Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee



Meeting Date:     Wednesday, 07 November, 2018

Location:            Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   4.00pm


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Apologies

2.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee - 10 October 2018............................ 1

3.    Declarations of Interest

4.    Reports

CBD18.81... Outstanding/Ongoing Actions Information Report......................................... 9

CBD18.82... Laneway panel project - request for additional funding............................... 16                         

5.    General Business


 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 07 November 2018




Mr James Caldwell - Chairperson

Clr Jo Gash

Clr Patricia White

Clr Nina Cheyne

Mr Paul Keech or delegate

Mr Phil Costello or delegate

Ms Annie Aldous

Mr Scott Baxter

Mr Brendan Goddard

Mr George Parker

Ms Lynnette Kearney

Mr Wesley Hindmarch


Non-voting members

All other Councillors


Quorum – Five (5) members



·         To direct the development and implementation of the Revitalisation Strategy for the Nowra CBD and review as appropriate.

·         To determine overall capital works programs established by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy, as amended from time to time.

·         To agree an annual capital works budget with council

·         To identify and approve all expenditure of funds identified in the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy, additional funds allocated by council for capital expenditure in the Nowra CBD including any loans, grants or from funds from any other source.

·         To act as a communication conduit between Council and the CBD stakeholders in respect to the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy with appropriate support from council as required.

·         Assist council in advocating the adopted CBD Revitalisation Strategy to the community.

·         Provide a report to council each year outlining progress towards achieving the goals set out in the CBD Revitalisation Strategy together with any recommendations for updating the Revitalisation Strategy.

·         Consult with relevant stakeholders as needed


Delegated Authority

·         To expend funds allocated to the CBD Nowra Revitalisation Strategy Committee by Council within the approved budget. Budget adopted $500,000.

·         To establish sub Committees as deemed appropriate.

·         To promote the advantages of the CBD inside and outside the area, including making press releases and promoting the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy project.

·         To raise funds other than rates and loans to fund the objectives of the Committee.

·         To expend funds raised outside of Council as the Committee deems appropriate, e.g. promotions, entertainment etc.






Minutes of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee



Meeting Date:     Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Location:            Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   4.05pm



The following members were present:


Mr James Caldwell - Chairperson

Clr Joanna Gash – left 5.43pm

Clr Patricia White

Mr Phil Costello - Director, Planning Environment and Development

Mr Michael Harben - Acting Director Assets and Works

Ms Annie Aldous

Mr Wesley Hindmarch

Mr Brendan Goddard – arrived at 4.40pm

Mr George Parker – arrived at 4.10pm, left at 6.00pm


Others present:


Clr Bob Proudfoot

Russ Pigg – General Manager

Stephen Dunshea – Director Finance Corporate and Community Services

Gordon Clark – Strategic Planning Manager

Sara McMahon – Governance Unit Manager

Ros Holmes – Manager – City Design and Support

Bronwyn Coulston – Manager – Arts and Culture





Apologies / Leave of Absence


Apologies were received from Lyn Kearney and Scott Baxter.



Confirmation of the Minutes

Note: In the previous meeting Item CBD18.55 it was recommended that Ros Holmes form part of the Sub Committee, Ros Holmes will be replaced by Lauren Turner.


RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Minutes of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee held on Wednesday 05 September 2018 be confirmed.




CBD18.72  Committee Membership

HPERM Ref: D18/340871

James Caldwell addressed the meeting in relation to Council’s recent resolution on Membership to add three (3) Councillors and sought the opinions of all members present.

All members present were in agreement with the Council resolution and the importance of members getting on well together.


Note: George Parker arrived 4.10pm


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee receive the report regarding the Council’s resolution to include three (3) Councillors as voting members of the Committee for information.


RESOLVED (Clr White / Annie Aldous)


1.    The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee receive the report regarding the Council’s resolution to include three (3) Councillors as voting members of the Committee for information.

2.    A leave of absence be approved for Lynnette Kearney on Medical grounds until she is well enough to return.

3.    The community member position remains vacant until the Terms of Reference have been reviewed.





Declarations of Interest







CBD18.69  Australia Day - Nominations

HPERM Ref: D18/323196

Note: Russ Pigg left at 4.22pm


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee:

1.    Receive the Australia Day Nominations report for information; and

2.    Actively promote the Australia Day Nominations.


RESOLVED (Clr White / George Parker)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee:

1.    Receive the Australia Day Nominations report for information; and

2.    Actively promote the Australia Day Nominations.





CBD18.70  Outstanding/Ongoing Actions Information Report

HPERM Ref: D18/333237

Note: Brendan Goddard arrived at 4.40pm.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.    The Outstanding/Ongoing Action report be received for information.

