Aboriginal Advisory Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 22 March, 2022

Location:            Council Chambers, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   4:00pm


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.




1.    Apologies

2.    A Minute Silence in Respect of Aboriginal Elders, Past and Present

3.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Aboriginal Advisory Committee - 25 October 2021...................................................... 1

4.    Declarations of Interest

5.    Presentations

AA22.1........ Presentation by City Lifestyles - Overview of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee

·      Overview of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee

·      Terms of Reference

·      Strategic Plan

·      Relevant Policies and Procedures

·     Overview of what is Operational / within the Committees/Boards interest / clarification of appropriate recommendations under the Committees/Boards delegation

AA22.2........ Presentation - Governance - Brief Induction

6.    Reports

AA22.3........ Notification of Council Resolution - Aboriginal Advisory Committee Re-establishment........................................................................................................................ 6

AA22.4........ Aboriginal Advisory Committee Representative on Shoalhaven Arts Board 14

AA22.5........ Boongaree Reconciliation Garden - Project Update and Request for Further Concept Design Guidance.......................................................................................... 21

AA22.6........ Aboriginal Advisory Committee Membership Audit and Expression of Interest Report....................................................................................................................... 31

AA22.7........ Aboriginal Advisory Committee Action Table Update - March 2022........... 34

7.    General Business

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 Aboriginal Advisory Committee – Tuesday 22 March 2022




Chairperson to be appointed by Committee

All Councillors

Chief Executive Officer or nominee

Mr Jared Brown (Youth Representative)

Ms Janet Atkins

Ms Sylvia Timbery

Ms Patricia Lester

Mr Shane Brown

Ms Leonie Ebzery

Mr Paul McLeod

Mr Charlie Ashby

Ms Nicole Moore

Ms Caryn Carpenter

Ms Sharlene Cruickshank

Ms Natalie Lloyd

Ms Valda Corrigan (NPWS)

Ms Kalinda Wills – Youth Representative

Nowra LALC – Jason Groves

Jerrinja LALC – Alfred Wellington

Ulladulla LALC – Paul Keith


Quorum – Five (5) local Aboriginal community members




To provide appropriate and considered advice to Council on all relevant issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Shoalhaven LGA, and to influence Council’s support & intent in achieving their objectives for the current Statement of Commitment 2010 (SoC) and the Shoalhaven City Council Community Strategic Plan 2023 (SCCSP).


Role of the Committee

·           To advise Shoalhaven City Council on necessary issues relating to Aboriginal communities in the LGA.

·           Promote and increase knowledge & understanding of Aboriginal society, history & culture in the LGA.

·           Facilitate access and accessibility to services and facilities for Aboriginal people.

·           Advise on the development and implementation of the Shoalhaven City Council Community Strategic Plan.

·           Develop strong collaborative partnerships between Aboriginal communities and Shoalhaven City Council.

·           Maintain strong links between Council and Aboriginal communities throughout the Shoalhaven to accomplish the relationships and outcomes required for genuine reconciliation.

·           Foster and safeguard a spirit of mutual trust and respect which allows the AAC and Shoalhaven City Council to work together in their commitment towards intelligent, well informed decision making processes that are sensitive to all Aboriginal issues.

·           Recognise, support & uphold past and present local cultural heritage and its place in future Council directions.

·           Remain a meaningful ‘place’ for the communication of messages and information from Aboriginal community voices that identify local needs for services, facilities and activities.

·           Support and promote significant celebrations and events within the Shoalhaven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.



Ordinary Meeting 21 December 2009 – Item 43 – MIN19.1808




This Statement commits Shoalhaven City Council to continue building mutually respectful relationships with the Aboriginal Communities of the Shoalhaven.


Shoalhaven City Council values its culturally diverse communities and lifestyles and is deeply committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal people of the Shoalhaven. This Partnership will be based on mutual respect and equality to further employment, social, cultural and economic community development.


