Shoalhaven Traffic Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 14 May, 2019

Location:            Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   9.30am


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Apologies

2.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Shoalhaven Traffic Committee - 9 April 2019.............................................................. 1

3.    Business Arising from Previous Minutes

4.    Reports of the Convenor

TC19.21...... Isa Rd WORRIGEE - Lot 2 DP 1130415 -New Commercial - construct neighbourhood shopping village (PN 3531)............................................................................ 4

TC19.22...... Give Way Signage- Line Marking- Patonga Street Nowra (PN 3540)......... 12

TC19.23...... Apex Park Berry - Accessible Amenities - Line marking and Signage (PN 3541 14

TC19.24...... Bunnings Group Ltd - 145 & 159 South Nowra - Lot A DP 403839 (PN 3544)    16

TC19.25...... Bus Zone Relocation - 82 Greenwell Point Rad - Greenwell Point (PN 3545) 27

TC19.26...... Recommendations from Previous Meeting.................................................. 29                    

5.    General Business


Note:     The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 June 2019.


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Mr Tom Dimec

Ms Amy Thomson

Sergeant Mick Tebbutt

Mr Alan Trass

Mr Stuart Coughlan

Clr Jo Gash

Clr Patricia White

Clr Mitchell Pakes



The Shoalhaven Traffic Committee is a technical review committee, not a committee of Council under the Local Government Act 1993.  The Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) has delegated certain powers to Council under the Transport Administration Act 1988 (Section 50).  A condition of this delegation is that Council must take into account the Traffic Committee recommendations.


There are four formal members of the Traffic Committee, each of whom has a single vote only.  The members are representatives from:


If the RMS or NSW Police Force disagrees with any Traffic Committee recommendation, or Council’s resolution (on any Traffic Committee recommendation), they may lodge an appeal with the Regional Traffic Committee for determination.  The appeal must be lodged in writing within 14 days of the date of notification in writing.  Any action relative to any issue under appeal must cease until the matter is determined.  The Regional Traffic Committee is chaired by an independent chairperson and submissions and representations are welcomed from all interested parties.


Council cannot amend a Traffic Committee recommendation. The Council can only: adopt the Traffic Committee recommendation; not adopt the Traffic Committee recommendation, or request the Traffic Committee reconsider the issue.


The full guide to the delegation to Council’s for the regulation of traffic can be viewed at RMS Website







Minutes of the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Location:            E-meeting



The following members voted:


Mr Tom Dimec - Chairperson

Mr Alan Trass - representing Shelley Hancock, MP

Ms Amy Thomson - representing Roads and Maritime Service




Apologies / Leave of Absence




Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Minutes of the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee held on Tuesday 12 March 2019 be confirmed.





Business Arising from Previous Minutes




Reports of the Convenor


TC19.17     Recommendations from Previous Meeting

HPERM Ref: D19/107246

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the report regarding the recommendations from the previous meeting be received for information.


RESOLVED (By consent)

That the report regarding the recommendations from the previous meeting be received for information.



TC19.18     Extension of No Stopping Zone - Enterprise Drive South Nowra  (PN 3536)

HPERM Ref: D19/108900


That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed installation of No Stopping from CH0m to 160m on Enterprise Drive, South Nowra, as detailed in the attached plan, subject to a reduction in the number of mid-block No Stopping signs and use of C3 (yellow) edge line marking for the proposed length.



That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed installation of No Stopping from CH0m to 160m on Enterprise Drive, South Nowra, as detailed in the attached plan, subject to a reduction in the number of mid-block No Stopping signs and use of C3 (yellow) edge line marking for the proposed length.




TC19.19     Proposed Bridge Closure - Long term closure signage (PN 3538)

HPERM Ref: D19/108965


That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed works, as detailed in the attached plan.



That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed works, as detailed in the attached plan.




TC19.20     Proposed Line Marking - The Lake Circuit Culburra Beach (PN 3539)

HPERM Ref: D19/109042


That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed line marking works on The Lake Circuit, Culburra Beach from CH0 to 1.065km, as detailed in the attached plan.


Note: Council has been requested to review the installation of edge line markings as part of the road rehabilitation project along The Lake Circuit, Culburra Beach. A line marking plan has been submitted for the Committees consideration, which proposes to install edge line marking between chainages 0km and 1.065km in accordance with the approved project. The centreline marking will be remarked as per the existing condition. It is proposed to install new double barrier (BB) centreline marking from chainage 1.070km to 1.155km, linking to existing BB centreline marking. The line marking will delineate 2 x 3.2m wide lanes.



