Minutes of the Northern Coastal Management Program Advisory Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Location:             Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   4.00pm



The following members were present:


Clr John Wells – Chairperson

Clr Patricia White

Mr Claude Domio

Mr John Gould

Ms Leonie Sinclair


Others present:

Dr Michael Roberts - Manager - Environmental Services

Mr Nigel Smith – Lead Coastal Management

Ms Emma Maratea – Rhelm (Remotely)

Mr Michael Rosenthal – Rhelm (Remotely)

Mr Michael Phelan – National Parks and Wildlife Services (Remotely)

Mr Luke Lister – Kiama City Council (Remotely)

Ms Carla Ganassin – Department of Primary Industries and regional Development – Fisheries (Remotely)

Ms Carly Roder – Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (Remotely)

Ms Aimee Bearsmore – Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (Remotely)

Mr Peter Hawkins – TfNSW (Remotely)



Clr Wells gave an Acknowledgement to Country and welcomed those to the meeting.



Apologies / Leave of Absence

An apology was received from Clr Kotlash and Alasdair Stratton.



Note: Clr Wells noted that Ms Robyn Flack (representing the Shoalhaven Heads CCB) was in attendance as an observer only.


Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (Claude Domio / Leonie Sinclair)


That the Minutes of the Northern Coastal Management Program Advisory Committee held on Monday 15 April 2024 be confirmed.




Declaration of Interests






NC24.4       Update on the Lower Shoalhaven River Coastal Management Program

HPERM Ref: D24/303928

Mr Nigel Smith introduced himself to the meeting and welcomed the representatives from Rhelm.

Representatives Ms Emma Maratea and Mr Michael Rosenthal from Rhelm provided a presentation in relation to the stages of the Northern Coastal Management Program (CMP) Committee.

The presentation will be sent to the members via email, some of the key points made are:

·       Recap of Stage 2 – Overview of assessments, stakeholder engagement, key outcomes

·       Presentation of the outcomes of Stage 3 – Feasibility Assessment, Viability Assessment, Acceptability Assessment

·       The CMP sets the long-term strategy for the coordinated management of the coast, with a focus on achieving the objectives of the Coastal Management Act 2016.

·       The CMPs identify coastal management issues and the actions required to address the issues in a strategic and integrated way.

·       The CMPs also detail how and when the actions will be implemented, their costs and proposed cost-sharing arrangements and other funding mechanisms.

·       Stage 3 Engagement Activities: Engagement with State Agencies, meeting on country with traditional owners, community workshops and drop-in sessions, meetings with community organisations, use of Council’s Get Involved page and mapping tool.

·       The Feasibility Assessment identified 212 options, types of option identified are: Bank erosion, Boating, Coastal and Tidal Flooding, Cultural and Social, Economic, Environmental and Recreation

·       Costs of Implementation

·       Stage 4: Draft CMP and Public Exhibition


Dr Michael Roberts asked a question to presenters from Rhelm in relation to the community’s original submissions on this CMP and how they would be translated into actions. Rhelm addressed this by discussing the Close the Loop process. This will ensure that all actions raised by the community will be addressed in the CMP.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee receive the report and presentation on the status of the Lower Shoalhaven River CMP for information.


RESOLVED (Claude Domio / John Gould)

That the Committee receive the report and presentation on the status of the Lower Shoalhaven River CMP for information.




There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 5.37pm.



Clr John Wells