Shoalhaven City Council recognizes and acknowledges the history and treatment of Aboriginal people in Australia and supports the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation’s vision and values.


Shoalhaven City Council recognises Aboriginal people’s valuable contribution made in strengthening and enriching our communities and the heritage of all Australians.


Shoalhaven City Council Acknowledges and Recognises:

·         Aboriginal people as the first people of Australia

·         Past practices and policies that impacted on Aboriginal people’s lives, cultures and society

·         The customs and traditions of Aboriginal people and their spiritual relationship with the land

·         The rights of Aboriginal people to live according to their own beliefs, values and customs, and

·         The significant contribution made by Aboriginal people in the past, present and future.


Shoalhaven City Council commits itself to:

·         Ensuring local Aboriginal involvement in events and celebrations of significance which respect the dignity and protocols of the local Aboriginal communities

·         The ongoing development of strategies to improve and increase the level of participation of local Aboriginal people in the local Government decision making processes

·         Undertake holistic community planning to address wellbeing, employment and social economic or cultural disadvantage experienced by local Aboriginal people in the Shoalhaven

·         Ensuring all council staff and Councillors are exposed to ongoing education and cultural training and development programs to increase knowledge, understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal Cultural heritage and the needs of the Aboriginal communities

·         Celebrate and support significant Aboriginal ceremonies and events, e.g. NAIDOC week, Sorry Day, Reconciliation Week and Survival Day

·         To continue to fly the Aboriginal flag in places such as City Administrative Centre, Council Chambers, Reception room and in other prominent Council locations.







Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee



Meeting Date:     Monday, 25 October 2021

Location:            Teams

Time:                   4.13pm



The following members were present (Remotely):


Ms Janet Atkins – Interim Chairperson

Clr Amanda Findley – left at 5.04pm

Ms Sylvia Timbery

Ms Patricia Lester

Mr Charlie Ashby

Ms Sharlene Cruickshank – left at 5.33pm

Ms Valda Corrigan - NPWS

Mr Jason Groves - Nowra LALC

Mr Michael Paine - Manager - Community Connections


Others present:


Mr Gordon Clark – Director City Futures

Ms Carly McWalters – Team Leader – Community Capacity Building

Mr Ray Massie – Coast & Estuaries Officer

Mr Rodney Broad – Community Capacity Builder - Aboriginal

Mr Tony Pearman – Lead Ranger Services

Ms Casey Holtom – Social Planner

Mr Danny Wiggins - Consultant



Election of Chairperson

RESOLVED (Sylvia Timbery / Patricia Lester)

That Ms Janet Atkins be appointed as the Acting Chairperson for the meeting of Monday 25 October 2021.




Welcome and acknowledge traditional custodians of the land and pay respect to elders past and present and welcome everyone here today.




Apologies / Leave of Absence

Apologies have been received from Nicole Moore




Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (Sharlene Cruickshank / Janet Atkins)

That the Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee held on Monday 07 June 2021 be confirmed.





Declarations of Interest







AA21.15     Sanctuary Point Library - Public Art Project - Advice

HPERM Ref: D21/316434

Michael Paine, Manager - Community Connections, advised that Sarah Taylor was unavailable to attend the meeting today. Michael also advised that there were no exceptions to the report and updated the members on the project.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee receive the Sanctuary Point Library Public Art Project report for information.


RESOLVED (Sylvia Timbery / Sharlene Cruickshank)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee receive the Sanctuary Point Library Public Art Project report for information.




AA21.16     Aboriginal Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Review

HPERM Ref: D21/386045

Carly McWalters, Team Leader – Community Capacity Building, advised that the purpose of this report is to adopt the proposed amendments contained in the report and attachment which were discussed that the Terms of Reference (TOR) Review Workshop. It was clarified that the number of local Aboriginal members in the TOR is 13. Any positions that become vacant would be open to an Expression of Interest.



That Aboriginal Advisory Committee accept the proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee Terms of Reference and submit to Council for adoption.