That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed line marking works on The Lake Circuit, Culburra Beach from CH0 to 1.065km, as detailed in the attached plan, subject to:

1.    Modification of the plan to change existing centreline marking to double barrier (BB) centreline marking where (E1) edge line marking is proposed.

2.    Duplication of the ‘give way’ signage at the intersections of The Lake Circuit and;

a.    Ingle Ring

b.    Mowbray Road

3.    Installation ‘give way’ signage and hold line marking at the intersections of The Lake Circuit and;

a.    Fairlands Street

b.    West Crescent

4.    Modification of the plan to show all existing and proposed signage.






Mr Tom Dimec







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TC19.21     Isa Rd WORRIGEE - Lot 2 DP 1130415 -New Commercial - construct neighbourhood shopping village (PN 3531)


HPERM Ref:       D19/147452


Convenor:          Matthew Apolo 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3531 Plans   


That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed works on Isa Road as part of the Worrigee Shopping Complex (DA16/2477) subject to:

1.    Provision of additional W5-22 warning signage on new poles

2.    Provision of Offset Clearances for swept paths

3.    Provision of a modification of the draw in and draw out lengths of bus bays to be in accordance with the relevant standards and guides

4.    Modification of driveways to ensure swept paths are wholly within associated lane

5.    Changing ‘BB1’ notation to ‘BB’ throughout plans

6.    Provision of signage and linemarking for internal plans




Applicant: Icon Building and Construction P/L

Owner: Worrigee Shopping Village Pty Ltd

60 Isa Road, Worrigee – Lot 2 DP1130415

Council has received a development application for a proposed Shopping Complex on Isa Road Worrigee.

Condition 41 of the development consent requires:

A signposting and line-marking plan prepared by a suitable qualified Traffic Engineer is to be submitted to Council for forwarding the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee for approval. The plan must conform for Austroads Guidelines, Australian Standards and Council requirements with attention given to the design of the intersection treatments, pedestrian facilities, access points and off-street car-parking layout.

The plan must identify all signs and line marking, lane widths, parking spaces and aisle dimensions, driveway dimensions and provide details of proposed street lighting.

A signage, line marking, and swept path plans for the proposed works on Isa Road have been submitted for the Committee’s consideration.



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TC19.22     Give Way Signage- Line Marking- Patonga Street Nowra (PN 3540)


HPERM Ref:       D19/147816


Convenor:          Matthew Apolo 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3540 Plan   


That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be requested to arrange for the installation of Give Way signage and line marking on the intersection of Patonga Street and Jindalee Crescent, Nowra, as detailed in the attached plan.




Council has been requested to review the intersection of Patonga Street and Jindalee Crescent, Nowra.

Residents have expressed concerns regarding near misses and accidents that have occurred at this intersection due to the lack of traffic controls indicating vehicle priority.

Council’s Traffic Unit inspected the location and noted that the intersection requires installation of signage and line marking controls to show priority at the intersection.

To address the request, Council’s Traffic Unit are considering the installation of Give Way controls on Jindalee Crescent. This would include signage and line marking on both sides of the intersection.

The impact of the proposal will result in clearer identification of vehicle priority and increase reaction times when leaving the intersection.

Consultation was undertaken with the affected properties. Council received two submissions, both in favour of the Give Way controls.

A signage and line marking plan has been submitted for the Committee’s consideration.



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TC19.23     Apex Park Berry - Accessible Amenities - Line marking and Signage (PN 3541


HPERM Ref:       D19/147947


Convenor:          Matthew Apolo 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3541 Plan   


That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed signage and line marking works for the installation of a 45° angle accessible parking space on Prince Alfred Street in front of the proposed amenities building, as detailed in the attached plan.




Council has been requested to review the Apex Park Accessible Amenities in Berry.

This proposal will involve the installation of line marking to delineate the 45° angle accessible parking space and associated signage along Prince Alfred Street

The impact of this proposal will increase parking efficiency through the delineation and provision of a disabled access parking that increases the accessibility to the public amenities.

A signage and line marking plan has been submitted for the Committee’s consideration.



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TC19.24     Bunnings Group Ltd - 145 & 159 South Nowra - Lot A DP 403839 (PN 3544)


HPERM Ref:       D19/148068


Convenor:          Matthew Apolo 

Attachments:     1.  PN3544 Plan   


That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the signage and line marking plan for 145~159 Princes Highway – Lot A DP403839, as per the attached plan, subject to:

1.    Providing signage indicating the parking space on 80219043 – CL – 3003 is ‘Reverse Parking Only’

2.    Modifying kerb alignment in DR 04 to ensure that exit manoeuvres for trucks are contained wholly within respective lanes

3.    Displaying swept paths for car park access left turn into DR 04

4.    Providing clarification to manoeuvrability in blind aisle in CL – 1701, providing dimensions to spaces

5.    Modifying R5-400 signage in CL – 1703 to be dual direction

6.    Clarifying whether R5-400 terminating signage is to be installed south of DR 04

7.    Clarifying width of street parking on the Reserve Road

8.    Consideration being given to the installation of concrete median with associated R2-3 ‘Keep Left’ signage at the security gate on exit

9.    Modifying plans to ensure BAR is compliant with AustRoads standards  




Applicant: Cardno Pty Ltd

Owner: Bunnings Group Ltd

145~159 Princes Highway – Lot A DP403839

Council has received a development application for the proposed redevelopment of Bunnings South Nowra. 

