Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Location:            Council Chambers, City Administrative Building, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   5.30pm



The following members were present:


Clr Patricia White - Chairperson

Clr Selena Clancy

Clr Denise Kemp (Remotely)

Clr Luciano Casmiri

Clr Karlee Dunn

Clr Jason Cox

Clr Peter Wilkins

Clr Bob Proudfoot

Clr Jemma Tribe

Clr Matthew Norris

Clr Gillian Boyd

Clr Natalee Johnston (Remotely)

Clr Ben Krikstolaitis




The CEO read a statement advising those present that the proceedings of this meeting (including presentations, deputations and debate) will be webcast and may be recorded and broadcast under the provisions of the Code of Meeting Practice.

The meeting was opened by an Acknowledgement of Country by the Chairperson, followed with a Moment of Silence & Reflection and the playing of the Australian National Anthem.



Apologies / Leave of Absence



Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (Clr Casmiri / Clr Cox)                                                              MIN25.22

That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 21 January 2025 be confirmed.

For:            Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Dunn, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins, Clr Proudfoot, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Nil





Declaration of Interests

Clr Proudfoot - CL25.23 - Update Report - Francis Ryan Reserve Amenities - Grant Funding - Less than significant non-pecuniary interest declaration - The report refers to the potential construction of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion which was determined by a previous council to be named after him - will remain in the room and will take part in discussion and vote.




Notices of Motion / Questions on Notice


CL25.19     Notice of Motion - Mens Shed Organisations

HPERM Ref: D25/21968


That Council direct the CEO to:

1.    Prepare a historical report on the evolution of the current financial commitment incurred by the Men’s Shed organisations regarding leases, licences, rates, garbage collection and other charges, over at least the past five years.

2.    Make comment on the capacity of Council to provide some form of financial relief in the future, particularly as Council's own financial position makes a significant turn for the better.

RESOLVED (Clr Proudfoot / Clr Cox)                                                                                     MIN25.23

That Council direct the CEO to:

1.       Prepare a historical report on the evolution of the current financial commitment incurred by the Men’s Shed organisations regarding leases, licences, rates, garbage collection and other charges, over at least the past five years.

2.       Make comment on the capacity of Council or other organisations to provide some form of financial relief in the future, particularly as Council's own financial position makes a significant turn for the better.

For:            Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Dunn, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins, Clr Proudfoot, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Nil




Call Over of the Business Paper


Call Over of Business Paper – City Performance

RESOLVED (Clr Krikstolaitis / Clr Clancy)                                                    MIN25.24

That the following item from City Performance Directorate be resolved without further debate:

·        CL25.20 Ongoing Register of Pecuniary Interest Returns - December 2024

Note – the item will be marked with an asterisk (*) in these Minutes.

For:            Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Dunn, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins, Clr Proudfoot, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Nil







Item marked with an * was resolved without debate.


CL25.20     Ongoing Register of Pecuniary Interest Returns -  December 2024

HPERM Ref: D24/531766

RESOLVED* (Clr Krikstolaitis / Clr Clancy)                                                                            MIN25.25

That the report of the Chief Executive Officer regarding the Ongoing Register of Pecuniary Interest Returns lodged for the period of 1 December to 31 December 2024 be received for information.

For:            Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Dunn, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins, Clr Proudfoot, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Nil



CL25.21     Investment Report - December 2024

HPERM Ref: D25/5253


That Council receive the Record of Investments for the period to 31 December 2024.

RESOLVED (Clr Proudfoot / Clr White)                                                                                  MIN25.26

That Council receive the Record of Investments for the period to 31 December 2024.

For:            Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Dunn, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins, Clr Proudfoot, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Nil



CL25.22     Budget Strategies and Parameters - 2025/26

HPERM Ref: D25/19809


That Council adopt the following budgeting strategies and guiding economic parameters for the preparation of the initial Draft of the 2025/26 Budget to be considered at future Budget Workshops:

1.    Principal budgeting strategies:

a.    The budget will not result in an unrestricted cash deficit

b.    Prioritise funding in the following order:

i.     Provide sufficient funding for all continuing services

ii.    Continue Council’s commitment to asset renewal

iii.    Continue a program of capital improvements to address historic budget shortfalls

c.    Maintain or improve Council’s financial and asset management performance indicators reported in the annual financial statements

d.    Increase Council’s working funds balance

e.    Minimise carry forwards through substantial completion and long-term planning of the capital works program

2.    Economic parameters for budgeting:

a.    Rates are increased by 12% (including rate peg) assuming Council’s application for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) is approved by IPART. Should the SRV not be approved, the 3.8% rate peg is to be applied.

