Strategy and Assets Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 17 October, 2017

Location:            Council Chambers, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   5.00pm



Membership (Quorum - 5)

Clr John Wells - Chairperson

Clr Bob Proudfoot - Deputy Chairperson

All Councillors

General Manager or nominee




Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.






1.    Apologies / Leave of Absence

2.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Strategy and Assets Committee - 19 September 2017............................................... 1

3.    Declarations of Interest

4.    Mayoral Minute

5.    Deputations and Presentations

6.    Notices of Motion / Questions on Notice

SA17.258.... Notice of Motion - Climate Leadership Conference..................................... 20

SA17.259.... Notice of Motion - Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services - Solar Panels.... 21

SA17.260.... Notice of Motion - Callala Beach Shared Pathways.................................... 23

7.    Reports

SA17.261.... State Emergency Services Support - Funding Sources / costs - Report Request - staged approach - 2017 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference...................................................................................................................... 25

SA17.262.... Public Policy for Review - Councillor & Staff Interaction Policy................... 29

SA17.263.... NSW Coastal Conference 2017 - Port Stephens......................................... 34

SA17.264.... Acquisition - Drainage Easement - Woollamia - Pt Lot 196 DP15266 -10 Prichard Avenue.......................................................................................................... 44

SA17.265.... Classification of Land - Lot 310 DP1234415 Kooyonga Close Mollymook Beach...................................................................................................................... 47

SA17.266.... Adoption of Town Street Tree Planting Strategy Policy............................... 50

SA17.267.... Indian (Common) Myna Bird Programme.................................................... 51

SA17.268.... External Request - Support/Consent to declare Shoalhaven as a Fossicking District ...................................................................................................................... 59

SA17.269.... Request - Refund DA Fees - Berry Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Associated - DA17/1732 & DA17/1733 - 2 Berry Township Information Signs................ 61      

8.    Confidential Reports                     



 Strategy and Assets Committee – Tuesday 17 October 2017

Page iii


Strategy and Assets Committee



THAT pursuant to s377 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 the Committee is delegated the functions conferred on Council by the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) or any other Act or delegated to Council, as are specified in the Schedule, subject to the following limitations:

i.        The Committee cannot exercise any function delegated to the Council which by the terms of that delegation cannot be sub-delegated;

ii.       The Committee cannot exercise any function which s377(1) of the LG Act provides cannot be delegated by Council;

iii.      The Committee cannot exercise a function which is expressly required by the LG Act or any other Act to be exercised by resolution of the Council; and

iv.      The Committee cannot exercise any function which is a function of the General Manager under s335 of the LG Act.


a.    Make recommendations to Council and, where permitted under legislation consider, formulate, review and adopt policies in relation to Council’s corporate & community planning under Part 2 of Chapter 13 of the LG Act, asset management and in connection with the other functions listed in this Schedule and in particular to Make recommendations to Council in respect of the content of Council’s community strategic plan, delivery program, resourcing strategy and operational plan within the meaning of Part 2 of Chapter 13 of the LG Act;

b.    Make recommendations to Council and consider, formulate, review and adopt Council policies, plans and strategies other than those in respect of town planning and environmental matters, and any other matter referred to the Committee by the General Manager.

c.    Make recommendations in respect of the introduction of new fees or charges or the alteration of existing fees and charges for inclusion in the Council’s next operational plan within the meaning of s405 of the LG Act;

d.    Monitor, review and consider matters relating to the operations and strategic direction of Council’s Holiday Haven Tourist Parks Group;

e.    All functions in respect of the management of, and facilities provided on Crown Land in respect of which Council is the ‘reserve trust manager’ within the meaning of s92 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, and the making of recommendations to Council regarding such matters where the function cannot be delegated by Council;

f.     Provision of corporate direction to the Shoalhaven Water Group in respect of powers delegated to it by Council regarding the construction, alteration or maintenance of water and sewerage works, effluent works and pump out removal;

g.    Authorise the expenditure of funds raised under s64 of the LG Act within the limits outlined in, and in accordance with Council’s adopted Development Servicing Plan and other relevant adopted Council policies;

h.    Make recommendations to Council in respect of fees and charges for water and wastewater services provided by Council;

i.     Develop, implement, review and adopt strategic policies for water, sewerage and effluent operations of Council;

j.     Undertake preliminary investigations (feasibility, cost benefit, risk analysis, etc.) into development opportunities for Council’s strategic land holdings and make recommendations to Council.

k.    Review and make recommendations to Council in relation to:

i.      The sale prices of land in connection with residential and industrial Council subdivisions;

ii.     The sale of Council property or the purchase or resumption of land;

iii.    The compensation to be offered in respect of land resumed by Council; and

iv.    Properties leased or rented by Council, other than those delegated to the General Manager for approval and execution in accordance with MIN14.912 and MIN15.237 of the Council.

l.     To determine tenders except those tenders required by law to be determined by full Council (MIN17.334).







Minutes of the Strategy and Assets Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Location:            Council Chambers, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   5.03pm



The following members were present:


Clr Amanda Findley - Chairperson

Clr Joanna Gash

Clr Patricia White

Clr Kaye Gartner

Clr Nina Cheyne

Clr Annette Alldrick

Clr John Levett

Clr Mitchell Pakes

Clr Greg Watson

Clr Mark Kitchener

Clr Bob Proudfoot

Mr Russ Pigg - General Manager



Election of Chairperson

RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Clr White)                                                                                     MIN17.782

That Clr Findley be appointed as the Acting Chairperson for the Strategy and Assets Meeting of Tuesday 19 September 2017.






Apologies / Leave of Absence


An apology was received from Clr Wells and Clr Guile.


Confirmation of the Minutes

Motion (Clr White / Clr Cheyne)

That the Minutes of the Strategy and Assets Committee held on Tuesday 15 August 2017 be confirmed.





Mayoral Minutes


MMS17.8   Mayoral Minute - Integrated Transport Preliminary Investigation

HPERM Ref: D17/310816


That Council approve a budget of up to $8000 to undertake a preliminary desktop analysis of transport availability in the Shoalhaven with the aim to identify the gaps in the transport offering and matching Federal and State funding opportunities.


Recommendation (Clr Findley / Clr Gash)

That Council approve a budget of up to $8000 to undertake a preliminary desktop analysis of transport availability in the Shoalhaven with the aim to identify the gaps in the transport offering and matching Federal and State funding opportunities.




Deputations and Presentations


SB17.16 – Briefing – Fees and Charges Review; and

SA17.234 – Milton Ulladulla Croquet Club Inc – Relocate from Milton Showground


Mr Tony Hardman from the Sports Board made a Deputation raising concerns with the recommendation


SA17.250 – Objection – Licence for shipping container – Culburra Beach Orient Point Men's Shed


Mr Rick Neilson from the Scout Hall Men’s Shed, made a Deputation supporting the recommendation.


Procedural Motion - Bring Item Forward

Motion (Clr White / Clr Cheyne)

That the following matters be brought forward for consideration:

  • SB17.16 - Briefing - Fees and Charges Review (to be considered in conjunction with SA17.232)
  • SA17.250 – Objection - Licence for shipping container - Culburra Beach Orient Point Men's Shed
  • SA17.246 - Callala Bay Sailing Club - Erosion Control / Access Improvement / Revegetation Improvements and Funding Sources




SB17.16     Briefing - Fees and Charges Review

HPERM Ref: D17/265994



1.    The Shoalhaven Sports Board recognise the need for additional funding for sports fields maintenance and improvement.


2.    Council consider available options, for example, user pays, levy, budget savings, in-kind contributions and sponsorship.

3.    Any proposed fees be graduated over a 3 year period.

4.    All funds collected are used only for sporting grounds.


RESOLVED (Clr White / Clr Watson)                                                                                   MIN17.783

That items SB17.16 and SA17.232 be referred back to an Extraordinary meeting of the Shoalhaven Sports Board and all sporting groups and peak bodies be invited to attend as observers.

For:             Clr Gash, Clr White, Clr Gartner, Clr Cheyne, Clr Alldrick, Clr Findley, Clr Levett, Clr Pakes, Clr Watson, Clr Kitchener, Clr Proudfoot and Russ Pigg

Against:    Nil




SA17.232   Fees and Charges Review

HPERM Ref: D17/115929

Note: This item was dealt with in conjunction with SB17.16 see MIN17.783


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That in accordance with the Committee’s delegated authority from Council, that:

1.    Council endorse public exhibition of the Draft Sportsgrounds and Community Facilities Fees Policy (Attachment 1) for a period of 28 days

2.    Council note the LKSQ Fees and Charges review document (Attachment 2) for reference only.

3.    Council endorse public exhibition of the amended Fee Waivers, Subsidies and Support Policy (Attachment 3)

4.    Notification of the Draft documents be advertised in the local newspapers, Council website and notification to the Sports Board, sporting groups, management committees and any other relevant bodies as identified during the early consultation with regard to this review.

5.    A post exhibition report for the Draft Sportgrounds and Community Facilities Fees Policy (Attachment 1) and amended Fee Waivers, Subsidy and Support Policy (Attachment 3) be presented to a future Strategy and Assets Committee Meeting.

6.    Council approve the simplification of fees and charges to align to any Point of Sale, Finance or booking systems.

7.    Council endorse the changes to the Management Committee Guidelines (Attachment 4)

8.    Council endorse the changes to the Sportsground Management Policy (Attachment 5)

9.    Council endorse the changes to the Sports Grants Program (Capital Works) (Attachment 6)

10.  Council endorse standardisation of Fees across Tennis Courts and Halls (currently managed by 355 Management Committees) (Attachment 7)

11.  Council endorse standardisation of Fee charging methodology across sportsgrounds managed by Council and 355 Management Committees

12.  Council approve the governance structure, including the review committee and the role of Liaison and Pricing Officer, to be funded in future years by sportsground revenue if model adopted.