REcommendation (Patricia Lester / Charlie Ashby)

That Aboriginal Advisory Committee accept the proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee Terms of Reference and submit to Council for adoption.




AA21.17     Aboriginal Advisory Committee Action Table Report

HPERM Ref: D21/394243

Jason Groves requested an update on the Cullunghutti items, has there been wide consultation with Jerrinja and the local Aboriginal communities in regards to what’s happening at Cullunghutti?

Staff advised that the land has been transferred to the Aboriginal Community (Jerrinja LALC) and that Council no longer has responsibility on that land.

Members asked if Alfred Wellington (Jerrinja LALC) could address the AAC on how consultation will work in relation to the management of the land and invite him to speak at the next meeting on community consultation and the next steps.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.    The Aboriginal Advisory Committee receive the updated September 2021 Status Report for Information.

2.    The following action be noted as completed and removed from the Action table:

a.    AA19.17 Link - DPOP - Submission - Budget Bid – Cullunghutti

b.    AA19.25 Cullunghutti - Plan of Management - Investigation - Track Damage / Land clearing - Bigfoot Compliance - PED staff / NPWS - next AAC meeting

c.    AA20.6 Cullunghutti - Big Foot Adventures DA Compliance - Regular updates to Aboriginal Advisory Committee

d.    AA20.8 Terms of Reference - Review - Workshop - Statement of Commitment - Include in Agenda

e.    AA21.6 Consideration of Membership - Ron Carberry - Deferred


RESOLVED (Patricia Lester / Charlie Ashby)


1.    The Aboriginal Advisory Committee receive the updated September 2021 Status Report for Information.

2.    The following action be noted as completed and removed from the Action table:

a.    AA19.17 Link - DPOP - Submission - Budget Bid – Cullunghutti

b.    AA19.25 Cullunghutti - Plan of Management - Investigation - Track Damage / Land clearing - Bigfoot Compliance - PED staff / NPWS - next AAC meeting

c.    AA20.6 Cullunghutti - Big Foot Adventures DA Compliance - Regular updates to Aboriginal Advisory Committee

d.    AA20.8 Terms of Reference - Review - Workshop - Statement of Commitment - Include in Agenda

e.    AA21.6 Consideration of Membership - Ron Carberry – Deferred

3.    Staff reach out to Alfred Wellington (Jerrinja LALC) and request Alfred to attend the next meeting of the AAC to address some questions in relation to community consultation, the management of the land on Cullunghutti and the next steps.





AA21.18     Cultural Signage - Kangaroo Valley

HPERM Ref: D21/300852

Clr Digiglio addressed the meeting and advised that she was approached by members of the community in Kangaroo Valley who wish to acknowledge the cultural heritage in Kangaroo Valley by way of signage and is seeking feedback on how best to move forward with this proposal.

Jason Groves advised that this matter would be best to have wider community consultation with an EOI and widely advertised.

The committee discussed the importance of wide community consultation in relation to the signage. Once the EOI has been established staff work with the LALC’s with the distribution of the EOI.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee provide feedback on the proposal to install cultural signage at Kangaroo Valley.


RESOLVED (Sylvia Timbery / Nowra LALC - Jason Groves)


1.    The Aboriginal Advisory Committee provide feedback on the proposal to install cultural signage at Kangaroo Valley.

2.    Council staff work with Clr Digiglio and the LALC’s (including Nowra, Jerrinja, Ulladulla, Wingecarribee and Illawarra) to seek feedback via an EOI (community consultation) from the wider community.

3.    Council staff reach out to the Kangaroo Valley Community Group who initiated the request and work with them to consult and engage with the LALC.

4.    Council assist with and request the LALC’s to distribute the EOI (when it is established) to their communities.





General Business


AA21.19     Presentation - Shoalhaven Community Wellbeing Plan

HPERM Ref: D21/401432

Note: Clr Findley left at 5.04pm

Note: Sharlene Cruickshank left at 5.33pm

Casey Holtom, Social Planner, and Danny Wiggins, Consultant provided a presentation regarding the Shoalhaven Community Wellbeing Plan.