b.    User fees and charges are increased by a minimum of 5%

c.    Salaries and wages are increased by 3%, plus bonus payable, as per the Local Government (State) Award

d.    Superannuation guarantee is to be increased from 11.5% to 12% in line with legislated increases

e.    Materials and other expenditures increase by 3%

f.     The capital works program is appropriately set in order to assist in the management of Council’s financial sustainability challenges and to ensure there is no reduction in Council’s unrestricted cash balance.

g.    Consistent with Council’s Long Term Financial Plan, no additional loan borrowing borrowings are to be taken out in FY 2025/26 

h.    Should the need arise during the year for additional funding, the following options will be considered:

i.     Internal borrowing opportunities

ii.    Asset rationalisation

3.    Repairs to Council’s Road Network be a primary focus of the initial draft of the Capital Works Program.

4.    Budget Workshops be scheduled with all Councillors in the preparation of the draft 2025/26 budget which will include consideration of any recommended re-prioritisation of capital works projects listed in the current Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

Motion (Clr Proudfoot / Clr Cox)

That Council adopt the following budgeting strategies and guiding economic parameters for the preparation of the initial Draft of the 2025/26 Budget to be considered at future Budget Workshops:

1.       Principal budgeting strategies:

a.       The budget will not result in an unrestricted cash deficit

b.       Prioritise funding in the following order:

i.         Provide sufficient funding for all continuing services

ii.        Continue Council’s commitment to asset renewal

iii.      Continue a program of capital improvements to address historic budget shortfalls

c.        Maintain or improve Council’s financial and asset management performance indicators reported in the annual financial statements

d.       Increase Council’s working funds balance

e.       Minimise carry forwards through substantial completion and long-term planning of the capital works program

2.       Economic parameters for budgeting:

a.       Rates are increased by 12% (including rate peg) assuming Council’s application for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) is approved by IPART. Should the SRV not be approved, the 3.8% rate peg is to be applied.

b.       User fees and charges are increased by a minimum of 5%

c.        Salaries and wages are increased by 3%, plus bonus payable, as per the Local Government (State) Award

d.       Superannuation guarantee is to be increased from 11.5% to 12% in line with legislated increases

e.       Materials and other expenditures increase by 3%

f.         The capital works program is appropriately set in order to assist in the management of Council’s financial sustainability challenges and to ensure there is no reduction in Council’s unrestricted cash balance.

g.       Consistent with Council’s Long Term Financial Plan, no additional loan borrowing borrowings are to be taken out in FY 2025/26 

h.       Should the need arise during the year for additional funding, the following options will be considered:

i.         Internal borrowing opportunities

ii.        Asset rationalisation

3.       Repairs to Council’s Road Network be a primary focus of the initial draft of the Capital Works Program.

4.       Budget Workshops be scheduled with all Councillors in the preparation of the draft 2025/26 budget which will include consideration of any recommended re-prioritisation of capital works projects listed in the current Delivery Program and Operational Plan..

Amendment (Clr Tribe / Clr Norris)

That Council adopt the following budgeting strategies and guiding economic parameters for the preparation of the initial Draft of the 2025/26 Budget to be considered at future Budget Workshops:

1.       Principal budgeting strategies:

a.       The budget will not result in an unrestricted cash deficit

b.       Prioritise funding in the following order:

i.         Provide sufficient funding for all continuing services

ii.        Continue Council’s commitment to asset renewal

iii.      Continue a program of capital improvements to address historic budget shortfalls

c.        Maintain or improve Council’s financial and asset management performance indicators reported in the annual financial statements

d.       Increase Council’s working funds balance

e.       Minimise carry forwards through substantial completion and long-term planning of the capital works program

f.         That no new non-urgent spending that is not already included in endorsed council plans be a part of this.

2.       Economic parameters for budgeting:

a.       Rates are increased by 12% (including rate peg) assuming Council’s application for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) is approved by IPART. Should the SRV not be approved, the 3.8% rate peg is to be applied.

b.       User fees and charges are increased by a minimum of 5%

c.        Salaries and wages are increased by 3%, plus bonus payable, as per the Local Government (State) Award

d.       Superannuation guarantee is to be increased from 11.5% to 12% in line with legislated increases

e.       Materials and other expenditures increase by 3%

f.         The capital works program is appropriately set in order to assist in the management of Council’s financial sustainability challenges and to ensure there is no reduction in Council’s unrestricted cash balance.

g.       Consistent with Council’s Long Term Financial Plan, no additional loan borrowing borrowings are to be taken out in FY 2025/26 

h.       Should the need arise during the year for additional funding, the following options will be considered:

i.         Internal borrowing opportunities

ii.        Asset rationalisation

3.       Repairs to Council’s Road Network be a primary focus of the initial draft of the Capital Works Program.

4.       Budget Workshops be scheduled with all Councillors in the preparation of the draft 2025/26 budget which will include consideration of any recommended re-prioritisation of capital works projects listed in the current Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