13.  Council support the introduction of fees for all Sportgrounds over the next 2 year period from 1 July 2018.

14.  Council approve charging for any additional ad hoc requests by Sporting Groups at a $/hour rate to recover costs.

15.  Council support the change to charging for floodlighting and electricity to be aligned to current energy prices per kw/hour ie on a cost recovery basis.



SA17.250   Objection - Licence for shipping container - Culburra Beach Orient Point Men's Shed

HPERM Ref: D17/268386

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council resolve to proceed with a licence to the Culburra Beach Orient Point Men’s Shed for the placement of a 40ft shipping container, for the storage of equipment, at Lot 1 DP 621595, West Crescent, Culburra Beach with an expiry of the licence on the 21st June 2020.


RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Clr White)                                                                                     MIN17.784

That Council resolve to proceed with a licence to the Culburra Beach Orient Point Men’s Shed for the placement of a 40ft shipping container, for the storage of equipment, at Lot 1 DP 621595, West Crescent, Culburra Beach with an expiry of the licence on the 21st June 2020.




SA17.246   Callala Bay Sailing Club - Erosion Control / Access Improvement / Revegetation Improvements and Funding Sources

HPERM Ref: D17/224650

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council:

1.    Undertake minor access improvement works, including temporary ramps, this financial year in consultation with the Callala Bay Sailing Club, with funding provided from operational budgets.

2.    Proceed with design and construction of a suitable permanent beach access for sailing craft in 2018, if Council is successful with its grant application to the NSW Better Boating Now Program for upgrading of boating facilities at Callala Bay.


RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Clr White)                                                                                     MIN17.785

That Council:

1.    Undertake minor access improvement works, including temporary ramps, this financial year in consultation with the Callala Bay Sailing Club, with funding provided from operational budgets.

2.    Proceed with design and construction of a suitable permanent beach access for sailing craft in 2018, if Council is successful with its grant application to the NSW Better Boating Now Program for upgrading of boating facilities at Callala Bay.







Notices of Motion / Questions on Notice


SA17.229   Notice of Motion - Cycleways - Road Base Trial

HPERM Ref: D17/285348

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council initiate a 200 metre trial section of the Lake Tabourie Cycle way, being constructed by Shoalhaven Water, to experiment with the use of blue metal dust and Flobind High Performance Linear Polymer

1.    For the trial section of the cycle way to be constructed using the materials, procedures and maintenance techniques as prescribed in the background notes provided.

2.    For council to regularly monitor, compare and assess this surface with other sections of the Lake Tabourie cycle way to determine its usefulness and to provide a report on the findings.

3.    If after a substantial period of time this trial proves to be successful and has a positive cost benefit ratio, that council apply this method of construction to future cycle ways and to further trial this method on sections of selected non-bitumen roads in the Shoalhaven.

4.    That Council include in a southern Councillor Familiarity Tour, a visit to an already existing road constructed with blue metal dust and polymer, to discuss the procedure and maintenance requirements with the owner and observe its capabilities.


RESOLVED (Clr Kitchener / Clr Findley)                                                                             MIN17.786

That Council:

1.      Engineers review and assess using blue metal dust and Flobind High Performance Linear Polymer to determine its suitability as a surface for cycleways and report back to Council.

2.      Include in a southern Councillor Familiarity Tour, a visit to an existing road constructed with blue metal dust and polymer, to discuss the procedure and maintenance requirements with the owner and observe its capabilities.





Report of the Shoalhaven Sports Board - 6 September 2017


SB17.16     Briefing - Fees and Charges Review

HPERM Ref: D17/265994


Item dealt with earlier in the meeting see MIN17.783



SB17.18     Sports Capital Works Partnership Program - Funding

HPERM Ref: D17/226385


That Council support the Sports Capital Works Partnership Program Funding – 2017/2018 to be approved for:

1.    Callala District Soccer Club – Extend amenities building, $26,700.34

2.    Shoalhaven District Cricket Association – Supply wicket soil - $3,879.34

3.    Shoalhaven District Football Association – Install subsurface drainage Fields 2&3 - $50,000.00

4.    Shoalhaven United Football Club – Install subsurface drainage Field 3 - $27,964.00

5.    Bomaderry Football Club – Construct new storage shed - $11,449.45

6.    Shoalhaven City Archers – Establish Archery Club new site - $15,328.50

7.    Bay & Basin Bombers JAFC – Install subsurface drainage - $26,796.50.

8.    Based on Shoalhaven District Football Associations Project priority listed in the applications - consider St Georges Basin Football Club – Install subsurface drainage Field 1 - $29,216.00 application for funds in the 2018/2019 budget

9.    Allocate 2017/2018 surplus of $18,291.97 to Minor Improvements Active Recreation budget for installation of Illuminators (Sportsfield Lighting – Remote Controls)


Recommendation (Clr White / Clr Kitchener)


Council support the Sports Capital Works Partnership Program Funding – 2017/2018 to be approved for:

1.    Callala District Soccer Club – Extend amenities building, $26,700.34

2.    Shoalhaven District Cricket Association – Supply wicket soil - $3,879.34

3.    Shoalhaven District Football Association – Install subsurface drainage Fields 2&3 - $50,000.00

4.    Shoalhaven United Football Club – Install subsurface drainage Field 3 - $27,964.00

5.    Bomaderry Football Club – Construct new storage shed - $11,449.45

6.    Shoalhaven City Archers – Establish Archery Club new site - $15,328.50

7.    Bay & Basin Bombers JAFC – Install subsurface drainage - $26,796.50.

8.    Based on Shoalhaven District Football Associations Project priority listed in the applications - consider St Georges Basin Football Club – Install subsurface drainage Field 1 - $29,216.00 application for funds in the 2018/2019 budget

9.    Allocate 2017/2018 surplus of $18,291.97 to Minor Improvements Active Recreation budget for installation of Illuminators (Sportsfield Lighting – Remote Controls)







SA17.231   Woollamia Industrial Estate - expansion

HPERM Ref: D17/264130

Note: Clr Gartner left the meeting at 6.10pm


That Council:

1.    Excise by subdivision the area of IN1 zoned land within Lot 17 DP 857006 to be incorporated into the industrial area.

2.    Prepare and submit a subdivision application over this land to compliment the subdivision of Lot 18 DP 1096605 (stage 5) in the adjoining Woollamia Industrial Estate owned by Council.

3.    Authorise the General Manager to sign the necessary documents to effect the subdivisions and to execute under the Seal of Council the plan of subdivision.


RESOLVED (Clr Proudfoot / Clr Pakes)                                                                              MIN17.787

That Council:

1.    Excise by subdivision the area of IN1 zoned land within Lot 17 DP 857006 to be incorporated into the industrial area.

2.    Prepare and submit a subdivision application over this land to compliment the subdivision of Lot 18 DP 1096605 (stage 5) in the adjoining Woollamia Industrial Estate owned by Council.

3.    Authorise the General Manager to sign the necessary documents to effect the subdivisions and to execute under the Seal of Council the plan of subdivision.

For:             Clr Gash, Clr White, Clr Cheyne, Clr Alldrick, Clr Findley, Clr Levett, Clr Pakes, Clr Watson, Clr Kitchener, Clr Proudfoot and Russ Pigg

Against:    Nil




SA17.232   Fees and Charges Review

HPERM Ref: D17/115929


Item dealt with earlier in the meeting and in conjunction with SB17.16 see MIN17.783.



SA17.233   Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre - Fitout

HPERM Ref: D17/284486

Note: Clr Gartner returned to the meeting at 6.16pm



That Council:

1.    Commit to funding the Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre Furniture Fixture Equipment (FFE) Fit-Out Requirements in the amount of $2,919,895 to be funded in the 2018/19 budget

2.    Staff continue to seek grant funding to assist with covering the costs of Fit-Out where possible.


Recommendation (Clr Gash / Clr Watson)

That Council:

1.    Commit to funding the Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre Furniture Fixture Equipment (FFE) Fit-Out Requirements in the amount of $2,919,895 to be funded in the 2018/19 budget

2.    Staff continue to seek grant funding to assist with covering the costs of Fit-Out where possible.




SA17.234   Milton Ulladulla Croquet Club Inc - Relocate from Milton Showground to Ulladulla Sports Park

HPERM Ref: D17/261728

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.    Council endorse the relocation of Milton Ulladulla Croquet Club Inc. from Milton Showground  to Ulladulla Sports Park in line with Croquets requirements and Council MIN17.323

2.    Council allocate $350,000 in the 2018/19 budget to undertake the relocation of the stockpile from Ulladulla Sports Park to the Ulladulla Council Depot once assessment is completed

3.    Council allocate $765,000.00 to undertake a detailed design ($15,000) in the 2017/18 budget and development of two Croquet Courts at Ulladulla Sports Park ($750,000) in the 2018/19 budget.

4.    Staff seek grant funding to assist in the delivery of this project.

5.    If Council is not in a position to fund some or all of the project, that the timeline be reconsidered.


RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Clr White)                                                                                     MIN17.788


1.    Council endorse the relocation of Milton Ulladulla Croquet Club Inc. from Milton Showground  to Ulladulla Sports Park in line with Croquets requirements and Council MIN17.323

2.    Council allocate $350,000 in the 2018/19 budget to undertake the relocation of the stockpile from Ulladulla Sports Park to the Ulladulla Council Depot once assessment is completed

3.    Council allocate $765,000.00 to undertake a detailed design ($15,000) in the 2017/18 budget and development of two Croquet Courts at Ulladulla Sports Park ($750,000) in the 2018/19 budget.

