Special Shoalhaven Traffic Committee
Meeting Date: Tuesday, 28 January, 2025
Location: Manyana Meeting Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 9.30am
Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.
1. Apologies
2. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
3. Reports of the Convenor
TC25.1......... Berry - Red Hot Summer Concert 2025 - (PN 3827)............... 2
Note: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 February 2025.
Special Shoalhaven Traffic Committee – Tuesday 28 January 2025 Page 0 |
TC25.1 Berry - Red Hot Summer Concert 2025 - (PN 3827)
HPERM Ref: D25/24808
Convenor: Micaiah Tipton
Attachments: 1. D24/551588 – Traffic Management Plan (TMP) ⇩
2. D25/14140 – Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) ⇩
Reason for Report:
The reason for this report is to seek Shoalhaven Traffic Committee approval for the proposed event Red Hot Summer Concert (2025) at Berry as per Traffic Management Plan No. D24/551588.
That: 1. The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed traffic management plan (TMP) and associated traffic guidance schemes (TGS) for the Red Hot Summer Concert (2025) in Berry as per Plan No. D24/551588, and D25/14140; subject to the following a. Accurate dates provided within the TMP (i.e. Removal of references to the month of March). 2. The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411 |
The Red Hot Summer Concert (2025) at Berry Showground is proposed to be held on the 22 February 2025. As the first of the Red Hot series for 2025, the Berry event will kick off NSW with some crowd favourite artists. According to the Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events, this event is classified as a ‘Class 2’ event that will require altered traffic arrangements throughout the duration of its activities with local road traffic restrictions and closures. The proposed Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS) are attached for the committees’ consideration.
This event has run previously with minimal feedback from businesses, residents and the community over the last five years.
Details of Submission:
1. Road Closures
22 February 2024
Required road closures and restrictions for Saturday 22 February 2025:
- Alexandra Street from Victoria Street to Station Road: 6:00am – 11:00pm
2. Event Infrastructure
Location: The concert is a non-moving event to be held within the grounds of the Berry Showgrounds.
Toilet Facilities: There will be 85 general toilets, urinals and two accessible toilets within the showground.
Waste Management: Facilities will be provided throughout the site and the exterior areas for the collection of general waste. Collection of waste will primarily be wheeled bins. These will allow movement to collection points and mechanised emptying.
Traffic Management: Traffic Marshalls will be positioned along closed road Alexandra Street and adjacent to the Berry Train Station monitoring pedestrians crossing Station Road. Drop off/pick up in Victoria Street will be monitored by traffic marshals.
NSW Ambulance, Police and Fire Brigade: Notification and copy of event plan including TGS has been supplied to the Police, whilst Fire brigade and NSW Ambulance have been notified.
3. Transportation, Awareness of Event and Access
Public Transport: The event organisers will advise public transport companies about the event, and they will make necessary adjustments to their regular routes, ensuring safety and minimal delays.
Additional Transport Service: Buses will be organised to and from various locations across the region to reduce traffic and ensure patrons leave the area promptly.
Parking: There is no dedicated on-site parking available for this event.
Access/Awareness: Event organiser to deliver letterbox notices to the residents and businesses in and around Berry. The notice will contain information regarding road restrictions and alternative contingency routes. Resident access will be ensured throughout the day, if it is safe to do so. All traffic is to yield to cyclists, pedestrians and adhere to designated speed limits.
Risk Implications:
1. Parking Limitations and Potential Congestion:
- The event is proposed to take place over the last weekend of February and is in Summer when there is typically a high volume of day trippers and visitors to the region. With the higher vehicle and pedestrian demand and combination of event patrons, there is the potential for traffic flow issues, parking constraints and delays throughout Berry.
2. Local Business, Resident and Public Impact:
- Large events can impact local businesses and residents negatively. Road closure and increased traffic may make it challenging for customers to reach businesses, and residents may experience noise disturbances, limited access to their properties, or inconvenience due to traffic restrictions.
- The festival will be conducted by Face to Face Touring Pty Ltd, Public Liability insurance has been arranged. 2025 Certificate from Evolution Traffic and Face to Face Touring Pty Ltd has been supplied.
Financial Implications:
The event is funded by the event organiser (Face to Face Touring Pty Ltd) and there will be no financial implications to Council.