For:            Clr Dunn, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins and Clr Proudfoot


RESOLVED (Motion) (Clr Proudfoot / Clr Cox)                                                                  MIN25.27

That Council adopt the following budgeting strategies and guiding economic parameters for the preparation of the initial Draft of the 2025/26 Budget to be considered at future Budget Workshops:

1.       Principal budgeting strategies:

a.       The budget will not result in an unrestricted cash deficit

b.       Prioritise funding in the following order:

i.         Provide sufficient funding for all continuing services

ii.        Continue Council’s commitment to asset renewal

iii.      Continue a program of capital improvements to address historic budget shortfalls

c.        Maintain or improve Council’s financial and asset management performance indicators reported in the annual financial statements

d.       Increase Council’s working funds balance

e.       Minimise carry forwards through substantial completion and long-term planning of the capital works program

2.       Economic parameters for budgeting:

a.       Rates are increased by 12% (including rate peg) assuming Council’s application for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) is approved by IPART. Should the SRV not be approved, the 3.8% rate peg is to be applied.

b.       User fees and charges are increased by a minimum of 5%

c.        Salaries and wages are increased by 3%, plus bonus payable, as per the Local Government (State) Award

d.       Superannuation guarantee is to be increased from 11.5% to 12% in line with legislated increases

e.       Materials and other expenditures increase by 3%

f.         The capital works program is appropriately set in order to assist in the management of Council’s financial sustainability challenges and to ensure there is no reduction in Council’s unrestricted cash balance.

g.       Consistent with Council’s Long Term Financial Plan, no additional loan borrowing borrowings are to be taken out in FY 2025/26 

h.       Should the need arise during the year for additional funding, the following options will be considered:

i.         Internal borrowing opportunities

ii.        Asset rationalisation

3.       Repairs to Council’s Road Network be a primary focus of the initial draft of the Capital Works Program.

4.       Budget Workshops be scheduled with all Councillors in the preparation of the draft 2025/26 budget which will include consideration of any recommended re-prioritisation of capital works projects listed in the current Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

For:            Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Dunn, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins, Clr Proudfoot, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Nil



CL25.23     Update Report - Francis Ryan Reserve Amenities - Grant Funding

HPERM Ref: D25/2292

Clr Proudfoot - Less than significant non-pecuniary interest declaration - The report refers to the potential construction of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion which was determined by a previous council to be named after him - Remain in the room and took part in discussion and vote.


That Council: 

1.    Receive the Update Report - Francis Ryan Reserve Amenities Grant Funding, as an update on representations made to the Grant Management Office - New South Wales Government – Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 4, in accordance with MIN24.350. 

2.    Endorse the submission of a grant variation request to New South Wales Government – Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 4 to repurpose the existing funding commitment to provide for an upgrade of the current Francis Ryan Reserve Amenities.

RESOLVED (Clr Proudfoot / Clr Tribe)                                                                                   MIN25.28

That Council: 

1.    Receive the Update Report - Francis Ryan Reserve Amenities Grant Funding, as an update on representations made to the Grant Management Office - New South Wales Government – Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 4, in accordance with MIN24.350. 

2.    Endorse the submission of a grant variation request to New South Wales Government – Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 4 to repurpose the existing funding commitment to provide for an upgrade of the current Francis Ryan Reserve Amenities.

For:            Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Dunn, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins, Clr Proudfoot, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Nil



CL25.24     Proposed Submission - Cultural State Environmental Planning Policy (Cultural SEPP)

HPERM Ref: D24/534685


That Council:

1.    Endorse and finalise the draft Submission on the Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) for a proposed Cultural State Environmental Planning Policy (Cultural SEPP) at Attachment 1 and submit it to the NSW Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure.

2.    Receive a further report at the appropriate point on the progression or outcome of the proposed reforms.

RESOLVED (Clr Wilkins / Clr White)                                                                                      MIN25.29

That Council:

1.       Notes the draft Submission on the Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) for a proposed Cultural State Environmental Planning Policy (Cultural SEPP) at Attachment 1 and that prior to submission to the NSW Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure, Councillors are to provide their changes to the draft document to the Acting CEO by close of business Monday 3 February 2025 and delegate the Acting CEO to finalise any inclusions.

2.       Strongly requests that the draft legislative and policy amendments be exhibited for review by Councils and the community to ensure they are manageable and do not create unintended consequences.

3.       Receive a further report at the appropriate point on the progression or outcome of the proposed reforms.

For:            Clr White, Clr Clancy, Clr Kemp, Clr Casmiri, Clr Dunn, Clr Cox, Clr Wilkins, Clr Proudfoot, Clr Tribe, Clr Norris, Clr Boyd, Clr Johnston and Clr Krikstolaitis

Against:    Nil






There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 6.53pm.



Clr White