4.    Staff seek grant funding to assist in the delivery of this project.

5.    If Council is not in a position to fund some or all of the project, that the timeline be reconsidered.


For:             Clr Gash, Clr White, Clr Gartner, Clr Cheyne, Clr Alldrick, Clr Findley, Clr Levett, Clr Pakes, Clr Watson, Clr Kitchener and Russ Pigg

Against:       Clr Proudfoot




SA17.235   Renaming of Bugong Fire Trail to Duffys Lane

HPERM Ref: D17/262400

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the report be received for information.


RESOLVED (Clr White / Clr Gash)                                                                                      MIN17.789

That the report be received for information.











Items marked with an * were resolved ‘en block’.


SA17.236   Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2017

HPERM Ref: D17/284701

RESOLVED* (Clr Pakes / Clr Cheyne)                                                                                MIN17.790

That Council

1.    Notes the details of the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2017 scheduled for 4-6 December 2017 in Sydney.

2.    Authorises available Councillors to attend the conference and such attendance be deemed Council Business.

3.    Travel, registration fees, accommodation and all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses be met in accordance with its adopted policy.



SA17.237   Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia - SEGRA 2017 Conference - 24 October - 28 October 2017 - Port Augusta and Upper Spencer Gulf, South Australia

HPERM Ref: D17/301780

RESOLVED* (Clr Pakes / Clr Cheyne)                                                                                MIN17.791

That Council

1.    Notes the details of the Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia 2017 (SEGRA) scheduled for Tuesday 24 October – Saturday 28 October 2017 in Port Augusta, South Australia.

2.    Authorises available Councillors to attend the conference and such attendance be deemed Council Business.

3.    Travel, registration fees, accommodation and all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses be met in accordance with its adopted policy.

4.    Request Councillors attending the conference to provide a written report within 30 days of returning from the conference.



SA17.238   Pedestrian Safety - Iverison Road, Sussex Inlet

HPERM Ref: D17/236915


That the report on options for improving pedestrian safety by assisting residents to access the western bus stop on Iverison Road, Sussex Inlet be received for information.


RESOLVED (Clr Watson / Clr White)                                                                                   MIN17.792

That the report on options for improving pedestrian safety by assisting residents to access the western bus stop on Iverison Road, Sussex Inlet be received for information.


For:             Clr Gash, Clr White, Clr Gartner, Clr Cheyne, Clr Alldrick, Clr Findley, Clr Levett, Clr Pakes, Clr Watson, Clr Kitchener and Russ Pigg

Against:       Clr Proudfoot





Items marked with an * were resolved ‘en block’.


SA17.239   Traffic Calming - Anson Street, St Georges Basin

HPERM Ref: D17/236919

RESOLVED* (Clr Findley / Clr Watson)                                                                               MIN17.793


1.    The report on options for traffic calming in Anson Street, St Georges Basin be received for information.

2.    Council defer making any decision regarding additional traffic calming in Anson Street, St Georges Basin until a decision has been made regarding the Regional Development application (RA17/1000).





SA17.240   Traffic Calming - Larmer Avenue Sanctuary Point

HPERM Ref: D17/6573

RESOLVED* (Clr Findley / Clr Watson)                                                                               MIN17.794

That Council:

1.    Receive the report on the possible installation of traffic calming measures on Larmer Avenue, Sanctuary Point, southern side of Cockrow Creek bridge near The Park Drive intersections, for information; and

2.    The General Manager (Director Assets & Works) continue to monitor the intersection of Larmer Avenue and Park Drive for future grant funding opportunities for the construction of a local road roundabout to provide effective traffic management and speed control on the eastern approach to Sanctuary Point.





Items marked with an * were resolved ‘en block’.


SA17.241   Australian Government Black Spot Program 2017/18 - Approved Projects

HPERM Ref: D17/243201

Recommendation* (Clr Pakes / Clr Gash)

That Council

1.    Accepts the grant funding offers under the Australian Government Blackspot Program as follows:

a.    $480,000 for the proposed safety improvements on Jervis Bay Road (450m length from 0.2 – 0.65km south of Woollamia Road, Falls Creek), and authorise the expenditure on job number 86666

b.    $190,000 for a single lane mountable roundabout at the intersection of Paradise Beach Road & Kingsford Smith Crescent, Sanctuary Point, and authorise the expenditure on job number 86669

c.    $295,000 for the proposed safety improvements on The Wool Road (640m length from 0.14 – 0.78km west of Naval College Road, Worrowing Heights), and aurthorise the expenditure on job number 85829

d.    $210,000 for the proposed safety improvements on Wheelbarrow Road (1.2km length from 2.0 – 3.2km east of Woodburn Road, Woodburn), and authorise the expenditure on job number 86671

2.    The General Manager (Director Assets & Works) writes to the NSW Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) and the Federal Member for Gilmore, thanking them for their ongoing support of the Shoalhaven Community through the Australian Government Black Spot Program and for the support of the RMS staff in reviewing and supporting Council’s nominations for these important local road safety improvements.




SA17.242   NSW Government Country Passenger Transport Infrastructure Grants Scheme (CPTIGS) 2017/18 - 2018/19 - Approved Projects

HPERM Ref: D17/243020

Recommendation* (Clr Pakes / Clr Gash)

That Council:

1.    Accepts the grant funding offers under the NSW Government Country Passenger Transport Infrastructure Grants Scheme (CPTIGS) program, “in principle” ($180,000 for 18 new shelters), noting the advice from Transport for NSW that the locations Council has nominated have only been partially successful (subject to meeting the program conditions) and authorises the expenditure on job number 85406;

2.    Receive a further report once the list of sites has been reviewed and more details, including estimate of costs are available; and

3.    The General Manager (Director Assets & Works) writes to Transport for NSW, and the Local Members of Parliament (for Kiama and South Coast), thanking them for their support of the Shoalhaven Community through the NSW CPTIGS program, however advising that it is Council’s intention to review the approved list, in consultation with the community, and seek approval from Transport for NSW of a revised list of projects following consultation and once full details and costs are known.




SA17.243   NSW Government Aboriginal Communities Program 2017/18 - Approved Projects

HPERM Ref: D17/279844

Recommendation* (Clr Pakes / Clr Gash)

That Council:

1.    On behalf of the Jerrinja Local Aboriginal Land Council, accept the grant funding offers under the NSW Government Aboriginal Communities Program as follows:

a.    $95,000 for footpath and associated kerb ramp works, part of First Street (the western section, west of Fourth Street, as well as the full length of Third and Fourth Streets) at Jerrinja (Orient Point) community, and authorise the expenditure of job number 49038

b.    $155,000 for pavement works; part of First Street (the eastern section, east of Fourth Street) and all of Second Street, at Jerrinja (Orient Point) community, and authorise the expenditure on job number 49038

c.    $195,000 for pavement works, part of First Street (the western section, west of Fourth Street), as well as all of Third and Fourth Streets) at Jerrinja (Orient Point) community, and authorise the expenditure on job number 49038

2.    Authorise the General Manager (Director Assets & Works) to coordinate resources to enable the effective and timely delivery of the works in consultation with Jerrinja Local Aboriginal Land Council.

3.    The General Manager (Director Assets & Works) writes to the NSW Roads & Maritime Services, and the Local Members of Parliament (for Kiama and South Coast), thanking them for their support of the Shoalhaven Aboriginal Community through the new NSW Aboriginal Communities program and for the support of RMS staff in reviewing and supporting the nominations for these important local road safety improvements.




SA17.244   State Government Active Transport Program 2017/18 - Approved Projects

HPERM Ref: D17/243216

Recommendation* (Clr Pakes / Clr Gash)

That Council:

1.    Accepts the grant funding offers under the NSW State Government Active Transport Program as follows:

a.    $1,500,000 for “Round the Bay” shared user path and associated works including a new Moona Moona Creek shared user path bridge, Callala Bay Headland and ‘way finding’ signage generally in accordance with Council’s Restart Illawarra (Environment & Tourism fund) nomination and other key shared user path links and authorise the expenditure on job number 86020;

b.    $190,000 for the construction of a shared user path and associated works on Vincent and Twyford Streets, Vincentia, and authorises the expenditure on job number 86147;

c.    $150,000 for the construction of Stage 1 of the proposed shared user path and associated works on Deering Street, Ulladulla, and authorises the expenditure on job number 86148;

d.    $50,000 for the construction of a pedestrian refuge and associated kerb and pram ramp adjustments on Green Street (at the intersection of the Princes Highway) Ulladulla, and authorises the expenditure on job number 86919; and

e.    $10,000 for Bike parking facilities (bike racks) installed at various locations across the city, and authorises the expenditure on job number 85438.

2.    As a consequence of this grant, the $640,000 allocated by Council to the Moona Moona Creek shared user path bridge project (job number 86020) be reallocated to the Chris Creek shared user path bridge project.

3.    The General Manager (Director Assets & Works) writes to the NSW Roads & Maritime Services, and the Local Members of Parliament (for Kiama and South Coast), thanking them for their ongoing support of the Shoalhaven Community through the NSW Active Transport Program and for the support of RMS staff in reviewing and supporting Council’s nominations for these important local safety and accessibility improvements.




