Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Location:            Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   5.25pm



The following members were present:


Ms Natalie Lloyd - Chairperson

Clr Amanda Findley (Left at 7.05pm)

Clr Matthew Norris

Clr John Kotlash

Clr Patricia White

Clr Gillian Boyd (Remotely)

Clr Tonia Gray (Joined Remotely at 6.36pm)

Ms Janet Atkins

Mr Shane Brown (Remotely) (Left at 7.10pm)

Ms Sharlene Cruickshank

Mr David Blakeney

Ms Karen Tronier - Ulladulla LALC – (Joined Remotely at 5.42pm)

Mr Michael Paine – Acting Director City Lifestyles


Others present:


Mr Kevin Norwood – Manager Swim, Sport and Fitness

Ms Carly McWalters – Lead – Community Capacity Building

Ms Catherine Waerner - Project Officer - Open Space & Recreation Planning

Mr Micaiah Tipton - Manager Design Services (Left at 6.29pm)

Mr Jonathan Stavert – Building Designer

Ms Brooke Aldous – Governance Coordinator

Mr Gavin Brooke – Service NSW (Remotely) (Left at 6.36pm)





Apologies / Leave of Absence

Apologies were received from Mr Alfred Wellington, Ms Nicole Moore, Ms Sylvia Timbery and Mr Charlie Ashby.


The meeting was opened with an Acknowledgement of Country and a Minute of Silence.




Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (Shane Brown / By consent)

That the Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 21 November 2023 be confirmed.




Declaration of Interests






AA24.1       Manager Design Services - Proposed Road Closure - Part Comberton Grange Road, Comberton

HPERM Ref: D24/19915

Mr Micaiah Tipton – Manager Design Services presented to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee as requested by the Committee at the last meeting being 21 November 2023 on the proposed road closure – Part Comberton Grange Rd, Comberton and sought feedback from the Committee. The presentation will be attached to the Minutes.

The Committee provided the following feedback to Mr Micaiah Tipton:

All present members were reluctant to agree to this road closure request until the following information has been provided back to the Committee and/or has been considered:

·        Identify what work is occurring in this area

·        Confirmation of when the applicant will be submitting the DA

·        Negotiate access to private property with the property owner

·        List of proposed lodgement of DA’s

·        Copy of the approved Master Plan and approved Conditions


AA24.6       Additional Item - Proposed Road Closure - Part Comberton Grange Road Comberton - Further Information Required and Report Back

Recommendation (Natalie Lloyd / Sharlene Cruickshank)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee request Council:

1.       Staff to send information on the proposed road closure to the Committee and request the Committee to provide their feedback within 6 weeks on this matter via email or telephone for Council’s consideration.

2.       Contact the Registered Aboriginal Parties in the Extent report to seek comment.

3.       Provide further information to the Committee on any updates on the DA provided by the Department.




AA24.2       Gavin Brook - Service NSW Business Bureau - Aboriginal Small Businesses in Shoalhaven

HPERM Ref: D24/822

Mr Gavin Brook presented to the Committee to gain a broader understanding of Aboriginal small business in the Shoalhaven, fundamentally to identify opportunities Service NSW Business Bureau can assist. The presentation will be attached to the Minutes.


AA24.3       Boongaree Reconciliation Garden Berry

HPERM Ref: D24/29133

Mr Shane Brown left the meeting, the time being 7.10pm therefore, quorum was lost. Discussions continued on this presentation, however, no recommendations were raised.  

Ms Catherine Waerner Mr Jonathan Stavert - Open Space & Recreation Planning Team presented to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee (AAC) about Bongaree Reconciliation Garden, Berry. The presentation and Draft 3D Model will be attached to the Minutes.



Note: As quorum was lost, the remaining reports will be deferred to the next Aboriginal Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 30 April 2024.





AA24.4       Standing Apology Request - Ms Nicole Moore

HPERM Ref: D23/504146

Note: This item was deferred to the next meeting.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee determine an appropriate way forward to deal with the standing apology request received from a community member of the Committee.


AA24.5       Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Action Table Report February 2024

HPERM Ref: D24/24423

Note: This item was deferred to the next meeting.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee receive this report for information.



At 7.26pm the Chairperson advised that quorum had been lost at 7.10pm therefore, the meeting had lapsed.




Ms Natalie Lloyd