Youth Advisory Committee
Meeting Date: Wednesday, 26 July, 2017
Location: Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 10.00 am
Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.
1. Election of Chairperson (every meeting)
2. Acknowledgement and Welcome to Country
3. Apologies
4. Confirmation of Minutes
· Youth Advisory Committee - 3 May 2017.................................................................... 1
5. Declarations of Interest
6. Presentations
YA17.17...... Unions Shoalhaven - Youth Unimployment
7. Reports
YA17.18...... Youth Advisory Committee Budget Allocations from Planning Day 2017..... 8
Youth Advisory Committee – Wednesday 26 July 2017 Page iii |
Chairperson – Appointed by Committee at each meeting
All Councillors
Jonah Allen
Scott Castelnoble
Dean Naylor-Clark
Chris Farley
Shannon Karger
Kimberley Peat
Member for Gilmore – Ann Sudmalis MP or nominee (Federal Member of Parliament)
Member for Kiama – Gareth Ward MP or nominee
Member for South Coast – Shelley Hancock MP or nominee Jacob Williams
Representatives from Shoalhaven Local Area Command NSW Police
Sanctuary Point Youth & Community Centre
Bay and Basin Community Resources
Regional Development Australia
Shoalhaven Business Chamber
330 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets
2 voting representatives from each local High School
Purpose and delegated authority
To represent the interests and views of young people to Council and the Community in accordance with the delegation set out below:
· To advise and recommend to Council staff on matters of an operational nature and implement policy relating to the interests and views of young people and/or within adopted budgets;
· To recommend to Council on policy matters and other matters not able to be delegated by Council;
· To provide recommendations to Council on Strategic and Financial directions relating to Youth in the Shoalhaven;
· To commit expenditure up to the limits determined by Council, including grant funding.
Minutes of the Youth Advisory Committee
Meeting Date: Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Location: Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 10.00 am
The following members were present:
David Marshall - Representative Ms Ann Sudmalis MP
Christabella Herbert-Smith
Imogen Hemsley
Jack Skinner
Patrick Armstrong
Jonty Beavan
Elizabeth Curline
Tamsyn McPhail
Lachlan White
Abbey Jackson
Jordan Mlothoushi
Nathan Harris
Sophie Dobell
Alyson Green
Others Present:
Helen Waterhouse - Community Development Officer
Apologies / Leave of Absence |
An apology was received from Clr Alldrick and Clr White.
Confirmation of the Minutes |
RESOLVED (By consent)
That the Minutes of the Youth Advisory Committee held on Wednesday 08 February 2017 be confirmed. CARRIED
Declarations of Interest |
Election of Chairperson |
RESOLVED (By consent) That Helen Waterhouse be appointed as the Chairperson for Youth Advisory Committee meeting, Wednesday 3 May 2017. CARRIED |
YA17.6 Community Strategic Plan |
HPERM Ref: D17/115072 |
Council’s Community Strategic Plan is currently under review and the consultation phase has commenced. Further information can be found online. There is also a face to face meeting, at the Nowra Council Administrative Building this evening. by clicking the get involved link on the Shoalhaven City Council webpage the community can have a say regarding the future for the Shoalhaven. The consultation period finishes next week. |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That Youth Advisory Committee receive the report for information
RESOLVED (By consent) That Youth Advisory Committee receive the report for information CARRIED |
YA17.7 Youth Week 2017 |
HPERM Ref: D17/115143 |
Program and events included: exploring Youth Week Live Youth Radio - @ 92.7BBFM, LGBTQI Youth Run Trivia Night, Gen Connect – Intergenerational Tech Trouble Shooting Program Launch, Shoalhaven Koori Boy’s to Men’s Business Group Project Launch, Cup Cake Day Decorating Competition & Fundraiser, Indoor Basketball Competition & BBQ, SPEAK SHARE CHANGE Youth Forum, In Conversation Worksop –‘Kids Today’, Shack Open Day and Information Session and the Incredible Adventure Youth Race. More than 200 young people and community members participated in Youth Week 2017 across the Shoalhaven. Sophie Dobell attended the Youth Forum and advised that during the day there was attendance of approximately 25 people, split into six(6) different groups discussing and troubleshooting topical issues. The forum was run during school hours and proved difficult for some students to attend. |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That Youth Advisory Committee accept the report on Youth Week 2017 Shoalhaven for information
RESOLVED (By consent) That Youth Advisory Committee accept the report on Youth Week 2017 Shoalhaven for information. CARRIED |
YA17.8 Shoalhaven City Council International Youth Awards |
HPERM Ref: D17/115225 |
Helen Waterhouse advised that there had been a few changes since this report was written. The awards aim to recognise local youth aged 12 – 24 years - whose endeavours support and motivate other residents, enrich lives, volunteer for others and encourage the wellbeing of the Shoalhaven community. It recognises and rewards the outstanding young people in our community, whilst cultivating their increased contributions. The various awards were discussed. Youth Advisory Committee members play a significant role in the awards and will need to nominate some committee members to help plan, coordinate and deliver the awards. Tasks include planning, promotion, MC’s, ushers, decorations - set up and pull down, entertainment etc. Please nominate your interest to be involved by providing your contact details to council’s Youth Development Officer, Donna Corbyn via phone 4429 3418 or email Last year the Shoalhaven City Council International Youth Awards were held in November, this year initially it was scheduled for August, however, due