Condition 27 of the development consent requires:

Amended plans must be submitted to Council for approval prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate (for above ground building works up to the elevated slab of the building only). The plans must demonstrate the following:

a) A continuous basic augmented right (BAR) turn treatment to be installed covering both of the northern driveway accesses, being the car parking area access and service/loading access.

b) Installation of Centre line marking along the service road, extending from the southern driveway access north to the Princes Highway roundabout.

c) Frontage road works to satisfy requirements for minimum lane widths, parking lanes and shoulder widths in addition to required BAR treatments in accordance with AUSTROADS requirements.

d) A 3m wide concrete shared user path across the frontage and connecting to the existing shared path north of the site, including kerb ramps at driveway crossings and connectivity to the frontage accesses.

e) Speed humps to be provided on the approaches to all internal carpark pedestrian crossings.

f) Wheel stops to be provided adjacent to all obstructions and internal pedestrian crossing points in accordance with AS2890.1.

g) Centre line marking to be provided internal to the carpark aisles at bends to reinforce two-way travel.

h) All parking spaces, signage and pavement markings internal and external to the site to be in accordance with AS2890.1, AS1472 and the RMS delineation manual.

i) Separate entry and exit accesses into/out of the site off the service road to be provided, with pedestrian refuges to be incorporated into the median islands as per AS2890.1.

j) The six (6) trailer spaces to have appropriate swept path analysis to ensure suitability for use, and to be sign posted as such with appropriate pavement markings.

Furthermore, Condition 29 of the development consent requires:

Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate for above ground building works up to the elevated slab of the building only, plans detailing all traffic facilities, proposed and existing line markings, regulatory and non-regulatory signage along the site frontage and internal to the site must be submitted to Council for approval by the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee (STC). Six (6) to eight (8) weeks should be allowed for this process.

These plans are to also detail required safe driveway sight lines (AS2890) and the required design vehicle swept paths to safely manoeuvre into and out of the site, permit vehicle storage and passing along the service road – particularly at the proposed northern car parking area and service/loading access BAR treatment.


A signage and line marking plan has been submitted for the Committee’s consideration.


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TC19.25     Bus Zone Relocation - 82 Greenwell Point Rad - Greenwell Point (PN 3545)


HPERM Ref:       D19/148099


Convenor:          Matthew Apolo 

Attachments:     1.  PN 3545 - Plan   


That the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be requested to arrange for the relocation of the existing bus zone from the frontage of 92 Greenwell Point Road to 82 Greenwell Point road including the installation of signage, as detailed in the attached plan.




Council at its Strategy and Assets Committee Meeting of 20 March 2018 recommended the installation of multiple bus shelters throughout the Shoalhaven. As part of this recommendation a shelter was approved for Greenwell Point Road, Greenwell Point, and during community consultation of the location the proposed shelter was shifted from 92 Greenwell Point Road to 82 Greenwell Point Road due to a request from the Community Consultative Body along with increased approach sight distance due to the absence of large trees, and footpath gradients on approach to the shelter being in compliance with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (DSAPT). Due to the shifting of the proposed shelter location the existing bus zone in the frontage of 92 Greenwell Point Road must be shifted to the frontage of 82 Greenwell Point Road.

The time restriction to the bus zone will be modified from “Monday - Friday” to “7:30am - 10:30am || 1:30pm to 4:30pm || Monday – Friday” which increases parking along Greenwell Point Road in this location, outside of the proposed time restrictions.

A signage plan has been submitted for the Committee’s consideration.


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TC19.26     Recommendations from Previous Meeting


HPERM Ref:       D19/148226


Convenor:          Matthew Apolo  

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the report regarding the recommendations from the previous meeting be received for information.




The minutes of the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 April 2019 are included in the agenda.

The recommendations contained therein were submitted to Council at its meeting held on 30 April 2019. All recommendations were adopted except for TC19.20.


RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Clr Wells)  

That this item Proposed Line Marking - The Lake Circuit Culburra Beach be deferred pending the investigation from the General Manager (Director, Assets & Works).