SA17.245   NSW Government Safer Roads Program - Local Government Roads 2017/18 and 2018/19 - Approved Projects

HPERM Ref: D17/279849

Recommendation* (Clr Pakes / Clr Gash)

That Council

1.    Accepts the grant funding offers under the NSW Government Safer Roads (Local Government Roads) Program as follows:

a.    $425,000 for the safety improvements on Bolong Road, from east of Broughton Creek to the northern side of Askeaton Park ($300,000 in 2017/18 and $125,000 in 2018/19), and authorise the expenditure on job number 86637

b.    $130,000 in 2018/19 for a single lane roundabout at the intersection of Illaroo Road and Page Avenue, North Nowra, and authorise the expenditure on job number 86665

c.    $140,000 in 2018/19 for a single lane roundabout at the intersection of Mitchell Parade and Donlan Avenue, Mollymook, and authorise the expenditure on job number 86668

d.    $145,000 in 2018/19 for the safety improvements on Jervis Bay Road, Falls Creek (channelised intersection treatment at the intersection of Gardners Road), and authorise the expenditure on job number 86667

e.    $640,000 for the safety improvements on Bolong Road, from north of Coolangatta Road to the northern side of Gerroa Road intersection ($450,000 in 2017/18 and $190,000 in 2018/19), and authorise the expenditure on job number 86639

f.     $1,450,000 for the safety improvements on Currarong Road, from chainage 7.7km to chainage 11.5km ($1,000,000 in 2017/18 and $450,000 in 2018/19, and authorise the expenditure on job number 86642

2.    The General Manager (Director Assests & Works) writes to the NSW Roads & Maritime Services and the Local Members of Parliament (Kiama and South Coast) thanking them for their ongoing support of the Shoalhaven Community through the NSW Safer Roads Program and for the support of RMS staff in reviewing and supporting Council’s nominations for these important local road safety improvements.




SA17.246   Callala Bay Sailing Club - Erosion Control / Access Improvement / Revegetation Improvements and Funding Sources

HPERM Ref: D17/224650


Item dealt with earlier in the meeting see MIN17.785.




Items marked with an * were resolved ‘en block’.


SA17.247   Proposed Lease - 39 Shoalhaven Street, Nowra - Shoalhaven Community Preschool Incorporated

HPERM Ref: D17/257463

Recommendation* (Clr Watson / Clr Levett)

That Council, in its capacity as manager of the Shoalhaven Street (R1003208) Reserve Trust:

1.    Enter into a 5 year lease agreement with a 5 year option period with Shoalhaven Community Preschool Incorporated for the use and occupation of 39 Shoalhaven Street, Nowra with incremental increases in rent for the first 3 years as follows:

a.    Year 1 - $2,127.54 plus GST;

b.    Year 2 - $4,255.09 plus GST; and

c.    Year 3 - $7,091.82 plus GST;

with CPI increases from year 3 to year 5 and a review at the commencement of the option period; and

2.    Make adjustments in the FY 17/18 Quarter 1 financial review and make provisions in the FY 18/19 budget for the following sums to job number 13938 to cover the additional subsidised rent in the first 2 years (if required by Department of Primary Industries – Lands & Forestry):-

a.    Year 1 - $4,964.28 plus GST (if applicable);

b.    Year 2 - $2,836.73 plus GST (if applicable).

3.    Authorise the General Manager to finalise any lease terms and to sign all documentation required to give effect to this resolution and to affix the Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven to all documentation required to be sealed.




SA17.248   Proposed Lease - 101 Jervis Street, Nowra - Lyrebird Preschool Kindergarten Incorporated

HPERM Ref: D17/258659

Recommendation * (Clr Watson / Clr Levett)

That Council:

1.    Enter into a 5 year lease agreement with a 5 year option period with Lyrebird Preschool Kindergarten Incorporated for the occupation of 101 Jervis Street, Nowra for the purpose of a community preschool with incremental increases in rent for the first 3 years as follows:

a.    Year 1 - $1,695.30 plus GST;

b.    Year 2 - $3,390.60 plus GST; and

c.    Year 3 - $5,651.00 plus GST;

with CPI increases for years 4 & 5 and a review to market under the provisions of the rental assessment framework at the commencement of the option period; and

2.    Approve the allocation of rent received under the lease agreement into the Property Reserve restricted account; and

3.    Authorise the General Manager to sign all documentation required to give effect to this resolution and to affix the Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven to all documentation required to be sealed.




SA17.249   Classification of Land - 125 Moss Vale Road Cambewarra

HPERM Ref: D17/262081


That Council resolve to classify the land described as Lot 262 DP794245 known as 125 Moss Vale Road, Cambewarra as Operational Land.


Recommendation (Clr Watson / Clr Alldrick)

That Council resolve to classify the land described as Lot 262 DP794245 known as 125 Moss Vale Road, Cambewarra as Operational Land.



SA17.250   Objection - Licence for shipping container - Culburra Beach Orient Point Men's Shed

HPERM Ref: D17/268386


Item dealt with earlier in the meeting see MIN17.784.






SA17.251   Tenders - Bitumen Spray Sealing of Pavements - October 2017 - June 2018

HPERM Ref: D17/301580

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council consider a separate confidential report in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993.


RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Clr Proudfoot)                                                                              MIN17.795

That Council consider a separate confidential report in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993.




SA17.252   Review of Policy on Waiving of Development Application Fees and Other Fees for Charitable Organisations and Community Groups

HPERM Ref: D17/268470

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council adopt the reviewed Policy on Waiving of Development Application Fees and other Fees for Charitable Organisations and Community Groups (POL17/10) with the minor amendments as shown in the attached draft Policy.


RESOLVED (Clr Gartner / Clr Pakes)                                                                                  MIN17.796

That Council adopt the reviewed Policy on Waiving of Development Application Fees and other Fees for Charitable Organisations and Community Groups (POL17/10) with the minor amendments as shown in the attached draft Policy.




SA17.253   Hoarding and Domestic Squalor

HPERM Ref: D16/314344

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee:

1.    Adopt the attached procedure for dealing with complaints concerning hoarding and/or squalor.

2.    Support in principle the formation of a local inter-agency forum on hoarding and squalor.

3.    Consider allocating a budget of $50,000 per annum in future financial years, to be used for emergency clean-up of hoarding and squalor, pollution incidents including water and land pollution, orphan waste and the like.


RESOLVED (Clr White / Clr Cheyne)                                                                                   MIN17.797

That the Committee:

1.    Adopt the attached procedure for dealing with complaints concerning hoarding and/or squalor.

2.    Support in principle the formation of a local inter-agency forum on hoarding and squalor.

3.    Consider allocating a budget of $50,000 per annum in future financial years, to be used for emergency clean-up of hoarding and squalor, pollution incidents including water and land pollution, orphan waste and the like.




SA17.254   NSW Heritage Grants Program 2017/2018 - Shoalhaven Local Heritage Assistance Fund

HPERM Ref: D17/262482

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee endorse the allocation of Shoalhaven Local Heritage Assistance Funds for the 2017/2018 program as listed in Attachment 1 to this report.


RESOLVED (Clr Watson / Clr Gartner)                                                                                MIN17.798

That the Committee endorse the allocation of Shoalhaven Local Heritage Assistance Funds for the 2017/2018 program as listed in Attachment 1 to this report.




SA17.255   Acquisition of easement over Crown land at Cunjurong Point

HPERM Ref: D17/255044



1.    Council resolve to compulsorily acquire an Easement for Electricity Purposes 10 wide & variable over Crown land Lot 482 DP823199, being the area of an existing Easement for Access and Water Supply Pipeline 10 wide & variable shown highlighted green on DP641175 marked ‘Attachment 1’.

2.    Council pay compensation as determined by the Valuer General and ancillary costs for the acquisition in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Water Fund.

3.    The necessary application be made to the Minister for Local Government and the Governor for approval to the acquisition under the Local Government Act 1993.

4.    The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.


Recommendation (Clr Cheyne / Clr Gash)


1.    Council resolve to compulsorily acquire an Easement for Electricity Purposes 10 wide & variable over Crown land Lot 482 DP823199, being the area of an existing Easement for Access and Water Supply Pipeline 10 wide & variable shown highlighted green on DP641175 marked ‘Attachment 1’.

2.    Council pay compensation as determined by the Valuer General and ancillary costs for the acquisition in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Water Fund.

3.    The necessary application be made to the Minister for Local Government and the Governor for approval to the acquisition under the Local Government Act 1993.

4.    The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.




SA17.256   Acquisition of Crown land and Easement for Access at Vincentia

HPERM Ref: D17/276897



1.    Council resolve to compulsorily acquire from the Crown:

a.    Part of Crown land Lot 1 DP608937 at Captain Street Vincentia, shown as proposed Lot 1 on the attached draft survey plan.

b.    An Easement for Right of Access 4.555 wide & variable over Crown land Lot 1 DP608937, marked (E) on the attached draft survey plan.

2.    Council pay compensation and costs associated with the acquisition, in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Sewer Fund.

3.    The necessary application be made to the Minister for Local Government and the Governor. The acquisition is to be carried out under the Local Government Act 1993.

4.    The land to be acquired be classified as Operational land in accordance with Section 31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993

5.    The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.


Recommendation (Clr Cheyne / Clr Alldrick)



1.    Council resolve to compulsorily acquire from the Crown:

a.    Part of Crown land Lot 1 DP608937 at Captain Street Vincentia, shown as proposed Lot 1 on the attached draft survey plan.

b.    An Easement for Right of Access 4.555 wide & variable over Crown land Lot 1 DP608937, marked (E) on the attached draft survey plan.

2.    Council pay compensation and costs associated with the acquisition, in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Sewer Fund.

3.    The necessary application be made to the Minister for Local Government and the Governor. The acquisition is to be carried out under the Local Government Act 1993.

4.    The land to be acquired be classified as Operational land in accordance with Section 31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993

5.    The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.




SA17.257   The ECOCITY Conference

HPERM Ref: D17/284985

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council

1.    Receive the report from Clr Nina Cheyne and Clr Amanda Findley on the ECOCITY Conference for information.

2.    Work collaboratively with the Sustainable Futures committee to implement strategies that enhance a sustainable, economical and healthy city.