2.    The all items marked in the Action Listing attached to the report which are notated as completed be removed from the listing.


RESOLVED (Clr White / Clr Gash)

1.    That the Outstanding/Ongoing Action report be received for information.

2.    The items marked completed in the Action Listing attached to the report and noted below be removed from the listing:

a.    CBD17.47 – Remove – note a further report will be provided

b.    CBD18.25 – Remove

c.    CBD18.26 – Remove

d.    CBD18.30 – Remove

e.    CBD18.37 – Remove

f.     CBD18.44 – Remove

g.    CBD18.45 – Remove

h.    CBD18.46 – Remove

i.      CBD18.47 – Remove

j.      CBD18.48 – Remove

k.    CBD18.49 - Remove




CBD18.71  Laneway Panel Project - Selection of successful proposal

HPERM Ref: D18/333910

Bronwyn Coulston - Arts and Culture Manager addressed the meeting in relation to the request for additional funds for the Laneway project by Andre Braun.

It was noted that the amount in the report is GST inclusive and it was requested that amounts in future be reported as GST exclusive.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.    The Laneway Panel Project 2018 be awarded to Andre Braun for the proposal ‘Life Cycle’ and that the Unit Manager – Arts and Culture undertake negotiations with Andre regarding artist fees and work schedules. 

2.    An additional $2,500 is allocated to the project from the CBD Revitalisation Committee budget to allow the artist to work across all 21 panels in the laneway and achieve a more complete work.


RESOLVED (Annie Aldous / George Parker)


1.    The Laneway Panel Project 2018 be awarded to Andre Braun for the proposal ‘Life Cycle’ for option 2 in the report and that the Unit Manager – Arts and Culture undertake negotiations with Andre regarding artist fees and work schedules. 

2.    Subject to confirmation of the GST amount fund an additional $2,500 is allocated to the project from the CBD Revitalisation Committee budget to allow the artist to work across all 21 panels in the laneway and achieve a more complete work.




CBD18.72  Committee Membership

HPERM Ref: D18/340871

Item dealt with earlier in the meeting.



CBD18.73  Election of Chairperson

HPERM Ref: D18/341032

Sara McMahon, Governance Manager as the Returning Officer called for nominations for Chairperson. Sara McMahon informed the meeting that no nominations had been received prior to the meeting. A nomination was then received for James Caldwell.

James Caldwell accepted the nomination.

As no further nominations were forthcoming, Sara McMahon declared Mr Caldwell as Chairperson for 12 months from October 2018.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the committee elect (insert name) as Chairperson for twelve months from October 2018.


RESOLVED (By consent)

That the committee elect Mr James Caldwell as Chairperson for twelve months from October 2018.




CBD18.74  Update - Report - Banners - Worrigee Street

HPERM Ref: D18/341318

Note: The amounts referred to in the report are GST inclusive.

Ros Holmes advised that this report has been developed from a previous request by the Committee regarding banner systems.

The report outlined that the Committee has a choice to approve or contribute funding for the 37 ($80,317) or 44 poles ($97,321) poles being to North Street or Worrigee Street from the Bridge. These amounts relate to the installation only of the banner system.

The report also noted that the Management and purchase of the banners themselves was a further matter for consideration for the Committee and therefore the report recommended the establishment of a Working Party to consider the available options.

The Committee would like to see the calendar of events for the banners.

James Caldwell advised that he would not support unless the Committee had control over the systems.

Clr Gash advised that the Working party should work with the Economic Development Manager (who manages the existing banners in the CBD) and the Business Chamber.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.    That the amount of $97,321 be funded by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee for the full cost of supply and installation of Bannerconda®  systems on 44 poles between south side of Shoalhaven Bridge to Worrigee Street on both sides of the Princes Highway.

2.    The Bannerconda® systems be ordered for supply and installation as soon as possible given the delays to delivery as outlined below.

3.    The Committee establish a working party to investigate management, budget and design of the banners once the installation of Bannerconda® systems is complete.

4.    That the Nowra CBD Banner Policy (POL16/243) be updated to include the new works.


RESOLVED (George Parker / Annie Aldous)


1.    The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee give in Principle support for the purchase and installation of 44 Bannerconda® Systems to Worrigee Street;

2.    A Working Party be established to discuss management options of the Bannerconda® systems, the Working Party consist of James Caldwell, Economic Development Manager, Tourism Manager, Jemma Tribe (Shoalhaven Business Chamber) and a representative from the Nowra Business Chamber.