The Shoalhaven Community Wellbeing Plan will guide Shoalhaven City Council in the pursuit of community wellbeing, as well as providing a framework to evaluate the effectiveness of our investments, programs and assets.

Jason Groves invited Casey and Danny to come and speak to the LALC. He also advised that he is happy to put up information on the Land Council’s Facebook page.


RESOLVED (Nowra LALC - Jason Groves / Janet Atkins)

That Casey Holtom, Social Planner, and Danny Wiggins, Consultant come and speak to the LALC in relation to the Shoalhaven Community Wellbeing Plan.





Clr Levett addressed the meeting and advised that this meeting would potentially be his last as he won’t be running for election again. He wished to thank all members for being so welcoming and allowing him to participate with them at the Conferences.





There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 5.44pm.




Janet Atkins












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AA22.3       Notification of Council Resolution - Aboriginal Advisory Committee Re-establishment


HPERM Ref:       D22/87478


Department:       Business Assurance & Risk

Approver:           Kevin Voegt, Director - City Performance 

Attachments:     1.  Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference  

Reason for Report

Advise the Committee of Council’s resolution in relation to the new members and re-establishment of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee receive the Notification of Council Resolution – Aboriginal Advisory Committee Re-establishment report for information.




1.    As recommended.

Implications: The membership structure as resolved by Council is adopted for the period to 30 September 2022.


2.    Propose a different membership arrangement.

Implications: Should the Aboriginal Advisory Committee wish to make an alternative recommendation in relation to membership, this would need to be reported to Council for consideration/endorsement.



Each year, (generally in September) Council reaffirms all its Committees for the next 12 months - Council has the option to: reaffirm its Committees; make any change to the membership, purpose, delegation, quorum, and the number of meetings required for those Committees; or disband Committees.

This report is provided to inform the Group members of the resolution of the Council. Should the Group wish to make any changes to the above, a recommendation to Council will be required to that effect.

Due to the postponement of the Local Government Elections, this resolution was made in January 2022. At the Ordinary meeting on 25 January 2022 Council resolved as follows:


Meetings per year – Four (4) & others as required

Commencement time – 4pm

Quorum – Five (5) local Aboriginal community members

Terms of Reference: POL19/80 (1209E)

Amended: 26 November 2019


To provide appropriate and considered advice to Council on all relevant issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Shoalhaven LGA, and to influence Council’s support & intent in achieving their objectives for the current Statement of Commitment 2010 (SoC) and the Shoalhaven City Council Community Strategic Plan 2023 (SCCSP).


Role of the Committee

All members are encouraged to become actively involved in the business of the AAC and to be an advocate between community and Council. The role of the Committee is:-

·           To advise Shoalhaven City Council on necessary issues relating to Aboriginal communities in the LGA.

·           Promote and increase knowledge & understanding of Aboriginal society, history & culture in the LGA.

·           Facilitate access and accessibility to services and facilities for Aboriginal people.

·           Advise on the development and implementation of the Shoalhaven City Council Community Strategic Plan.

·           Develop strong collaborative partnerships between Aboriginal communities and Shoalhaven City Council.

·           Maintain strong links between Council and Aboriginal communities throughout the Shoalhaven to accomplish the relationships and outcomes required for genuine reconciliation.

·           Foster and safeguard a spirit of mutual trust and respect which allows the AAC and Shoalhaven City Council to work together in their commitment towards intelligent, well informed decision making processes that are sensitive to all Aboriginal issues.

·           Recognise, support & uphold past and present local cultural heritage and its place in future Council directions.

·           Remain a meaningful ‘place’ for the communication of messages and information from Aboriginal community voices that identify local needs for services, facilities and activities.

