech

2.   The Contract will be managed and amended as required by the Principal's Representative – Manager of Technical Services, to achieve the Contract objective.

3.   The Project Manager will be appointed by the Principle's Representative on the recommendation of the Principal's Agent

4.   Project Updates will be provided via the Project Update Report that is received by the Committee at each meeting.




1.   Adopt the Contract as presented

2.   Reject the Contract




At the Ordinary Meeting on 27 July 2021 the Council resolved as follows (MIN21.543)


That Council:


1.   Receive the report for information.

2.   Endorse the ‘Revitalising Nowra Action Plan 2021-23’ (Attachment 1) as the basis for the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee’s activities for the period 2021-2023.

3.   Maintain the annual budget allocation of $500,000 to support the implementation of the Action plan over the next three years and the principle that any unspent funds from the yearly allocation is rolled over to the next financial year to enable the Committee to strategically plan, respond flexibly and also undertake other relevant activities.

4.   Commend the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee on the initiative of preparing the Action Plan.


After discussions with Council’s CEO it was agreed that a Place Manager to deliver this Action Plan would be engaged as a consultant and not as a City Futures staff member. The main reason being that City Service Directorate is still forming, the project is very high profile, there is a Committee to provide oversight and this Project is now underway.


At the meeting on the 12 May 2021 the Committee agreed that the;


Chair and relevant Council Staff work together to establish the scope and role expectations of the Action Plan Manager for $80,000 (up to a maximum of $100,000).



This work has now been completed and the following has been developed (Attachment 1)


Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy



Project Management Services




The contract has been drafted to be between


Shoalhaven City Council (SCC)- (Principal)


Principal’s Representative – Manager Technical Services


Principal’s Agent – Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee (NCRC) Executive




Project Manager



The Executive is considered to be


·    The CBD Committee Chair

·    A Committee Member (Not a Councillor)

·    The Director City Services


The Key Tasks within the contract are;


·    Development of strategies designed to advance the objectives and implementation of the Action Plan including stakeholder liaison and advocacy, place making and activation activities.

·    Liaison with the Committee, CBD Businesses, Council and Government agencies on matters of mutual interest

·    Identification of priorities and development of strategies that align with the requirements of stakeholders to activate and drive growth in Nowra CBD

·    Engaging with local businesses in the CBD to support business sustainability and growth and realise projects/actions in the Action Plan


Community Engagement

Nil. The CEO has been consulted and is comfortable with the draft.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

Nil in adopting this Contract.

Risk Implications

Nil in adopting this Contract. There is a Risk that a suitable applicant won’t be found or cannot be afforded. If that is the case an urgent meeting of the committee will be arranged (possibly as an “email” meeting).


 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 16 February 2022

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 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 16 February 2022

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CBD22.7    Review of Terms of Reference - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee


HPERM Ref:       D22/45676


Approver:           Paul Keech, Director - City Services 

Attachments:     1.  Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee - Terms of Reference

2.  DRAFT - Review Terms of Reference - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee   

Reason for Report

The current Terms of Reference were adopted on the 22 September 2020 and were set down for a review on the 1 December 2021.



That Council Adopt the Draft Terms of Reference as presented (POL22/145) noting that the key changes include;


1.    References to the annual budget allocation (currently $500,000) now reflect the rate-pegged increases in the budget allocation.

2.    The membership criteria better reflects the range of stakeholders that are engaged in the activities of the Committee and the inclusion of Councillors

3.    Clauses dealing with Removal of members have been added

4.    Working Groups has been rewritten to include Sub Committees and define the key Working Groups.



1.    The Committee Adopt the Draft as presented, or with minor amendments that can be listed in the minutes for future reference.

Implications: the current Terms of Reference which on the whole has served the Committee and Council very well, will be refined.


2.    The Committee can refer the draft back to the Working Group (with members confirmed or revised) and another draft can be considered. The minutes of this meeting can reflect the focus of the Working Group in preparing a new draft.

Implications: will depend on the Scope of the review



The current Terms of Reference was formed after much debate and workshopping and was a substantial rewrite of the previous document.

The current Terms of Reference have been a key ingredient in the Committees recent “success” and much has been achieved under the current Terms of Reference.

On the 6 October 2021 the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee resolved as follows (CBD21.34)

That the Committee appoint a Working Group under the Current Terms of Reference to review the Terms of Reference and prepare a draft revised Terms of Reference for the committee to consider recommending to Council. The working group is to consist of:

The Current Committee Chair – James Caldwell

Committee Member – Cr Patricia White

Committee Member – Director City Services


The following aspects of the current Terms of Reference have been revised as discussed at the October meeting.

1.    References to the annual budget allocation (currently $500,000) has been amended to reflect the rate-pegged increases in the budget allocation.

2.    The membership criteria better reflects the range of stakeholders that are engaged in the activities of the Committee and the inclusion of Councillors

3.    Clauses dealing with Removal of members have been added

4.    Working Groups has been rewritten to include Sub Committees and define the key Working Groups.

5.    Various wording changes to accommodate the above.


The current Terms of Reference are provided as Attachment 1. Tracked Changes version of the Draft Attachment 2 became difficult to follow and thus the draft has been highlighted to identify the key change areas to assist the committee in its consideration.



Option 1. The Committee Adopt the Draft as presented, or with minor amendments that can be listed in the minutes for future reference.

As recommended

Option 2: The Committee can refer the draft back to the Working Group (with members confirmed or revised) and another draft can be considered. The minutes of this meeting can reflect the focus of the Working Group in preparing a new draft. A suitable resolution for this Option could be :

That after considering the Draft Terms of Reference form the Working Group the matter be referred back to the Working Group as follows;

1.   The Working Group membership to be

a)   The Current Committee Chair – James Caldwell

b)   Committee Member – Cr NAME

c)   Committee Member – Director City Services

2.   The Working Group to consider the following matters in its review;

a)   Matter 1

b)   Matter 2

c)   Matter 3

Given there are new Councillors on the Committee following the 25 January 2022 meeting of Council it may be desirable to defer this matter and consider it at a future date.

Community Engagement

Nil. The CEO and Director City Futures have both revised the draft and are happy with the proposed changes.

Policy Implications

Nil, however, the committee is only recommending these Terms of Reference to the Council, ultimately the Council will determine the Terms of Reference.

Financial Implications

Nil, in adopting these Terms of Reference.

Risk Implications

Nil, in adopting these Terms of Reference.


 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 16 February 2022

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 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 16 February 2022

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