Minutes of the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group



Meeting Date:     Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Location:            Jervis Bay Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   1.00pm



The following members were present:


Clr Matthew Norris - Chairperson

Clr Serena Copley - Joined 1:05pm (Remotely)

Clr Paul Ell – Joined 1:12pm

Clr Patricia White

Clr John Wells

Clr Mark Kitchener – Joined 1:10pm

Mr Norman Mogg

Mr Paul Dean

Mr Robert Bridge

Ms Coralie McCarthy - Acting Director City Futures


Others present:


Ms Fiona Hatcher - Regional Development Australia - Far South Coast

Mr Stan Madge – Nowra & District Motorcycling Club Ltd

Ms Kristy Mayhew - Tourism & Economic Development Manager

Mr Gordon Clark - Strategic Planning Manager

Mr Ryan Schulter - Senior Economic Development Officer



Apologies / Leave of Absence

Apologies were received from Clr Kotlash, Clr Gray, Roger Walker and Amigo Investment Holdings.


Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Minutes of the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group held on Wednesday 08 November 2023 be confirmed.




Declaration of Interests





MS24.1      Action Update - Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group

HPERM Ref: D24/10561

Mr Norman Mogg noted that he would organise a time for the Chair to meet with Amigo Investment Holdings.

The Group reiterated that it would be beneficial, at the appropriate time, to reaffirm support from the Local Aboriginal Land Council regarding development on the site.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group:

1.    Accept and receive the Action Table Report (Attachment 1) for information.

2.    Consider the following actions complete and remove from the Action Table:

a.    MS23.14 - Additional Item - Zoning Permissibility Details - Yerriyong Site

b.    MS23.7 - Additional Investigations - Yerriyong Motoplex Site - Request Report Lands NSW - permissive occupancy - objection to DA - licensing arrangements

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group:

1.    Accept and receive the Action Table Report (Attachment 1) for information.

2.    Consider the following actions complete and remove from the Action Table:

a.    MS23.14 - Additional Item - Zoning Permissibility Details - Yerriyong Site

b.    MS23.7 - Additional Investigations - Yerriyong Motoplex Site - Request Report Lands NSW - permissive occupancy - objection to DA - licensing arrangements





GEnernal business


MS24.2      Additional Item - Update and Invitation - Motorcycling NSW - Nowra & District Motorcycle Club Ltd - Permissive Occupancy of Yerriyong Site - Grant Opportunities

Mr Stan Madge addressed the Group regarding the current situation of the Nowra & District Motorcycling Club Ltd under Motorcycling NSW’s control and the barriers to development on the Yerriyong Site.

The Group agreed to request an update regarding Motorcycling NSW’s plans on the Yerriyong site and invite them to a future meeting.

Note: Clr Ell left the meeting, the time being 2:20pm.

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group

1.      Request an update from Motorcycling NSW regarding their plans on the Yerriyong site,

2.      Invite Motorcycling NSW to a future meeting to discuss control of the existing Limited company, Nowra and District Motorcycle Club Ltd, and matters relating to the Permissive Occupancy of the Yerriyong site, potential grant opportunities and its future development, noting the limited time factor involved with current grant opportunities.



MS24.3      Additional Item - Update - Crown Lands NSW - Plans on Yerriyong Site

Staff noted that, as well as writing to Motorcycling NSW, it would be beneficial to write to Crown Lands NSW regarding their plans with the Yerriyong site.

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group write to Crown Land NSW requesting an update of their plans regarding the current Permissive Occupancy of the Yerriyong site.





There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 2:23pm.



Clr Matthew Norris