to staff resources it may not be possible for August. Donna Corbyn will return to work at a later date. These events generally take 18 weeks to organise and there is only approximately 14. This is an extremely tight turn around for the event. Helen Waterhouse advised that she would need to check the financial implications with Donna Corbyn on her return. The event was previously held at the Bomaderry Bowling Club, it was a cocktail (mocktail) event that commenced approximately 6.30pm and was finished by approximately 8.30-9.00pm on a Friday night. The decorations were put in place during the day and removed at the conclusion of the event. Helen Waterhouse presented the previously used logo which could possibly be revamped and reused. Helen also showed examples of the PowerPoint slides used on the night to announce the winners and the prize. Helen read the information that was on the Shoalhaven City Council webpage and media releases that were used last year. A planning date and time would need to be arranged and all delegations could be achieved in the one meeting. Consideration would be given to those students that travel e.g. suggestions were Webchat, Facebook or google hangouts. Due to the change of date, another venue may have to be considered. Helen Waterhouse will Keep committee informed. |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That Youth Advisory Committee support Shoalhaven City Council’s Youth Advisory Committee’s International Youth Day Awards.
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Youth Advisory Committee; 1. Support the Shoalhaven City Council’s Youth Advisory Committee’s International Youth Day Awards. 2. The Shoalhaven City Council’s Youth Advisory Committee’s International Youth Day Awards be held in October 2017 due to time constraints and Youth Advisory Committee availability. CARRIED |
YA17.9 Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day |
HPERM Ref: D17/115289 |
Organisations and schools can make applications to be considered for support up to $1000 from the Youth Advisory Committee budget. Ulladulla High School applied for funding for Anti-Bullying Strategies at Ulladulla High. The Students were encouraged to discuss any Student Representative Council targeted programs. The Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day also includes a guest speaker, lunch, discussion around the future direction, the community strategic plan and funding allocations as well as brainstorming opportunities. |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) Youth Advisory Committee set a date the Youth Advisory Committee 2017-2018 Planning Day.
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Youth Advisory Committee 2017-2018 Planning Day be scheduled for Wednesday 14 June 2017 from 10.00am - 3.00pm. CARRIED |
Note: After the meeting, staff re-evaluated this date and it was decided that the date would be rescheduled to Tuesday 20 June 2017 from 10.00am - 2.30pm. |
YA17.10 Youth Week Funding to cease |
HPERM Ref: D17/115648 |
Donna Corbyn generally coordinates the Youth Week events. Shoalhaven City Council matches the State Funding Grant amounts, however these grants have now ceased. Youth Action is calling on the community to advocate for the return of the funding for Youth Week. |
Recommendation That Youth Advisory Committee recommend that Council write to our Federal and State MP’s asking them to advocate for funding to continue for Youth Week.
RESOLVED (By consent) That Youth Advisory Committee recommend that Council write to our Federal and State MP’s asking them to advocate for funding to continue for Youth Week. CARRIED |
YA17.11 Additional Item - Possibility ParkRun Shoalhaven - Burrill Lake to Lake Tabourie Bike Running Track |
Jack Skinner advised that he had heard that a bike/running track was proposed to be implemented. ParkRun was discussed at a previous meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee. There is no appropriate track that could be used in the Shoalhaven that is a continuous pathway not broken by a road or crossing and flat. This would be a great opportunity to have a community ParkRun event as it is considered the correct distance and almost flat. The Start and End of the track is generally near parking and toilets. It was suggested that these requests could be considered in the design and incorporated so that the track could eventually be used to conduct ParkRun in the Shoalhaven.
RESOLVED (By consent) That Council staff investigate and report back on where the bike/running track is proposed to be implemented between Burrill Lake and Lake Tabourie and make necessary recommendations so that ParkRun could be conducted in the Shoalhaven.. CARRIED |
YA17.12 Additional Item - Transitioning School Students to University - Request for Extensive Programs |
Jordan Mlothoushi advised that many students are thinking about choosing their electives for next year and are wanting to choose and subjects that align with their chosen university degree. It was suggested that universities could run more programs that would provide a better understanding of what is available prior to this decision. The Winter school run was mentioned as students are actually on campus. Another example was the Wollongong Early Learning Space for mothers, babies and young children, it is believed that the children will feel safe and comfortable at university as it is familiar and somewhere they have been coming for years. Helen Waterhouse also explained that it is important that the universities know what students want and provided an example of a class dropping off here at the Shoalhaven University Campus due to lack of numbers. Students need to first know what is available before they can advocate to keep classes. Elizabeth Curline advised that the Nowra Christian School would be attending the Illawarra Careers Expo day at the University of Wollongong held Tuesday, 9 May 2017. This is an event held during the day.
