Aboriginal Advisory Committee



Meeting Date:    Monday, 15 May, 2017

Location:            Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   4.00pm



Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Apologies

2.    A Minute Silence in Respect of Aboriginal Elders, Past and Present

3.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Aboriginal Advisory Committee - 6 February 2017...................................................... 1

4.    Declarations of Interest

5.    Presentations

AA17.7........ Livvis Place Mollymook All Inclusive Park

6.    Reports

AA17.8........ Adoption of Applications - Membership -  Four (4) Year Term...................... 6

AA17.9........ Application for Membership - Youth Positions............................................... 8

AA17.10...... Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards............................................ 10

AA17.11...... Aboriginal Advisory Committee Action Plan................................................ 12                    

7.    General Business


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Ms Sue-Anne Cutmore - Chairperson

Clr Findley - Mayor

Clr White

Clr Cheyne

Clr Kitchener

Mr Russ Pigg or nominee

Ms Janet Atkins

Mr Shane Brown

Ms Valda Corrigan

Ms Leonie Ebzery

Ms Leslie Halls

Ms Patricia Lester

Ms Sylvia Timbery

Mr Noel Wellington

Ms Christine Finney

Mr Charlie Ashby

Nowra LALC

Rebecca Woods - Jerrinja LALC

Ulladulla LALC


Quorum – Five (5)



·      Advise Council on issues relating to the Aboriginal community.

·      Act as a channel to advise Council of new issues affecting the Aboriginal community.

·      Receive information on issues affecting the Aboriginal community and forward to Council.

·      Provide a facilitation role.

·      Advocate for the Aboriginal community.






Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee



Meeting Date:    Monday, 6 February 2017

Location:            Seven Mile Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   4.31pm



The following members were present:


Sue-Anne Cutmore – Chairperson

Clr Cheyne

Clr White

Clr Kitchener

Sylvia Timbery

Janet Atkins

Patricia Lester

Noel Wellington

Leonie Ebzery – left 5.06pm

Shane Brown

Valda Corrigan – NPWS

Christine Finney


Others present:

Margaret Simoes - Aboriginal Community Development Officer

Ray Massie – Coast and Estuaries Officer




Apologies / Leave of Absence


Apology was received from Leslie Halls



Confirmation of the Minutes



That the Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee held on Thursday 24 November 2016 be confirmed.


RESOLVED (By consent)

That That the Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee held on Thursday 24 November 2016 be confirmed, noting the following corrections:

  • Spelling corrections:
    • Sylvia Timbery
    • Valda Corrigan
    • Margaret Simoes
  • AA16.2 – Aboriginal Committee – Resignation – Troy Lenihan
    • Part 3 – Note that a report is being submitted to the Shoalhaven Arts Board.





Declarations of Interest







AA17.1       Aboriginal Advisory Committee Membership Renewal

HPERM Ref: D17/13702


Item dealt with later in the meeting.



AA17.2       Membership Requests - Natalie Lloyd and Les Bursill OAM

HPERM Ref: D17/14679



1.    The Aboriginal Advisory Committee accept the membership applications from:

a.    Natalie Lloyd

b.    Les Bursill OAM

2.    That they be notified of their appointment and invited to all future meetings.


Note: Following the completion of the Agenda an additional three (3) nominations were received and dealt with in conjunction with this item.

The following applications were received and considered by the Committee:

1.      Natalie Lloyd

2.      Les Bursill

3.      Charlie Ashby

4.      Paul McLeod

5.      William Smith


Note: Leonie Ebzery left the meeting at 5.06pm

Note: Valda Corrigan excused herslef from the meeting at 5.06pm

Recommendation (Clr White / Patricia Lester)

Note: Council has received applications in excess of the adopted Terms of Reference, the following recommendations be made:


1.      The Terms of Reference be amended to change five (5) of the remaining positions for two (2) community positions and three (3) being for representatives of each Local Aboriginal Land Council’s (LALC).

The application from Charlie Ashby be accepted and appointed.