RESOLVED (Clr Cheyne / Clr Findley)                                                                                MIN17.799

That Council:

1.    Receive the report from Clr Nina Cheyne and Clr Amanda Findley on the ECOCITY Conference for information.

2.    Work collaboratively with the Sustainable Futures committee to implement strategies that enhance a sustainable, economical and healthy city.





Confidential Reports


Pursuant to Section 10A(4) the public were invited to make representation to the meeting before any part of the meeting is closed, as to whether that part of the meeting should be closed.


No members of the public made representations.


RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Clr Levett)

That the press and public be excluded from the Meeting, pursuant to section 10A(1)(a) of the Local Government Act, 1993, to consider the following items of a confidential nature.


CSA17.15       Tenders – Bitumen Spay Sealing of Pavements - October 2017 - June 2018

Commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.10(A)(2)(d)(i)

There is a public interest consideration against disclosure of information as disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to undermine competitive neutrality in connection with any functions of an agency in respect of which it competes with any person or otherwise place an agency at a competitive advantage or disadvantage in any market.





The meeting moved into confidential the time being 6.39pm.



The meeting moved into open session, the time being 6.41pm.











Report from confidential session


The following resolutions of the meeting, whilst closed to the public, were made public.


CSA17.15  Tenders – Bitumen Spay Sealing of Pavements - October 2017 - June 2018

HPERM Ref: D17/301373

RESOLVED                                                                                                                        MIN17.800C

That Council:

1.    Accept the Tender from Fulton Hogan to be the Primary Contractor for Bitumen Spray Sealing of Pavements throughout the Shoalhaven City Council Region including the Schedule of Rates at Attachment 1 of this report (Council file reference D17/301259);

2.    Enter into contracts with Downer Edi, Roadworx, Colas, Rural Bitumen Services and State Asphalt Services as Secondary Contractors to undertake works where Fulton Hogan are unable to deliver a portion of works in accordance with the provisions of their contract; 

3.    Use Rural Bitumen Services as the preferred secondary contractor where the portion of works is within their resource capacity;

4.    Contract documents and any other associated documents be executed on behalf of the Council in accordance with cl165 of the Local Government Regulation by the General Manager (Director of Assets & Works);

5.    Authorise the General Manager (Director of Assets & Works) to adjust the contract for variations and extensions for components under the contract.






There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 6.41pm.



Clr Findley







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SA17.258   Notice of Motion - Climate Leadership Conference


HPERM Ref:       D17/327364


Submitted by:    Clr Kaye Gartner




Purpose / Summary

The following Notice of Motion, of which due notice has been given, is submitted for Council’s consideration.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Climate Leadership Conference, ( to be held in Sydney 15-16 March 2018, be added to conferences available for councillor attendance.



Note by the General Manager

The Climate Leadership Conference is being held in the Dockside Convention Centre, Sydney on 15-16 March 2018.

Costs associated with the conference are estimated as follows:

·     registration : $995 (Ultra Early Bird)

$1,295 (Early Bird)

$1,695 (Standard)

·     travel, accommodation and out of pocket expenses : not yet determined.

Further information relating to the conference is located at


Suggested alternate recommendation

That Council

1.       Notes the details of the Climate Leadership Conference scheduled for 15-16 March 2018 in the Dockside Convention Centre, Sydney.

2.       Authorises available Councillors to attend the conference and such attendance be deemed Council Business.

3.       Travel, registration fees, accommodation and all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses be met in accordance with its adopted policy.

4.       Request Councillors attending the conference to provide a written report within 30 days of returning from the conference.




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SA17.259   Notice of Motion - Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services - Solar Panels


HPERM Ref:       D17/332439


Submitted by:    Clr Kaye Gartner




Purpose / Summary

The following Notice of Motion, of which due notice has been given, is submitted for Council’s consideration.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council;

1.    Acknowledge the grant of $10,000.00 from Powershop Pty Ltd to Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services for installation of solar PVC panels.

2.    Support the installation of solar PVC panels on council property 81 Osborne St Nowra, currently leased for 10 years to Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services.

3.    Keep the panels in situ for their useable life, generally 20 -25 years.




At Council Strategy & Assets Committee meeting, Nov 15, 2016, it was decided that the lease for 81 Osborne St be granted to Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services (SNS) to enable a move to larger premises and an expansion of services.

There have been extended delays awaiting council sign off on renovations needed at the 81 Osborne Street building. Finally, SNS took over the lease and began paying rent as of 1/9/17. Unfortunately, the relocation has still not happened as SNS now awaits council sign off on the occupation certificate.

Meanwhile, SNS has been chosen for a $10,000 grant by energy retailer Powershop to have solar PV panels installed. (This grant was brokered by community member Mr Andy Litchfield.) These solar panels will significantly reduce the operating costs of SNS, particularly over summer when air conditioning is in use. SNS is also extending its services to include laundry facility and showers for people experiencing homelessness. Solar PVC will significantly reduce the cost of providing this service, too.

SNS management is concerned about further delays in benefitting from this grant if an entire new DA is required for installation of the solar PVC panels.


Note by the General Manager

Notwithstanding the resolution to lease Osborne Street to SNS occurred in November 2016 a Development Application (DA) for the change in use was not submitted until the 19th June 2017. The DA was approved on the 26th July. Activities that occurred in the lead up to the lodgement of the DA was:

·    finalisation of the lease terms and conditions,

·    maintenance responsibilities and

·    floor plans

Subsequent to this, the application for the occupancy certificate was lodged on the 1st September. One of the steps in the process for the issue of the occupancy certificate is the fire safety compliance certification which was carried out on the 11th October. There is every reason to believe that certification will be received and that the occupancy certificate will be issued.

Clause 39 of SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007 outlines the exempt requirements for solar energy systems.  There are a number of issues that need to be completed and the following is a summary of the main aspects:

a)   the system is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or by a person who is accredited by the Clean Energy Council for the installation of photovoltaic electricity generating systems.

b)   the system does not involve mirrors or lenses to reflect or concentrate sunlight.

c)   the system does not compromise the structural integrity or involve structural alteration to the building.

d)   the system does not protrude more than 0.5m from the wall or roof if it faces the road.  Otherwise it should not protrude more than 1.0 m.

e)   in the case of development for the purposes of a photovoltaic electricity generating system--the system has the capacity to generate no more than 10kW.

Where the development does not satisfy the above requirements, a development application can be submitted for assessment.



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SA17.260   Notice of Motion - Callala Beach Shared Pathways


HPERM Ref:       D17/332618


Submitted by:    Clr Patricia White

Clr Mitchell Pakes




Purpose / Summary

The following Notice of Motion, of which due notice has been given, is submitted for Council’s consideration.



That Council

1.    Provide $25,000 to the Callala Beach Progress Association for the completion of the Callala Beach to Myola share pathway prior to Christmas 2017.

2.    Funding to be allocated from:

a.    $10,000 project allocation 2017/18 Community pathway funding

b.    $10,000 project allocation 2018/19 Community pathway funding

c.    $  5,000 Quarterly review September

d.    Or an alternative revenue source

3.    Council to assist with the survey of the centre line of the path for the construction purposes.

4.    Council thank and congratulate the Callala Beach Progress Association for going above and beyond in making this project a success, with the end result being a truly unique piece of community infrastructure.




Council has worked closely with the Callala Beach Progress Association over many years on the construction of a share pathway from Callala Beach to Myola.  CBPA initialled this project after concerns were raised regarding the danger posed to cyclists and pedestrians using the roadway from Callala Beach to Myola.

The project is being constructed in stages with stages one & two completed with the last stage being the link adjacent to the Myola Tourist Park.  On completion of these works the shared pathway will be completed.   There is 258.5 lineal metres of 2m wide and 100mm deep reinforced concrete shared path located on the asset protection zone.  This will join the path to the newly sealed road which leads to the training wall where the ferry runs from and the beach.

CBPA have a state government grant for large portion of the cost but are still $25,000.00 short.  Council has allocated $10,000.00 already in there pathway budget for 2017/18 and CBPA are requesting the shortfall of $15,000.00 for construction and there will be a cost to Council to survey the centre line of the path for the construction.

The work will be Project managed by The Progress Association and the design has been prepared free of charge by Westlake Punnett and Associates. The placement of the Progress’s fund raising pavers in the pathway will also be done by Progress.

The completion of this shared pathway provides Callala Beach and Myola residents and visitors with a safe linkage between the two villages.  Working with this community group has seen the community develop a unique piece of community infrastructure and the contribution made by the community to this project has been invaluable.

The pathway is more than just a footpath, it is an art trail in its own right, featuring mosaics, carvings and personalised pavers.  Noel Wellington a respected elder of the Jerringa and one of the top 10 indigenous artists in Australia has provided Carve designs into the three existing seats along the pathway.   Additionally construction of a gateway structure at the Myola end of the shared pathway will be quite an extensive structure involving three large carved posts in a triangular layout with a metal roof over. The panels represent the spirit of his grandfather, a canoe and fish.

The completion of this project provides another fantastic example of State and Local government working together, with the community, to develop much needed public assets.

The final stage of pathway will extend from the end of the new section of path to the south and into the village of Myola, behind the Caravan Park.

It is anticipated that this community project can be completed by Christmas with the funding allocation.


Note by the General Manager

Staff have agreed to provide $10,000 under the Community Paths Program in 2017/18 and support provision of $10,000 in 2018/19 to enable the community to finish the path to Catherine St. In addition, survey to ‘set out’ the works will be provided by Council staff.  