·           Support and promote significant celebrations and events within the Shoalhaven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Delegation – NIL

Chairperson & Co-Chairperson – Appointed by Committee

2022 Councillor / Staff Membership

All Councillors

CEO or nominee

Community / Organisational Representatives

Up to 13 local Aboriginal Community Representatives being either Elders, Youth or Government/Non-Government Agencies/Organisation delegates (including 2 Youth members)


Nowra LALC

Jerrinja LALC

Ulladulla LALC


Policy Implications

There were no amendments to the Terms of Reference by this resolution.



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AA22.4       Aboriginal Advisory Committee Representative on Shoalhaven Arts Board


HPERM Ref:       D22/103589


Department:       Business Assurance & Risk

Approver:           Sara McMahon, Manager - Business Assurance & Risk 

Attachments:     1.  Shoalhaven Arts Board - Terms of Reference   

Reason for Report

To advise that current membership of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee nominee on the Shoalhaven Arts Board has expired and appointment of a new nominee is required for the next term of membership, being four (4) years from the date of appointment.

The nominee does not need to be a member of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee appoint (insert name), as the new representative on the Shoalhaven Arts Board, as a designated Aboriginal Local Member for the term of membership, being four (4) years, in accordance with the Shoalhaven Arts Board Terms of Reference.




1.    Nominate an Aboriginal Local Member to be the AAC representative on the Shoalhaven Arts Board for the duration of the membership term (four (4) years).

Implications: The nominee will be the nominated representative on the Shoalhaven Arts Board for the term of membership.


2.    An alternative recommendation

Implications: Unknown



In accordance with the Shoalhaven Arts Board Terms of Reference – POL22/69 (refer to Attachment 1) – the membership of the Shoalhaven Arts Board (SAB) is to include:

·    One (1) designated Aboriginal Local Member. A nomination for this position will be made by the Aboriginal Advisory Committee when the position comes vacant or the member term expires. The nominee need not be a member of that Committee.

Appointment to the Shoalhaven Arts Board can be for a maximum four (4) years with a set commencement and finish date.


The purpose of the Shoalhaven Arts Board is outlined in the Terms of Reference as follows:

a)    Advocate and promote Board recommendations.

b)    To develop and implement policy, planning and vision for the broad arts within existing resources and use a co-opted panel of peers for professional advice. They include:

·    Visual Arts

·    Heritage and Museum Sector

·    Literature

·    Performing Arts

c)    Advocate and maintain specific arts related portfolios.

d)    Advocate and promote Board recommendations.


As a member of the Arts Board the Aboriginal Local Member representative is expected to:

·    participate in Committee Meetings (minimum of 4 per year) and other activities of the Committee

·    undertake the prescribed Induction process

·    complete Pecuniary Interest Returns on appointment and annually as required under the Local Government Act, 1993


Policy Implications

The recommendation is in accordance with the Shoalhaven Arts Board Terms of Reference – POL22/69.



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AA22.5       Boongaree Reconciliation Garden - Project Update and Request for Further Concept Design Guidance


HPERM Ref:       D22/54726


Department:       Community Planning & Projects

Approver:           Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles 

Attachments:     1.  Boongaree - Master Plan

2.  Reconciliation Garden - Initial Draft Concept

3.  Reconciliation Garden - Draft Concept 2   

Reason for Report

To inform the Aboriginal Advisory Committee on the Boongaree Reconciliation Garden project and request their input and advice into the further development of concept plans for the space.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee:

1.    Are informed of the background and current status of the Boongaree Reconciliation Garden project.

2.    Participate in discussion with Council staff and provide advice for the concept design of a Reconciliation Garden at Boongaree.

3.    Nominate representatives to include in the project stakeholder group that the committee believes would add cultural value and depth to this project.




1.    Accept the recommendation. 

Implications: This will allow the Aboriginal Advisory Committee to participate in, and inform the design of the Reconciliation Garden. This will result in a well-planned garden, that is reflective of community values, cultural values and is respectful to the land. 