3.    Following the discussions in part 2 above a report be provided to the Committee.




CBD18.77  Update - Report - Permanent Lighting Installations

HPERM Ref: D18/342732

Note: This item was brought forward for consideration.


The Committee held a discussion regarding the Lighting report and the following comments were made:

Clr Gash expressed her full support for the proposed installations.

The Lighting was mentioned at last month’s meeting (CBD18.77). Staff have investigated options with Council’s Electrical Engineer and the Electrical Engineer made the following comments:

·    The Fig Trees at the Library can be lit with ongoing electrical costs going back to Council.

·    The Arts Centre is a bit more difficult

·    The original ideas for lighting of the Junction Street building facades isn’t workable, instead it is recommended that the sails across Junction Street be up lit and the existing lights under the awnings along the street be upgraded to LK

·    The back of the Library painting can be lit.

·    A possible way forward for Junction Street is to talk to the owners of the shops and look at standard uniform LED lighting.

The lighting proposed is permanent lighting for the whole year, not Christmas lighting


Note: Clr Gash left at 5.43pm


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee fund $40,100 for the full cost of installing the following lighting projects:

1.    Coloured/white up-lighting to two large fig trees in Berry Street to the value of $20,000.

2.    Coloured up-lighting to two shade sails in Junction Street to the value of $9,600.

3.    Down-lighting to the mural on the rear (eastern side) of the Nowra Library to the value of $10,500.

4.    The three projects are for fixed lighting and remain in situ permanently providing year-round display.


RESOLVED (Clr White / George Parker)

That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee fund a maximum of $36,500 (GST exclusive) $40,100 (GST inclusive) from the Capital Works Budget for the full cost of installing the following lighting fixed lighting projects which will remain in situ all year round:

1.    Warm white up-lighting to two large fig trees in Berry Street to the value of $20,000.

2.    Coloured up-lighting to two shade sails in Junction Street to the value of $9,600.

3.    Down-lighting to the mural on the rear (eastern side) of the Nowra Library to the value of $10,500.




CBD18.75  Update - Report - Raised Planters

HPERM Ref: D18/341360

All the Planter Boxes have now been installed and planted.

Staff advised that outdoor staff have attended to clean up where a planter box was vandalised and in another location some plants were stolen.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee note that there is no further outstanding work regarding the installation of 12 x raised planters, soil and planting in accordance with CBD18.37.


RESOLVED (Clr White / Brendan Goddard)

That the Committee note that there is no further outstanding work regarding the installation of 12 x raised planters, soil and planting in accordance with CBD18.37.









CBD18.76  Update - Report - Wayfinding Signage

HPERM Ref: D18/342657

Staff spoke to the report advised that the casing can be made by the welders and installation of signs by works and services.

Note: George Parker left at 6.00pm

Consultation is required with Stockland’s as to the location of the Stockland’s sign.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

The Committee fund $35,000 (inc GST) for the supply and installation of 5 x Wayfinding signs to the agreed locations; Jelly Bean Park, Junction Court, Stewart Place, Post Office corner and Stocklands Nowra.


RESOLVED (Wesley Hindmarch / Clr White)

That the Committee fund a maximum of $35,000 (inc GST) for the supply and installation of 5 x Wayfinding signs as outlined in the report to the agreed locations; Jelly Bean Park, Junction Court, Stewart Place, Post Office corner and Stocklands Nowra (subject to the consultation with Stocklands on the location of that sign).




CBD18.77  Update - Report - Permanent Lighting Installations

HPERM Ref: D18/342732

Item dealt with earlier in the meeting.






CBD18.78  Recognition of Committee - Project Designs

James Caldwell advised that on the plaques that are on the murals, there is no recognition for the contribution made by the Committee.


RESOLVED (James Caldwell / Clr White)

That in future any project that the Committee has made financial contribution or in-kind support, prior to the final design and/or specification being completed, either the Chairperson (or their nominated representative) signs off on the design.




CBD18.79  Verbal Update - Berry Street

Staff provided a verbal update in relation to the Berry Street Footpath Upgrade.

Conducting consultation with shop owners, which will be collated and reviewed. Most organisations contacted were happy with the concept.

The concept includes a café blister to accommodate cafes, a pedestrian crossing, have reworked some of the parking signs with no loss of spaces. Will allow pick up and drop off.

A report will be forthcoming to the next meeting.



CBD18.80  Christmas Sub-Committee

James Caldwell advised that the Christmas Sub Committee has met and is running similar programs to last year. Funds will come from the Promotions Budget.