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SA17.261   State Emergency Services Support - Funding Sources / costs - Report Request - staged approach - 2017 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference


HPERM Ref:       D17/332897


Group:                General Manager's Group 

Section:              Executive Strategy




Purpose / Summary

To provide a report which meets the requirements of the Notice of Motion submitted by Clr Mark Kitchener for the 2017 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference – “Preparing for the Next Great Flood” held in Newcastle in May 2017.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

1.    That Council receive the report for information;

2.    That council acknowledge that the SES is the combat agency for flood events;

3.    That council will continue to work with SES to improve services, capacity and community education through various means and within council budgets as set out in this report




1.    Adopt the recommendation


2.    Receive the report for information


3.    Request further information as it becomes available


BackgroundAs part of the report on the 2017 Floodplain Management Australia National Conference, a number of items were identified within the notice of motion, for further investigation. Each of these items have been investigated and comentary on the findings are provided below:

1.    Siting of gauge boards at Burrill and Tabourie lakes, so residents may gain an understanding of current water depths and provide the SES with additional data, to correlate with the automated gauges, located at different sites in the same lake.

Council is curently undertaking a project for the installation of historical flood information signs.Council resolved in October 2015 (Min. D15/314859 – Part H to install Flood level signage/markers from previous floods in public locations i.e. telegraph poles) in the 2016/2017 financial year.  This process is currently being undertaken by the Natural Resources and Floodplain Unit.

A list of depth indicator signage throughout the Shoalhaven is currently being compiled with the assistance of the (3) SES units and Council. This list include the areas of Burrill Lake and Tabourie Lakes which are subject to flooding.  All areas will then be risk prioritised and an ongoing program developed for installation each financial year, pending funding. Currently Nowra SES unit is undertaking visual identification of depth indicators by visiting known streets of previous flooding. A list of streets which regularly suffer flood inundation within each village is being developed.


2.    Install rainfall gauges in Lake Burrill and Lake Tabourie catchments in order to correlate rainfall data with lake levels.

Both catchments have rainfall and water level gauges.  Bureau of Meterology for both catchments do not provide flood forecasting as in the case of St Georges Basin or the Shoalhaven River. Council currently has no funding to advance this project and suggested that the Shoalhaven SES make representations to the Bureau to advance this development. In addition the Flood Risk Management Study and Plan for both Lake Tabourie and Burrill Lake call for improved flood warning systems as a mitigation measure.  This is the responsibility of the Bureau of Metererology (BOM) to implement.


3.    Mapping of possible evacuation areas and routes with contours to enable the SES to rapidly provide evacuation details for door-knocking teams. 

Council does not have this level of information. To obtain such information the Council will need to engage a professional flood consultant to provide flood intelligence information. NSW Office of Environment & Heritage at this moment do not fund such studies and Council anticipates such a study just for the Shoalhaven River alone would cost well over $100,000 to undertake.  Council does not have the resources nor the funds to undertake such a study.

Another option  apart from mapping is to engage a flood consultant to prepare a Flood Emergency Response Plan similar to the Burrill Lake, Lake Conjola and Lake Tabourie. Given the Shoalhaven River and St Georges Basin Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan is scheduled to be reviewed a variation to the contract could be requested for the consultant to prepare this plan.  It is estimated that this variation maybe in the order of $50,000 - $80,000.

Various flood mapping systems are currently being investigated including:

·    Bundaberg


·    Environmon


·    NSW SES Flood Data Access System – due to be launched by the Minister on the 5th September, free to use but with limitations

·    FLARE – BOM Flash Flood Advisory Resource

·    Manly Hydraulics Lab

·    Waterride

Some systems are more indicative and provide visual guides of what could eventuate and concerns were raised in providing this information to community as it may be presumed realistic and may not eventuate.

More investigation needs to take place on a suitable flood mapping system which will provide the necessary features for all users including the community.  Discussions and presentations are currently taking place with a number of Councils and agencies throughout Australia.

When a flood mapping solution is available it will allow for the possible identification of evacuation routes for use by emergency services.


4.    Provide a system to obtain from Shoalhaven City Council information related to road closures due to flooding. 

Council has recently introduced a new software solution SIGNUM  that allows images of temporary road signage to be captured.  It then maps the location of the signs.  This will provide Council a city wide capacity for improved reporting of road closures not only during emergencies.  SIGNUM is suitable for road closures, temporary speed zone signage, traffic hazards, warning signs, changeable notice boards, detours, changed traffic conditions, portable traffic lights and message boards. SIGNUM licence is $2500 exc gst per year and allows for unlimited number of Android devices to have the software installed plus access to the web based viewer.Training for users is currently in progress and Council staff are liaising with SES regarding this system.


5.    Provide updated tourist park evacuation plans to the SES.

Currently the Nowra and Ulladulla Units have copies of the Caravan Parks Flood Safety Study indicating which floodprone caravan parks within the Shoalhaven LGA have  evacuation plans developed. The Shoalhaven SES Units have all available information at this time.

Caravan Parks in order to gain an approval to operate from Council are requied to update/provide  their current flood emergency procedures in accordance with the requirements set out in Chapter G10: Caravan Parks in Flood Prone Areas Development Control Plan.  Council is aiming to have updated flood emergency procedures for all parks within flood prone land within the next 12 months.


6.    Provide electronic contour maps of 200 mm intervals to the SES.

See response to item 3


7.    Provide ‘Road Closed’ sign boards to the SES

Road closures and the placement of signage boards are the  responsibility of the road owner eg Council for local roads and RMS for Main highways.   Council is currently investigating a new approach using variable message boards.

For improved traffic management to divert traffic, for example, from Bolong Road when it is flooded, Council plans to install Variable Message signs to detour traffic from Bolong Road/Gerroa Road to Highway.  Council has installed these as part of planning for recent flood warnings but were not required.

The Berry Bypass will now provide flood free access for north and south bound boundaries so there should not be as much through traffic on these local roads in future events.


8.    Provide for all local SES units, contour maps with floor heights of residential buildings for the towns in their precincts. Ulladulla for example would need maps for Lake Conjola, Conjola Park, Lake Tabourie, Lake Burrill, Narrawallee, and Fisherman’s Paradise.

See response to item 3


9.    Support the Shoalhaven SES units financially by subsidising the SMS emergency alert system during a major flood event. (approximately 3 x $200 per major event)

Nowra SES uses an SMS system.  This is costed out of an operational budget.  Currently over 300 residents on this system and during a flood event will be send  an initial warning.  This will happen when the BOM issues a Minor/Major Flood Warning.  Basic message is that the BOM has issued a flood warning please listen to local radio, news, web pages and Facebook.  This message is only a heads up.

St Georges Basin Unit uses the same system but numbers of residents on the system were not available. 

Ulladulla Unit uses a Facebook messenger system.

Should a State of Emergency be declared all units can claim back from Disaster funding the cost of the SMS system.


10.  A flood information pack to be distributed with new Development Applications.

An electronic brochure  (as PDF) could be attached to flood certificates or a link provided to this system. Format for SES brochures is set by State as a template with no ability to change the format of the brochures.

Council’s Floodplain Engineer has sugested that it would be preferable to provide a web link in the flood certificate given 95% of our flood certificates are delivered by email. Other Natural Resources staff agree  that a web link provided on an electronic flood certificate is the best option.


11.  Hold discussions with the four SES controllers of the Shoalhaven and determine an appropriate priority list for the above.

Both Nowra & St Georges Basin Units agreed that the priority for actions should be the flood mapping development and also the depth indicator gauges installation. Ulladulla Unit indicated via email that depth indicators at Burrill and Tabourie Lakes as well as contour mapping would be high on their priorities.


Community Engagement

At this stage of the flood mapping process investigations there will be minimal requirement for community engagement. However given the outcomes and future use of the flood mapping information an amount of community engagement may take place through providing flood warning information.


Financial Implications

More investigation needs to take place on a suitable flood mapping system which will provide the necessary features for all users including the community.  Discussions and presentations are currently taking place with a number of Councils and agencies throughout Australia. Whilst there are no current costs indicated at this stage to implement this type of system will have financial implications.



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SA17.262   Public Policy for Review - Councillor & Staff Interaction Policy


HPERM Ref:       D17/334124


Group:                General Manager's Group  


Attachments:     1. Councillor & Staff Interaction Policy




Purpose / Summary

Council needs to review all policies within 12 months of the election.  The attached policy is presented for consideration with minor changes.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the public policy, Councillor & Staff Interaction Policy, be adopted with minor changes as indicated in Attachment 1.




1.    Adopt the Policy as recommended.

Implications: The General Manager will continue to implement the Policy.

2.    Make amendments to the Policy.



This Policy clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of councillors and staff in relation to professional and acceptable interaction. Minor changes have been made for clarrification purposes.


Community Engagement

This matter is not considered to require general community engagement before its adoption.




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SA17.263   NSW Coastal Conference 2017 - Port Stephens


HPERM Ref:       D17/332793


Group:                Finance Corporate & Community Services Group 

Section:              Human Resources, Governance & Customer Service


Attachments:     1. Conference Program




Purpose / Summary

To consider Councillor attendance at the NSW Coastal Conference scheduled for 8 – 10 November 2017 in Port Stephens, NSW.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council

1.    Notes the details of the NSW Coastal Conference scheduled for 8-10 November 2017 in Port Stephens, NSW.

2.    Authorises available Councillors to attend the conference and such attendance be deemed Council Business.

3.    Travel, registration fees, accommodation and all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses be met in accordance with its adopted policy.

4.    Request Councillors attending the conference to provide a written report within 30 days of returning from the conference.




1.    As per the recommendation.


2.    That Council limit the number of Councillors attending the Conference and such attendance be deemed Council Business.


3.    That Council not approve Councillor attendance at the Conference as Council Business.



The NSW Coastal Conference 2017 is considered relevant to local government, Information in relation to the conference is attached to this report

Costs associated with the conference are estimated as follows:

·     registration : $885

·     optional – pre conference workshop (7 November) additional $105

·     travel, accommodation and out of pocket expenses : not yet determined.