2.    Provide alternate recommendation.

Implications: Project scope may be repositioned to accept alternative recommendation based on advisement from the Aboriginal Advisory Group. This may impact the timeline of the project.


Boongaree, previously named Berry Sporting Complex and Berry District Park, is located on North Street in Berry. The site is currently used for various passive and active recreation activities including rugby league, cricket, tennis, netball, skate park, walking, cycling, picnics and timed off-leash dog area, along with the newly opened Rotary Nature Play Park which has already become a popular destination for visitors. 

Council initially commenced the process of preparing a master plan for Boongaree in 2014, in preparation of the construction of the Berry Bypass by NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council in July 2017, Council resolved to adopt the Boongaree Master Plan and to proceed detailed design of the various stages of the project. Council is currently in the detailed design and construction phase for the subsequent stages at Boongaree.

Upon the adoption of the Boongaree Master Plan, Council staff initiated a naming campaign which, resulted in a majority vote for the renaming of Berry District Park to be changed to Boongaree - Being the original Aboriginal name for the Berry/Broughton Creek area. At Council’s Strategy & Assets Committee meeting in July 2018, Council resolved to adopt the name Boongaree.

Boongaree is identified as one of Shoalhaven City Council’s Destination Parks within the town of Berry. Boongaree aims to transform the existing local sporting and recreational area into an integrated nature-based youth, family, sports, and recreation facility that provides a gateway attraction to the Shoalhaven Local Government Area.

The Rotary Nature Play Park and Learn to Ride facility formed Stage 1 of the project, which were opened in January 2022.

The anticipated timing of future stages of Boongaree are provided below:

·    Stage 2 & 3- Skate Park and Pump track - 22/23

·    Stage 4a & 4b – Cricket nets, netball courts, and reconciliation garden - 22/23(a), 23/24(b)

·    Stage 5 – Junior fields, drainage, and parking - 22/23

·    Stage 6 – Fenced Dog Off-Leash Area - 22/23

·    Stage 7 – Senior fields, drainage, and parking - 23/24


Boongaree – Master Plan and Reconciliation Garden

The Boongaree Master Plan nominates the location of the Reconciliation Garden, which is behind the Netball Courts in the Northern area of the reserve. The purpose of the garden is to provide an inspiring space within the parkland for the community to connect with local Aboriginal culture and explore ideas of reconciliation. This site also aims to create a peaceful location for people to visit and relax.

The Reconciliation Garden site covers multiple Asset Custodians, being Council’s Environment Team, Assets and Works Team, and Swim Sport and Fitness Team.

A copy of the Boongaree Master Plan is provided as Figure 1 below and in Attachment 1.



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Figure 1 Boongaree Master Plan

Additional area for the Reconciliation Garden has been offered to Council by Berry Landcare and Berry Bushcare, which includes the Northern most area up to the Princes Highway and Woodhill Mountain Road. The location for the smoking circle and the yarning circle is proposed on the Landcare site.

The beginning of the garden will be located behind the netball courts. Directional signage will guide users towards a smoking circle and yarning circle.

An initial draft concept for the Reconciliation Garden was developed prior to community consultation, to encourage discussion and feedback on the concept design. Plans for the initial concept can be viewed below at Figure 2 and in Attachment 2.


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Figure 2 Initial concept developed for discussion

Community Engagement and Evolution of the Concept

The initial concept for the Boongaree Reconciliation Garden is preliminary, to provide Community with an understanding of the potential location, scale, and design. It will be subjected to many iterations prior to finalising first with the internal and external stakeholders, then at a broader community presentation, Councillor briefing, public exhibition and finally a report to Council for endorsement.

Council has created a Get Involved page for the Community to submit feedback or an expression of interest to form part of the stakeholder group. General feedback and expressions of interest will remain open until April 2022.