RESOLVED (Clr White / Patricia Lester)


1.      Due to limited membership the following applications not be accepted:

a.      William Smith

b.      Les Bursill OAM

c.      Natalie Lloyd

d.      Paul McLeod

2.      Council write to Jerrinja LALC asking if Natalie Lloyd will be their representative on the Committee.



Note: Paul McLeod’s application is pending further advice and information.

Note: Anyone wishing to become a member of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee must complete the required application form.

The Committee discussed how they have a good working relationship with the community and it is time the bring the Youth on board and engage with them.





Note: Valda Corrigan returned to the meeting at 5.45pm


AA17.3       Public Attendance at Meetings


The Committee discussed public attendance at meetings and deputations to the Committee. It was noted that the meetings are open to the public and anyone can attend, however cannot contribute or speak to the meeting without the permission of the Chair. It was also noted that if any member of the public wishes to address the meeting they must go through the formal process of contacting Council through the Governance Unit.



AA17.4       Advisory Action Plan and Five (5) Key Issues


Valda addressed the meeting and the Committee discussed the importance of identifying the five (5) key issues for focus, going forward.



Members are to nominate and send key issues to Margaret Simoes by 10 March 2017. These will be collated and form a report to the next meeting for consideration and will identify the five (5) key issues for focus going forward.




AA17.5       Future Meeting Dates


Note: It was requested that the next meeting of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee in April 2017 commence at 3.30pm to allow for any business arising from previous minutes.


Note: The Committee advised that Mondays are preferred days to hold Advisory Committee Meetings.


RESOLVED (By consent)

That future meetings of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee be held on a Monday where possible..




AA17.6       Australia Day Awards


Clr Cheyne advised the Committee that she had attended the recent Australia Day Awards and it was brought to her attention that no Aboriginal people were nominated for the awards. She also said that it would be good for the Shoalhaven to have a special day for Indigenous Awards. Margaret Simoes advised that we are involved in NAIDOC Awards.


Staff advised that the Awards are open to all members of the public from the Shoalhaven for the following categories:

3.      Citizen Award

4.      Young Citizen Award

5.      Sports Award

6.      Young/Junior Sports Award

It was requested that for future events the nominations for the Australia Day Awards are sent to all members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee for distribution to the Aboriginal Community.




AA17.1       Aboriginal Advisory Committee Membership Renewal

HPERM Ref: D17/13702

It was noted that all members of the Committee were encouraged to renew their membership.

All current members wishing to remain a member of the Committee must complete the required form, if an application is not forthcoming their position will expire.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

1.    That current members express an interest to renew their membership on the Aboriginal Advisory Committee

2.    That new expressions of interest for membership be promoted and advertised to the community


RESOLVED (Clr White / Clr Kitchener)


1.    Current members express an interest to renew their membership on the Aboriginal Advisory Committee, for the next 12 months, being the first of a four year term under the Terms of Reference.

2.    Should vacancies arise from resignations, expressions of interest for membership be promoted and advertised to the community.





There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 6.13pm.



Ms Sue-Anne Cutmore








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AA17.8       Adoption of Applications - Membership -  Four (4) Year Term


HPERM Ref:      D17/61973


Group:                Finance Corporate & Community Services Group  

Section:              Human Resources, Governance & Customer Service




Purpose / Summary

To advise the Committee that all current members have submitted their interest in renewing their membership for a four (4) year term.



1.    That Council acknowledge the applications of Membership and appoint the following members for a continuing four (4) year term :

a.    Janet Atkins

b.    Sylvia Timbery

c.    Patricia Lester

d.    Christine Finney

e.    Shane Brown

f.     Leonie Ebzery

g.    Valda Corrigan

h.    Leslie Halls

i.     Sue-Anne Cutmore

j.     Noel Wellington

2.    That the completed application from Paul McLeod be accepted and he be appointed to the Aboriginal Advisory committee for a term of four (4) years

3.    The two (2) Youth applications from Janaya Hennessy and Morgan Blakeney be accepted  and appointed for a term of four (4) years

4.    That consultation continue to obtain a representative member of each of the three (3) Aboriginal Land Councils as members on the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

5.    That should representation from each of the Land Councils not be achieved, then the Committee should consider how such vacancy will be managed.