An option available to Council is to define the number of Councillors attending the conference and for Council to determine the appropriate Councillors authorised to attend.  This option is presented having regard to the increase in Councillor expenses in recent years, so that Council may pro-actively control this area of expenses when appropriate. However it is also noted that council has a policy of allowing councillors to attend three conferences of their choice in addition to conferences organised by the NSW or Australian local government associations.

The Conference commences at 9.00am Wednesday 8 November and concludes at 2.00pm Friday 10 November and the following Council Business is scheduled within the period of the conference:

·     Thursday 9 November at 4.00pm – Clr Briefing.

·     Thursday 9 November at 5.30pm – RFS Strategic Planning Committee.


Policy Implications

The Council Members – Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities Policy limits attendance at conferences to three per annum per councillor exclusive of any conference arranged by either the State or National Local Government Associations.


Financial Implications:

Funds are available for Councillors to attend this conference.



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SA17.264   Acquisition - Drainage Easement - Woollamia - Pt Lot 196 DP15266 -10 Prichard Avenue


HPERM Ref:       D17/300498


Group:                Assets & Works Group  

Section:              Business & Property


Attachments:     1. Plan - Proposed Drainage Easement - Lot 196 DP 15266 - 10 Pritchard Ave Woollamia




Purpose / Summary

To seek Council approval to acquire part of Lot 159 DP15266 at 10 Prichard Avenue, Woollamia, for a 6 metre wide by 150 metre length Easement for Drainage over the existing swale drain/bund to alleviate flooding in Prichard Avenue.



That Council:

1.    Resolve to acquire a 6 metre wide by 150 metre length Easement for Drainage over part of Lot 159 DP15266 at 10 Pritchard Avenue, Woollamia, as shown in Attachment 1;

2.    Pay compensation of $29,000 plus GST (if applicable) including all ancillary and reasonable legal costs associated with the acquisition, in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from job number 85001; and

3.    Grant authority to affix the Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven to any documents required to be sealed and the General Manager be authorised to sign any documentation necessary to give effect to the resolution.




1.    Resolved as recommended.

Implications: Acquisition of the easement is required to formalise legal access for drainage and maintenance purposes for the already constructed swale drain/bund.


2.    Not resolve as recommended and provide further direction to staff.

Implications: Council will not have guaranteed access to maintain drainage infrastructure.




The proposed easement is required to formalise access for maintenance and protection of the already constructed swale drain/bund over privately owned land at Lot 159 DP15266. The drain was constructed in 2015 along the northern boundary to alleviate localised flooding in Pritchard Avenue.

A valuation undertaken on behalf of Council by Walsh & Monaghan Pty Ltd has assessed compensation for the easement at $26,000 (excluding GST) for an area of 898.5m2. A counter offer was made by the owner of Lot 159 DP15266 Mr & Mrs Batchelor in the amount of $32,000 (excluding GST).

With advice from Council’s valuer, a conditional offer was made of $29,000 (excluding GST). Mr & Mrs Batchelor have accepted this offer on the condition the following ancillary works are undertaken in addition to the compensation; provision a fence, access gate and a rear bund to prevent water backflow into Lot 159 (the remainder of the Batchelor’s property). Council has agreed in-principle to this request.


Community Engagement

This matter is considered to be a local area low impact issue as outlined in Council’s Community Engagement Policy and Handbook and therefore no community engagement apart from the property owner directly affected by the acquisition referred to in this report.


Financial Implications

In accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, Council is responsible for the land owner’s reasonable legal and ancillary costs associated with the acquisition.  These costs along with the compensation are to be funded from job number 85001.


Risk Implications

Registration of the easement is necessary to secure Council’s access for the maintenance of essential public infrastructure and right to drain water through the easement.



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SA17.265   Classification of Land - Lot 310 DP1234415 Kooyonga Close Mollymook Beach


HPERM Ref:       D17/304290


Group:                Assets & Works Group 

Section:              Business & Property


Attachments:     1. Plan - Lot 310 DP1234415 Kooyonga Close - Mollymook Beach




Purpose / Summary

To classify the land described as Lot 310 DP1234415 Kooyonga Close Mollymook Beach as Operational Land (Attachment 1).



That Council resolve to classify the land described as Lot 310 DP1234415 Kooyonga Close Mollymook Beach as Operational Land.




1.    Resolve as recommended.

Implications:  The land will be able to be used for its intended purpose (drainage reserve).  Should any objections be received prior to the close of submission on 19 October 2017 Council will be notified at its meeting on 24 October 2017.

2.    Not resolve as recommended.

Implications: The land will default to Community Land and subject to the Community Land provisions as outlined in the Local Government Act 1993 (LGA93).

3.    Provide further direction to staff and propose an alternative.



Lot 310 DP1234415 Kooyonga Close Mollymook Beach was dedicated for drainage reserve under SF9197.

Section 31(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 (LGA93) provides that before Council acquires land, or within 3 months after it acquires land, Council may resolve to classify it.

There are two Classification available:

1.       Operational Land – land which Council owns as a business entity (operational purposes) and upon which it conducts Council business, and

2.       Community Land – land in Council’s ownership which is held for and on behalf of the Community – subject to the Community Land provisions of LGA93.

A resolution of Council, within the time frame prescribed in LGA93, is required to finalise the classification of land as Operational.  Should the classification process not be completed, the land will default to Community Land.


Community Engagement

In accordance with Section 34 of LGA93, a public notice of Council’s intention to classify the land as Operational was placed in the local press 20 September 2017 allowing 28 days for written submissions, closing 19 October 2017.  At the time of writing this report no submissions have been received, however any submissions received prior to the closing time will be reported to the Council meeting in October.



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SA17.266   Adoption of Town Street Tree Planting Strategy Policy


HPERM Ref:       D17/290194


Group:                Assets & Works Group 

Section:              Project Delivery & Contract


Attachments:     1. Town Street Tree Planting Strategy 2017 (under separate cover)




Purpose / Summary

To seek Council approval to adopt the minor changes in the Town Street Tree Planting Strategy as set out in this report.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council adopt the minor changes in the Town Street Tree Planting Strategy as set out in this report.




1.    Resolve as recommended.

Implications: The adoption of the minor amendments made to the Policy will provide a better management of the Town Street Tree Planting.


2.    Decline minor changes and provide further direction to staff.



Council adopted a Town Street Tree Planting Strategy in 2005 and the policy was updated with minor changes in 2009 and 2013. 

The following minor changes have been made to the policy which is attached:

·        Page 1 Aims

o   Deletion of the words over a ten year period. Reason is policy has now exceeded 10 years and further planting remains to be done.

o   Deletion of the words and appropriate as this is mentioned in a previous dot point.

·        Page 2 Provisions

o   Deletion of the date 2011.  Change of date; High priority 2006 – 2018

·        Page 3

o   Deletion of the date 2013.  Change of date; Medium priority 2011 – 2019

o   Deletion of the date 2016.  Change of date; low priority 2013 – 2020

·        Page 6 Appendix 1:

o   Medium priority – 22. Marked as complete



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SA17.267   Indian (Common) Myna Bird Programme


HPERM Ref:       D17/242470


Group:                Planning Environment & Development Group 

Section:              Building & Compliance Services


Attachments:     1. Report - Indian (Common) Myna Bird Program - Strategy & Assets Committee 18 July 2017




Purpose / Summary

On 18 July 2017 Council received a report in relation to the 'Indian Myna Bird Action Programme'.  This programme focused on the humane control of Indian Myna birds in the Shoalhaven Local Government Area (LGA) and was generally based on community education and access to Indian Myna bird traps. 

The report identified a number of options and Council resolved to:

(a)  upgrade the website to provide the community with sufficient information for them to instigate an Indian Myna bird eradication programme. 

(b)  develop an urban landscape policy to discourage the proliferation of Indian Myna birds.

Council also resolved to receive a further report outlining what resources could be applied to achieve additional components of a Myna Bird reduction programme within existing budgets.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee

1.    receive the report for information and note that council’s website will be uploaded with information & links as time & resources permit;

2.    Utilise available options to distribute and promote the ‘Grow me Instead’ brochure.




1.    As recommended.


This option can be implemented within existing resources and budget and will provide updated information to the community about management of Indian Myna birds.


2.    Council note the report for information.


As discussed in the previous report (SA17.192), there are members of the community who are already actively engaged in the trapping and eradication on Myna birds and this will continue without a Council programme.



Attached to this report is SA17.192 which detailed the Indian Myna Bird programme.  This report was presented to the Strategy and Assets Committee meeting of 18 July 2017.



The previous report highlighted options and Council resolved to upgrade the website and complete an urban landscape policy.  These will have a cost and resource implications.


Of the remaining works identified in the initial report, no budget or resources are available to implement these works (Refer Attachment No.1 for the previous report).


Community Engagement

There has been no community consultation at this point.  Community engagement would need to be undertaken if Council moved forward with the program to encourage participation in trapping and increasing biodiversity on private land by taking part in the education program and trapping Indian Myna Birds.  This would require a comprehensive approach to advertising, networking and education.


Policy Implications

An option that was considered in the previous report to Council included developing an Urban Landscape Policy to discourage the proliferation of Indian Myna birds through planting of low native shrubs and groundcovers and reducing the extent of open grassed areas, where reasonable. However, this would require allocation of budget and resources which are not available at this time. Council could consider allocating a budget for the development of this policy next financial year. Council has an existing brochure called ‘Grow me instead’ which encourages planting of native plant species which discourages the proliferation of Indian Myna birds. A copy of this brochure has been provided to Councillors. This brochure could be more widely promoted in the community and on Council’s website.