Currently, Council’s Social Infrastructure Planning team is working with Jerrinja Tribal Group, Jerrinja Local Area Land Council (LALC), Nowra LALC, Berry Bushcare, Berry Landcare, Berry Park Bushcare Group, and the relevant internal and external stakeholders to determine the project scope and a draft concept that meets the needs of all stakeholders. At this stage, there are currently over 50 people are on the stakeholder list. 


Consultation Format

Council have developed the engagement in an open and welcoming format. It is important to the success of this aspect of the park to take the time to work with community in an informed and methodological way.  This is to ensure the Reconciliation Garden meets the needs of all stakeholders and is respectful to cultural heritage.

Four consultation building blocks have been created in order to provide stakeholders with an understanding of the way forward as well as an opportunity to reflect on the developing design process. Below is an overview of each consultation building block:



Building Block 1

On 5 January 2022, a workshop was held at the Berry School of Arts. 18 people were in attendance for this event. This building block was an introduction to the site, a concept plan, provision of scope, timeline, and budget. The initial draft concept was introduced to the stakeholders and discussion around the concept occurred in an interactive environment.


Building Block 2

On 2 February 2022, a second workshop was held at Berry School of Arts. 10 people attended this event. An additional concept plan that was developed by Bushcare was produced at the workshop for discussion. Building Blocks 1 and 2 have produced further iterations to the draft concept plan.


Building Block 3 - Upcoming

This consultation has been designed to allow the participants to go back to the fundamentals of what is a reconciliation garden and what does reconciliation mean to the participants. 


Building Block 4 – Upcoming

This final consultation will provide opportunity for all stakeholders to review the final plans and to make any final changes prior to a Councillor briefing, public exhibition, and endorsement.


Current draft Concept

As a result of the feedback received so far, and the workshops that have occurred during Building Block 1 and 2, further iterations to the concept have occurred. This concept includes an agreed location for the smoking circle, yarning circle, and parking areas. Further investigations will be required during future consultation regarding the footpaths and foot bridges throughout the Reconciliation Garden.


Plans for the current draft concept can be viewed Figure 3 and in Attachment 3.


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Figure 3 Current Draft Concept

Project Timeline

The proposed timeframes for the Boongaree Reconciliation Garden are provided in Table 1.


Table 1 Anticipated Timeframe


Expected Commencement

Expected Completion


Program Strategic Development

Nov 2021

Nov 2021


Consultation and engagement

Nov 2021

April 2022


Report to Aboriginal Advisory Committee

March 2022

March 2022


Final concept design

April 2022

May 2022


Further Investigations (Aboriginal Cultural Heritage, REF, Flood Study, etc)

May 2022

May 2022


Community review (pending investigation outcomes)

June 2022

July 2022


Councillor Briefing – for endorsement to public exhibition

July 2022

August 2022


Exhibition of Concept Design

September 2022

October 2022


Review of exhibition feedback

October 2022

October 2022


Concept design amendments – pending exhibition feedback

November 2022

November 2022


Report to Council for adoption

November 2022

November 2022


Detail Design process

Early 2023

Early 2023


Delivery begins




Next Steps

Further feedback on the draft concept will occur via the online feedback form and workshops with the stakeholder group. Feedback will require definitions of a reconciliation garden and what does reconciliation mean to the participants. Final workshops will provide opportunity for all stakeholders involved to review the final draft concept plans and to make any changes prior to a Councillor briefing, public exhibition, and endorsement.

The Aboriginal Advisory Committee provide appropriate and considered advice to Council on all relevant issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Shoalhaven LGA and are therefore encouraged to participate in the development of this project to ensure that it is reflective of the cultural needs of all residents and visitors in the Shoalhaven.




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AA22.6       Aboriginal Advisory Committee Membership Audit and Expression of Interest Report.