The Sub Committee will purchase extra trees for additional retailers/shops and have the support from 2ST.

Clr White advised that she is arranging a meeting with Jemma Tribe (Shoalhaven Business Chamber) to talk about the Christmas decorations and plan to work closer with the Business Chamber over Christmas.





There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 6.21pm.



Mr James Caldwell







 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Wednesday 07 November 2018

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CBD18.81  Outstanding/Ongoing Actions Information Report


HPERM Ref:       D18/375634


Group:                Finance Corporate & Community Services Group 

Section:              Human Resources, Governance & Customer Service 

Attachments:     1.  Ongoing Actions Report   

Purpose / Summary

To advise and update the Committee on the Outstanding/Ongoing Actions from the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

1.    That the Outstanding/Ongoing Action report be received for information.

2.    The following items marked in the Action Listing attached to the report as completed be removed from the listing:

a.    CBD18.36 – Budget Update – Winter Event – Funds Votes – Auditing/ Management promotional funds.

b.    CBD18.79 – Verbal Update – Berry Street – Report Required.




1.    As Recommended.


2.    Adopt an alternate recommendation.



These actions (Attached) are drawn from Resolutions made by the Committee of which an action is required.

The Action Table (Attached) is current as at the time of drafting this report (Monday 29 October 2018).

This will be a standing report on the Agenda for each meeting to keep the Committee informed of progress on the actions/resolutions from previous meetings.




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CBD18.82  Laneway panel project - request for additional funding


HPERM Ref:       D18/379807


Group:                Finance Corporate & Community Services Group 

Section:              Recreation Community & Culture  

Purpose / Summary

To report on the agreed terms with the Artist to undertake the laneway panel project and request a small addition to the agreed budget. 

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That an additional $564 (excl GST) is added to the project budget based on the costs presented within this report. 




1.    Accept the Recommendation as printed

Implications: The Laneway Panel project will be delivered in a timely manner, with the panels complete prior to the CBD Christmas Shopping event on December 6th.


2.    Reject the Recommendation

Implications: If the shortfall cannot be met, the Laneway Panel Project will need to be scaled back to meet the current allocated budget.


3.    Provide an alternate resolution.

Implications: Unknown, will likely impact on the project delivery and meeting the desired completion date of the 6th December. 



Following a request and consultation with staff and members from the CBD committee, Shoalhaven Regional Gallery staff undertook an EOI process for artists to provide concepts and ideas for refreshing the Laneway panels that connect Berry Street and the Egans Lane carpark.  The project was awarded to Andre Braun and the initial budget of $2,500 was increased to $5,000 to allow the project to be delivered across all 21 panels in the laneway, rather than the initial 10. 

Following negotiations with the artist, and working through the WHS implications of working directly onto the panels, with the need for a ‘cherry picker’ style platform for the artist to work from, the budget has exceeded the $5,000 allocated by around 10%.  The cost increase is specifically related to the artist requesting additional hours, and the hire of the cherry picker mobile platform rather than a simple small scaffolding setup. 


Community Engagement

The EOI process for the engagement of an artist to undertake this project was widely distributed and made accessible through a range of media.  The resulting applications were considered by a panel consisting of a representative from the Regional Gallery and the CBD Committee. 

During the work by the successful artist, the Regional Gallery will develop a temporary sign that explains what is occurring, that the work is being funded by the CBD Committee, and include the artist’s statement about the work.  There will also be videos and invitations to come and see the work being created posted on the Regional Gallery’s Facebook and Instagram pages and shared through Shoalhaven City Council’s YouTube channel. 

If an official launch of the panels is undertaken by the CBD Committee, this will also be widely publicised and provide an opportunity for the community to engage with and learn about the panels. 


Policy Implications

As a work of public art, this project falls under the Public Art Policy.  The artist has been asked to provide details of all paint colours and brands used so the maintenance team are able to make any necessary repairs as well as ensuring a non-sacrificial anti-graffiti coating is applied.  The contract with the artist allows Council to remove or paint over the works as appropriate, in-line with the Public Art Policy and the understanding that a work of this nature is not permanent. 


Financial Implications

The project has previously had $5000 (excl GST) allocated to it.  As per the budget table below to meet with WHS requirements there is a requirement to fund the overspend of $564.  This report is seeking to cover that overspend with an additional allocation of funding for the project. 





Total (excl GST)

Artist Fees

32 hours



Scaffolding Hire

4 days




3 nights



Materials (supplied by artist)