Financial Implications

The financial implications from the recommendation in this report relates to time required by staff to implement the recommendation.


Risk Implications

If Council chooses to do nothing, members of the community will continue to trap and control Indian Myna birds in their own backyards. 

The update of Council website could provide additional information to the community to support their localised management of the Indian Myna bird problem. 



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SA17.268   External Request - Support/Consent to declare Shoalhaven as a Fossicking District


HPERM Ref:       D17/297765


Group:                Planning Environment & Development Group 

Section:              Strategic Planning


Attachments:     1. A guide to fossicking in NSW (under separate cover)




Purpose / Summary

Present a request that has been received for Council to consent to the Shoalhaven Local Government Area (LGA) being declared as a fossicking district and determine a response to that request.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council writes to NSW Department of Industry to advise that Council consents to the Shoalhaven Local Government Area being declared as a fossicking district.




1.    Support and consent to Shoalhaven being declared as a fossicking district.

Implications: This is the preferred option as it creates potential for the growth of geotourism (geological focussed tourism) within Shoalhaven and has minimal associated risks.


2.    Not consent to Shoalhaven being declared as a fossicking district.

Implications: This is not the preferred option as it would mean that Shoalhaven misses out on prospective geotourism as fossickers would have a more onerous process to undertake to be able to carry out the activity and this may act as a deterrent.



The NSW & ACT Prospectors and Fossickers Association has contacted Council to advise that the NSW Government is expanding the number of declared fossicking districts to make regional areas more attractive as a destination for fossickers, and to request that Council consider consenting to being included.

Fossicking is the small scale search for and collection of minerals, gemstones or mineral bearing material from the surface (or by digging from the surface).  This activity may only be undertaken for recreational, tourist or educational purposes.

Fossicking is considered to be a low environmental impact, safe, and healthy outdoor activity that can be family orientated in many cases.  It is particularly popular among retirees and international travellers, and could make a contribution to regional economies by providing new opportunities for regional tourism by making it easier for fossickers to access land.

Declaring an area as a fossicking district will not provide open access to land for recreational fossickers. The legal effect of a declared fossicking district is that fossickers do not need the permission of the holder of a mineral or petroleum exploration licence over the land in question.  However, they will still need the permission of local land holders, assessment and mining lease holders, and holders of mineral claims or opal prospecting licences. 

Further, fossicking activities are restricted in certain instances such as in National Parks. The NSW Government has produced a guide for fossicking in NSW that is provided as Attachment 1.

There are no potential direct risks to Council in Shoalhaven becoming a declared fossicking district and it presents tourism opportunities. Thus, it is recommended that Council provide written consent to the Shoalhaven LGA being declared a fossicking district.  The NSW Government will then gazette the declaration of the Shoalhaven LGA as a fossicking district.

It is understood that both Eurobodalla and Bega Valley LGA’s are in the process of being declared fossicking districts.


Financial Implications

There are no direct financial implications resulting from this report or the recommended action.


Risk Implications

There are minimal risk implications involved with declaring Shoalhaven LGA a fossicking district.



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SA17.269   Request - Refund DA Fees - Berry Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Associated - DA17/1732 & DA17/1733 - 2 Berry Township Information Signs


HPERM Ref:       D17/323477


Group:                Planning Environment & Development Group  

Section:              Development Services


Attachments:     1. DA Fee Waiver Request Email and Receipt




Purpose / Summary

This report is to inform Council of a request made by the Berry Chamber of Commerce and Tourism for the refunding of a Development Application (DA) and associated fees for Berry township information signage to be located at the northern and southern ends of the town, approved pursuant to Development Consents DA17/1732 and DA17/1733.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That in accordance with the Committee’s delegated authority from Council, the Committee vary Policy POL17/10 and refund the development application and associated fees identified in the report for the Berry township information signage.




1.    Council adopt the recommendation.

Implications: Council will be required to reimburse the development application and associated fees paid by the applicant in relation to DA17/1732 and DA17/1733.


2.    Council not refund the development application and associated fees identified in the report in support of the Berry township information signage.

Implications: All fees paid by the applicant in relation to DA17/1732 and DA17/1733 will be retained and will not be refunded to the applicant.



On 19 June 2017, Council received DAs:  DA17/1732 and DA17/1733 in relation to Berry township information signage proposed to be placed at the northern and southern entrances to the town and located adjacent to the Princes Highway and lodged by the Berry Chamber of Commerce and Tourism.  The northern site is described as A200B Princes Highway, Berry (Lot 80 in DP 1188079) and the southern site is described as Andersons Lane, Berry (Lot 6 DP 1188080).

In addition to the DA fees, the applicant also paid Construction Certification (CC) and Occupation Certificate (OC) fees associated with the signage.

On 4 August 2017, Council granted development consent to both development applications subject to conditions.

On 16 September 2017, Mr Anthony Houghton, President of the Berry Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, emailed Council to request a reimbursement of development application and associated fees (CC and OC) totalling $1,802.45 (DA17/1732 = $896.74 and DA17/1733 = $896.74).

Mr Houghton provided the following justification for the reimbursement:

“As the signage will benefit the community as a whole by ensuring passing motorists are aware Berry is a good stop for a coffee, toilet break etc.  We would be grateful if council could waive the DA fees as the signage is for the benefit of the Berry Community as a whole.”

Council’s Policy for the Waiving of Development Application Fees and Other Fees for Charitable Organisations and Community Groups, sets out the parameters for refunds.  Firstly, exemption criteria must be met which includes being a local community group listed in Council’s Directory with no on-going commercial or business venture and secondly a $2,000 threshold must not be exceeded (combined applications, that is, DA with CC).

The Berry Chamber of Commerce and Tourism is listed in the Community Directory and the total of all fees paid do not exceed $2,000.

Clause 2.4 of POL17/10 states as follows:

“2.4. Reimbursement of fees for DAs and/ or CCs

If a reimbursement of the fees is sought, a written request outlining the grounds for reimbursement must be submitted. The matter will then be referred to Council’s Policy and Resources Committee for consideration by Council. Any donations by way of whole or partial reimbursement determined by the Council will be paid out of the “unallocated donations” budget or a source identified in Council’s resolution.’’

The request for reimbursement of fees is considered to be in accordance with clause 2.4 of POL17/10 and is recommended for support.


Community Engagement



Policy Implications

It is unlikely that the adoption of the recommendations of this report will have any substantial policy implications.


Financial Implications

Council’s support of the request will result in a minor loss of income, being $1802.45.


Risk Implications

There is no inherent risks associated with the adoption of the recommendations of this report.

A copy of Mr Anthony Houghton’s email and receipts associated with the two development applications are attached.



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Local Government Amendment (governance & planning) act 2016

Chapter 3, Section 8A  Guiding principles for councils

(1)       Exercise of functions generally

The following general principles apply to the exercise of functions by councils:

(a)     Councils should provide strong and effective representation, leadership, planning and decision-making.

(b)     Councils should carry out functions in a way that provides the best possible value for residents and ratepayers.

(c)     Councils should plan strategically, using the integrated planning and reporting framework, for the provision of effective and efficient services and regulation to meet the diverse needs of the local community.

(d)     Councils should apply the integrated planning and reporting framework in carrying out their functions so as to achieve desired outcomes and continuous improvements.

(e)     Councils should work co-operatively with other councils and the State government to achieve desired outcomes for the local community.

(f)      Councils should manage lands and other assets so that current and future local community needs can be met in an affordable way.

(g)     Councils should work with others to secure appropriate services for local community needs.

(h)     Councils should act fairly, ethically and without bias in the interests of the local community.

(i)      Councils should be responsible employers and provide a consultative and supportive working environment for staff.

(2)     Decision-making

The following principles apply to decision-making by councils (subject to any other applicable law):

(a)     Councils should recognise diverse local community needs and interests.

(b)     Councils should consider social justice principles.

(c)     Councils should consider the long term and cumulative effects of actions on future generations.

(d)     Councils should consider the principles of ecologically sustainable development.

(e)     Council decision-making should be transparent and decision-makers are to be accountable for decisions and omissions.

(3)     Community participation

Councils should actively engage with their local communities, through the use of the integrated planning and reporting framework and other measures.


Chapter 3, Section 8B  Principles of sound financial management

The following principles of sound financial management apply to councils:

(a)   Council spending should be responsible and sustainable, aligning general revenue and expenses.

(b)   Councils should invest in responsible and sustainable infrastructure for the benefit of the local community.

(c)   Councils should have effective financial and asset management, including sound policies and processes for the following:

(i)      performance management and reporting,

(ii)      asset maintenance and enhancement,

(iii)     funding decisions,

(iv)     risk management practices.

(d)   Councils should have regard to achieving intergenerational equity, including ensuring the following:

(i)      policy decisions are made after considering their financial effects on future generations,

(ii)     the current generation funds the cost of its services



Chapter 3, 8C  Integrated planning and reporting principles that apply to councils

The following principles for strategic planning apply to the development of the integrated planning and reporting framework by councils:

(a)   Councils should identify and prioritise key local community needs and aspirations and consider regional priorities.

(b)   Councils should identify strategic goals to meet those needs and aspirations.

(c)   Councils should develop activities, and prioritise actions, to work towards the strategic goals.

(d)   Councils should ensure that the strategic goals and activities to work towards them may be achieved within council resources.

(e)   Councils should regularly review and evaluate progress towards achieving strategic goals.

(f)    Councils should maintain an integrated approach to planning, delivering, monitoring and reporting on strategic goals.

(g)   Councils should collaborate with others to maximise achievement of strategic goals.

(h)   Councils should manage risks to the local community or area or to the council effectively and proactively.

(i)    Councils should make appropriate evidence-based adaptations to meet changing needs and circumstances.