1.    Resolve to adopt an alternate recommendation

Implications: Further amendments to the membership of the Committee may delay the process of membership and impede the ability for the Committee to hold other meetings in the short term.


2.    As recommended



The Aboriginal Advisory Committee at its meeting of 6 February 2017 resolved as follows:


1.    Current members express an interest to renew their membership on the Aboriginal Advisory Committee, for the next 12 months, being the first of a four year term under the Terms of Reference.

2.    Should vacancies arise from resignations, expressions of interest for membership be promoted and advertised to the community.


As a result of the above, all current members expressed an interest to renew their membership.

The Committee also resolved that Paul McLeod’s application be pending further information. Staff have advised that information in relation to Paul McLeod’s application has been forthcoming and are now recommending that his application be accepted and included on the membership of the Committee.

A Recommendation was also made to Council on Tuesday 28 February 2017which resolved as follows:


1.    The Terms of Reference be amended to change five (5) of the remaining positions for two (2) community positions and three (3) being for representatives of each Local Aboriginal Land Council’s (LALC).

2.    The application from Charlie Ashby be accepted and he be appointed to the Committee.

Based on the above, the Terms of Reference was amended and now states the below in relation to the membership:

The Group will have a total membership of up to 19 positions which include:

·    Up to 12 local Aboriginal community representatives being either Elders, Youth or Government/Non-Government agencies/organisation delegates.

·    Three (3) members being a representative from each Local Aboriginal Land Council

·    Three (3) Councillors be nominated by the elected Council

·    The General Manager or nominee.


Community Engagement

Maintaining an effective membership of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee is important and that the Committee is comprised of members that have a genuine interest in attending meetings to enhance the goals of the Committee keeping in line with the Terms of Reference.



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AA17.9       Application for Membership - Youth Positions


HPERM Ref:      D17/65436


Group:                Finance Corporate & Community Services Group 

Section:              Human Resources, Governance & Customer Service




Purpose / Summary

To advise the Committee that two (2) applications have been received for the Youth Positions on the Aboriginal Advisory Committee (AAC).


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee accept the two (2) applications from Janaya Hennessey and Morgan Blakeney.




1.    As Recommended


2.    Resolve to not accept the applications and seek expressions of Interest for the Youth members

Implications: This will result in delaying the process of have youth representation on the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.



As part of the previous meeting and a recommendation to Council that the Terms of Reference be amended to include two (2) youth representatives on the AAC, two (2) applications have been forthcoming and are attached for information.

The Resolution from Council on Tuesday 28 February 2017 are as follows:


1.    The Terms of Reference be amended to change five (5) of the remaining positions for two (2) community positions and three (3) being for representatives of each Local Aboriginal Land Council’s (LALC).

2.    The application from Charlie Ashby be accepted and he be appointed to the Committee.


In April 2014 Council launched the Youth Business Aboriginal, Youth Engagement Strategy. The Strategy was developed as a guide for engaging Aboriginal Youth in leadership roles.

As a result of the Aboriginal Youth Strategy and workshop held with Aboriginal youth, Aboriginal educators and youth workers, it was identified there was a need to establish a Shoalhaven Aboriginal Youth Group. Also to support the youth group, Aboriginal representatives were invited to establish and Aboriginal Mentors Group to support the youth.

The Aboriginal Youth Group were approached and invited to express an interest in submitting an application for membership on Council’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee in 2016.





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AA17.10     Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards


HPERM Ref:      D17/123899


Group:                Finance Corporate & Community Services Group 

Section:              Recreation Community & Culture




Purpose / Summary

To request the Aboriginal Advisory Committee to support and endorse the financial contribution to the 2017 Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


The Aboriginal Advisory Committee financially contribute $2,000 to the 2017 Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards.



