Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee



Meeting Date:     Thursday, 11 November, 2021

Location:            Teams Meeting

Time:                   5.30pm


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Apologies

2.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee - 13 May 2021............................... 1

3.    Reports

RF21.4........ Rural Fire Service - Future Works.................................................................. 3

RF21.5........ Proposed Meeting Dates for 2022................................................................. 6                           

4.    General Business

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 Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee – Thursday 11 November 2021




Clr Mitchell Pakes – Chairperson

Clr Mark Kitchener

Clr Patricia White (alternate)

Chief Executive Officer or nominee (Mr Paul Keech)

RFS Executive: Mr Jonathan Hill

RFS Staff: Mr Chris Palmer

Group 1 Area: Mr Andrew Fielding (Alternate – Mr Stuart Thaler)

Group 2 Area: Ms Jennifer Lawther (Alternate Vic Walker)

Group 3 Area: Mr Ross Smith (Alternate – Mr Thomal Tait)

Group 4 Area: Mr Dennis Stannard (Alternate – Mr Geoff Phillips)

Group 5 Area: Mr John Ashton (Alternate – Mr Steve Heggie)

Group 6 Operations Support: Mr Clayton Short (Alternate – TBA)

Primary Representative RFSA: Mr Vic Walker (Alternate – TBA)

Jervis Bay Territory: Mr Harvey More or nominee 

Quorum - Five (5)



To advise Council on issues of a strategic and policy nature relating to the operation of the Rural Fire Services having regard to the following:

·           That the core communication between brigades and Fire Control Officer on operational issues be raised through the Group Officers utilising the committee structure.

·           All issues be raised through Fire Control so that statutory matters can be resolved immediately.

·           Policy matters raised can be referred to the Strategy and Assets Committee through the General Manager so that statutory matters can be resolved.

·           That the Strategic Planning Committee be developed as the body advising Council on Rural Fire Service policy issues






Minutes of the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee



Meeting Date:     Thursday, 13 May 2021

Location:            Teams Meeting

Time:                   6.09pm



The following members were present:


Clr Mark Kitchener – Chairperson

Mr Angus Barnes – (For Mark Williams)

Ms Jennifer Lawther

Mr Chris Palmer

Mr Andrew Fielding

Mr Vic Walker

Mr Thomas Tait

Mr John Ashton

Mr Ross Smith

Mr Paul Keech - Director City Services


In Attendance:


Mr Kyle Stewart - Deputy Commissioner

Mr Gary George

Ms Helen Camacho – Minute Taker




Apologies / Leave of Absence

Apologies were received from Clrs Mitchell Pakes, Patricia White, Messrs Paul Gleeson and Chris Palmer



Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (Vic Walker / Andrew Fielding)

That the Minutes of the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee held on Thursday 11 March 2021 be confirmed.




Declarations of Interest








RF21.2       Rural Fire Service - Future Works

HPERM Ref: D21/160118

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee notes the update on the status of unfunded capital works projects.


RESOLVED (Jennifer Lawther / Vic Walker)

That the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee notes the update on the status of unfunded capital works projects.










There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 6.13pm.



Clr Mark Kitchener










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RF21.4       Rural Fire Service - Future Works


HPERM Ref:       D21/467643


Department:       Building Services

Approver:           Paul Keech, Director - City Services 

Attachments:     1.  Rural Fire Service Future Projects   

Reason for Report

To review the status of the un-funded capital works projects.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee notes the update on the status of unfunded capital works projects, and resolve to move the Tabourie Station Extension from the current project list onto the future projects list as no funding to proceed is currently identified.




1.    Nil.



The following projects will remain in the Shoalhaven Strategic Capital Expenditure Program:

·    Tomerong Station extensions;

·    Wandandian Station extensions;

·    Basin View Station extensions;

·    Huskisson Station extensions, and

·    Beaumont Station extensions.

Refer to attachment 1. – Future works

The above list was revised as at the last meeting as seed funding has been provided to enable the previous top three priority stations to proceed to a “shovel ready” state.

Council resolved on 15 December 2021 (MIN20.929) to Allocate $100,000 in the 2020/2021 budget to allow for advanced design work to be completed for selected unfunded projects. This will increase opportunities for potential funding from State Government to develop these stations – noting that design funding will be part of any funding arrangement.

Funding has now been included in the current financial year to advance the Manyana Station which was recently submitted as part of the BLER grant application for funding. Concept progression is now proceeding.

The NSW Rural Fire Fighting Fund Allocation 2020-21 specifies the following Infrastructure projects.

                 FCC                  CABA Storage Facility – New               $150,000

                 Brigade              Conjola Station Seed Funding - New      $50,000

                 Brigade              Currarong Station – New                       $100,000


                 Subtotal Infrastructure Projects                                  $300,000


CABA facility is nearing completion and is ready for use. Funding fully committed.

Conjola Station Design is complete – Funding fully committed.

Currarong DA submitted – Funding partially committed.

Seed funding time extension requires extending beyond end June 2021.

Request for funding transfer with RFS.


Once current seed funded projects achieve a “shovel ready status’, re-evalaution of seed funding needs for unfunded projects will be undertaken.


Community Engagement

Concept plans for each station extension / refurbishment works are discussed with the relevant brigade and reviewed through regular design review meetings with RFS delegates.





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RF21.5       Proposed Meeting Dates for 2022


HPERM Ref:       D21/472795


Department:       Building Services

Approver:           Paul Keech, Director - City Services  

Reason for Report

To determine Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee meeting dates for 2022.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee adopt the proposed meeting dates for 2022, to be held on line, as follows:

5:30pm – Thursday 10 February 2022;

5:30pm – Thursday 12 May 2022 (to be convened if required);

5:30pm – Thursday 11 August 2022, and

5:30pm – Thursday 10 November 2022 (to be convened if required).




1.    The Committee accepts the proposed meeting dates for 2022, as provided.

Implications: Proceed as planned


2.    The Committee accepts alternative meeting dates for 2022.

Implications: Nil



That the Committee adopt the proposed meeting dates for 2022, as follows:

5:30pm – Thursday 10 February 2022;

5:30pm – Thursday 12 May 2022 (to be convened if required);

5:30pm – Thursday 11 August 2022, and

5:30pm – Thursday 10 November 2022 (to be convened if required).


Community Engagement

The Committee will be consulted at the 11 November 2021 meeting.