HPERM Ref:       D22/87556


Department:       Community Connections

Approver:           Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles 

Attachments:     1.  Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Membership Audit Report - January 2022   

Reason for Report

To provide the Aboriginal Advisory Committee with the membership audit 2022 and propose that AAC conduct an Expression of Interest to fill vacant positions on the Committee.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee

1.   Accept the audit of membership of the AAC conducted by Council staff.

2.   Accept the notification of 4 vacant community membership positions:

a.   Patricia Lester

b.   Leonie Ebzery

c.   Natalie Lloyd

d.   Kalinda Wills

3.   Support the Expression of Interest to be conducted to fill the 4 vacant community membership positions.

4.   Accept the re-nomination of expired members to sit for another term on the Committee

a.   Janet Atkins

b.   Sylvia Timbery

c.   Shane Brown

5.   Nominate a member of the Committee to be the committee representative on the assessment panel for the next round of the EOI – Name of Community Member to be inserted at the meeting.





1.    Adopt the recommendations as written.

Implications: The Aboriginal Advisory Committee accept the recommendation and seek to fill the 4 available community member positions prior to the next meeting of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.


2.    Advise alternative recommendations.

Implications: Members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee will provide an alternative recommendation.



The purpose of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee (AAC) is to provide appropriate and considered advice to Council on all relevant issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Shoalhaven LGA, and to influence Council’s support & intent in achieving their objectives for the current Statement of Commitment 2010 (SoC) and the Shoalhaven City Council Community Strategic Plan 2023 (SCCSP). 

Currently representatives must live in the Shoalhaven Local Government area (LGA) area and/or work with Aboriginal communities of the Shoalhaven on a full-time or part-time basis.

The composition will be:

The Group has membership made up of the following positions:

·    Up to 13 local Aboriginal community representatives including Elders, Youth or Government/Non-Government agencies/organisation delegates (including 2 Youth members).

·    One (1) National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Representative

·    Three (3) members being a representative from each Local Aboriginal Land Council

·    All Councillors

·    The CEO or nominee.

Based on participation in the AAC in 2021 Council staff have conducted an audit of the membership of the AAC, please see attachment 1. In reviewing the audit it was noted that 4 members had not attended 3 meetings without an apology. Council staff contacted these members to confirm that they would vacate these positions with no response. In accordance with the TOR’s Council staff would move to acknowledge that these positions are now vacant.

Council staff will conduct a new expression of interest (EOI) process to fill these vacant positions. It is recommended that the AAC nominate an Aboriginal Committee Community representative to join the assessment panel to assess the EOI applications in accordance with the TOR.


Community Engagement

A membership Expression of Interest to be conducted following the AAC meeting of 22 March 2022.

This will be advertised with a Get Involved page and sponsored social media posts. The Expression of Interest will also be distributed via Council network mailing lists and the Aboriginal Advisory Committee members will be encouraged to share the information with their networks and communities.





 Aboriginal Advisory Committee – Tuesday 22 March 2022

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 Aboriginal Advisory Committee – Tuesday 22 March 2022

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AA22.7       Aboriginal Advisory Committee Action Table Update - March 2022


HPERM Ref:       D22/97040


Department:       Community Connections

Approver:           Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles 

Attachments:     1.  Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Action Table - March 2022   

Reason for Report

To provide the Aboriginal Advisory Committee with a progress report on outstanding actions.



Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee accept and receive the Update on Actions report for information.



1.   Adopt the recommendation as written.

Implications: The Aboriginal Advisory Group is updated on progress of actions and recommendations made at previous meetings.


2.   Request more information.

Implications: Members of the Aboriginal Advisory Group request further information.



This report is to update the Aboriginal Advisory Group on outstanding actions from previous meetings.

Attachment 1 provides information regarding the status of actions and resolutions made at previous meetings, including items which are still in works. Should AAC members require further information on the status of the actions in the table attached Council staff will provide as requested.


Community Engagement

It is important that the members of the Aboriginal Advisory Group are kept informed on progress towards the completion of actions and projects. This report provides a structured approach to facilitate this information exchange





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