1.    That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee financially contribute $2,000 to support the Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards

Implications: That Shoalhaven City Council will have recognition and acknowledgement for supporting this significant event in partnership with Wollongong City Council, Shellharbour City Council and Kiama Municipal Council.


2.    That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee not financially contribute $2,000 to support the Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards and consider alternative options.

Implications: That Shoalhaven City Council will not have recognition and acknowledgement for supporting this significant event in partnership with Wollongong City Council, Shellharbour City Council and Kiama Municipal Council, which also has the potential to damage relationships with these partners and both the Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal Community in promoting regional cooperation and strengthening partnerships.



The 7th Annual Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards will be hosted by Wollongong City Council on Saturday 22nd July 2017 at the Fraternity Club, Fairy Meadow.


Each year a partner Council - Wollongong City Council, Shellharbour City Council Shoalhaven City Council and Kiama Municipal Council host the Regional NAIDOC Awards and have financially contributed to this event. Mayors and Councillors are invited to present Awards at the Dinner.  Shoalhaven City Council hosted the event in 2015 at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre.


The Coordinating Committee includes each Council’s Aboriginal Liaison Officers, representatives from Council’s Aboriginal Advisory Committees and other Council staff members.


The Regional NAIDOC Awards provides an opportunity for celebrating NAIDOC Week and for promoting and recognising the significant contributions made by individuals and organisations within their own and broader communities in the Illawarra & Shoalhaven regions.


This event serves a very important role in promoting regional cooperation and strengthens partnerships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, local councils and other organisations and businesses. It is a significant contributor to the social capital that helps bind our collective interests and provides a prestigious platform that has become the premier event for the region, in celebrating NAIDOC Week.


Over the past six years sponsorships to the event included corporate leaders, government agencies, non-government organisations and individuals, with additional funding secured through the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet, the Indigenous Capability and Development Program, and NSW Office of Communities Aboriginal Affairs – Aboriginal Community Cultural Grants.


The 2017 NAIDOC Week Theme is: ‘Our Languages Matter’. The event is an opportunity to raise awareness of the “essential role that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language plays in cultural identity”.


Community Engagement

Local community members, Elders, community groups and entertainers from the local government areas are invited to participate in the planning and presentation of the event.


Financial Implications

That $2,000 be committed to support the 2017 Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards from within the existing Aboriginal Advisory Committee budget.




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AA17.11     Aboriginal Advisory Committee Action Plan


HPERM Ref:      D17/130949


Group:                Finance Corporate & Community Services Group 

Section:              Recreation Community & Culture


Attachments:     1. Progress Action Plan




Purpose / Summary

To report to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee on the progress and completion of actions from Aboriginal Advisory Committee meetings.



Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.   The Aboriginal Advisory Committee receives the Progress Action Plan report


2.   The Aboriginal Advisory Committee discuss and consider any further actions from the Progress Action Plan report.





1.    Adopt the recommendations

Implications: This will allow the finalisation of actions in the plan.


2.    Adopt the recommendations with amendment(s)

Implications: Advisory Committee may resolve to remove or add to the recommendations and this may require further considerations or actions.



The Aboriginal Advisory Committee was established in 1997 to advise Council on the needs of Aboriginal people living in the Shoalhaven local government area. This Advisory Committee provides an opportunity for Council to develop both a structure for effective consultation and communication with Aboriginal communities

The Aboriginal Advisory Committee continue to work towards building stronger collaborative partnerships between Council and Shoalhaven Aboriginal communities and plays a vital role in promoting and increasing knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal people’s history, cultures and experiences to achieve positive outcomes.

The Advisory Committee identified key issues and actions to work towards achieving improved outcomes for Aboriginal communities of the Shoalhaven and the advancement of reconciliation.  Attached to the report is the Project Action Plan and the current status of projects.

Community Engagement

Shoalhaven City Council values its culturally diverse communities and lifestyles and is deeply committed to building stronger collaborative working partnerships with local Aboriginal communities and to provide opportunities for genuine community engagement




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