RESOLVED (By consent) That Council staff write to the Universities to encourage extensive programs which allow insight to what is on offer at the universities.. CARRIED |
YA17.13 Additional Item - Ulladulla Cross Country Bike Track - Request Maintenance - Overgrowth and Worn Down |
It was requested that Council provide more support to the Ulladulla area cross country bike track at Kings point behind the Leisure Centre. It is commonly used and believed if the bike tracks are better maintained it will encourage more people to be active. It is becoming worn down and over grown.
RESOLVED (By consent) That Council provide more maintenance support to the Ulladulla cross country bike track at Kings Point behind the Ulladulla Leisure Centre which is becoming overgrown and worn down. CARRIED
Note: Council staff have advised that this is not Council land, it is Crown and Aboriginal Land Council land. |
YA17.14 Additional Item - Ulladulla Leisure Centre - Outdoor 50m Pool - Request for Cover |
Jack Skinner explained that he swims at the Ulladulla Leisure Centre all year round; however he explained that the 50m outdoor pool can only be used during the summer as there is no cover over it during the winter so it is too cold. There is about 25-30 people training each morning. The swimmers are swimming at a national level and trained by Doug Frost (Ian Thorpe’s old coach). Competition pools are 50m but the swimmers are training in the 25m indoor pool. It is believed that a cover would help with the temperature.
Recommendation (By consent) That a cover for the 50m outdoor pool at the Ulladulla Leisure Centre be used throughout the year. CARRIED
Staff note: Installation of pool blankets at a cost of approximately $60,000 is not sufficient to maintain pool temperatures during the cooler months. Pool blankets only provide efficiencies were a pool is heated to temperatures of approximately 25 degrees. The outdoor 50 metre pool at Ulladulla Leisure Centre is provided with solar heating which can only offer benefit from the months of November to March inclusive. It is also important to note that the outdoor pool is currently closed from mid-April though until the start of November each year. Increasing swimming season will incur significant operational cost highlighted below. Investigations have previously been undertaken into the scope of works required for installation of heating systems at Ulladulla Leisure Centre. Initial cost estimates are as follows: • Capital $500,000 ( Min) • Annual Operation $140,000 (additional ongoing expense) • Blanketing $60,000 • Total $700,000 This project is not currently identified in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan, or Delivery or Operational Program. |
YA17.15 Additional Item - Update - Livv's Space Mollymook All Inclusive Park |
Helen Waterhouse advised that the building has commenced for Mollymook All-Inclusive Park - Lil’s Space. It is hoped to be completed and available for use in November – December 2017. It was also advised that a previous resolution of the Youth Advisory Committee was to consider allocating funding towards the opening of the park at the Planning Day. Helen Waterhouse advised that the funding would not have to be for the launch and could just be a donation and the Youth Advisory Committee of 2017 could be recognised on the Sponsorship Board and could go towards plants, bean bags or an unspecified donation to the park. |
YA17.16 Additional Item - Basketball Court Mollymook Appreciation to Council |
The Youth Advisory Committee thanked Council for the basketball court at Mollymook, it was described as a great resource and asset that is being used frequently.
There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 11.23am.
Helen Waterhouse
Youth Advisory Committee – Wednesday 26 July 2017 Page 7 |
YA17.18 Youth Advisory Committee Budget Allocations from Planning Day 2017
HPERM Ref: D17/215547
Group: Finance Corporate & Community Services Group
Section: Recreation Community & Culture
Attachments: 1. Table and Analysis of Funding Applications ⇩
Purpose / Summary
To advise of the outcomes of Youth Advisory Committee Planning day 2017 with budget allocations for youth specific projects to be delivered for the 2017 – 2018 financial year.
1. To accept the recommendation
Implications: Youth specific projects that meet outcomes of the Community Strategic Plan will be delivered across the LGA by council and partner organisations.
2. To reject the recommendation and provide an alternative recommendation
Implications: As per alternative recommendation if made.
At the recent Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day, the Committee reviewed applications for funding as received from various organisations as analysed in the attached table.
Based on the attached table/analysis and discussions at this meeting funds are to be allocated from the 2017 – 2018 Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) budget as decided by the Committee.
Further discussions will be undertaken at this meeting, to discuss the staff’s comments on the attached table, as not all information was available at the planning day.
The attached table provides more information for the Committee to consider.
There is $8000 available in the Youth Advisory Committee 2017 – 2018 budget (Job Number 21592).
Community Engagement
The Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day is an engagement process by nature and is in line with Council’s strategies for a local area, low impact and to inform and consult strategy.
Policy Implications
There are no policy implications for the delivery of youth specific projects across the LGA by Council and in partnership with organisations.
Financial Implications
There are funds of $8000 in the Youth Advisory Committee budget (job number 21592) to support selected projects.