Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group



Meeting Date:     Wednesday, 07 February, 2024

Location:            Jervis Bay Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   1.00pm


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Meeting Conduct Statement

2     Acknowledgement of Country

3.    Apologies

4.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group - 8 November 2023............. 1

5.    Declaration of Interests

6.    Reports

MS24.1........ Action Update - Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group..... 4

7.    General Business

Logo, company name

Description automatically generated


 Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group – Wednesday 07 February 2024





Clr Matthew Norris – Chairperson

All Councillors

CEO or Nominee

Director – City Futures or Nominee

Mr Norman Mogg

Mr Paul Dean

Mr Roger Walker

Mr Robert Bridge


Quorum – Four (consisting of at least one Councillor and one Community Member)


  Role and Purpose:

·          Advocate for the development of a Motor Sports Complex (MSC) in the Shoalhaven

·          Seek to identify current and future potential sites for the establishment of a MSC in the Shoalhaven.

·          Upon identification of a potentially suitable site, advocate for funding for the establishment phase of this project from Federal and State Governments as part of their programs for rural and regional economic development.






Minutes of the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group



Meeting Date:     Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Location:            Jervis Bay Room, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   5.00pm



The following members were present:


Clr Matthew Norris - Chairperson

Clr Serena Copley

Clr Patricia White

Mr Norman Mogg

Mr Paul Dean

Mr Robert Bridge

Mr Roger Walker

Ms Coralie Bell - Acting Director City Futures


Others present:


Mr Ryan Schulter - Senior Economic Development Officer




Apologies / Leave of Absence

Apologies were received from Ms Fiona Hatcher, Clr Kitchener and Amigo Investment Holdings.



Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Minutes of the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group held on Monday 04 September 2023 be confirmed.




Declaration of Interests





MS23.11     Additional Investigations - Yerriyong Motoplex Site

HPERM Ref: D23/398276

It was noted that it would be beneficial, at the appropriate time, to reaffirm support from the Local Aboriginal Land Council regarding development on the site.

The Group discussed the control of the permissive occupancy, which currently sits with Nowra District Motorcycle Club Ltd, with Motorcycling NSW as the sole member. It was noted that they no longer have interest in further developing the site. The Group therefore resolved to invite the past members of the Nowra District Motorcycle Club Ltd to attend the next meeting to discuss the control of the permissive occupancy of the site.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group receive this report for their information

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group;

1.    Receive this report for their information.

2.    Invite the Nowra District Motorcycle Club Ltd to attend the next meeting to discuss the control of the permissive occupancy of the site.



MS23.12     Action Update - Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group

HPERM Ref: D23/418980

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group:

1.    Accept and receive the Action Table Report (Attachment 1) for information.

2.    Consider the following actions complete and remove from the Action Table,

a.    MS23.8 - Support of Motor Sports Complex - Extend invitation Amigo Investment Holdings

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group:

1.    Accept and receive the Action Table Report (Attachment 1) for information.

2.    Consider the following actions complete and remove from the Action Table,

a.    MS23.8 - Support of Motor Sports Complex - Extend invitation Amigo Investment Holdings



MS23.13     State Significant Planning - General Update

HPERM Ref: D23/434472

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group receive the report, which provides general information about State Significant Development, for information only. 

RESOLVED (By consent)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group receive the report, which provides general information about State Significant Development, for information only. 





MS23.14     Additional Item - Zoning Permissibility - Yerriyong Site

Under MS23.11 Mr Norman Mogg queried the development restrictions of the permissive occupancy of Lot 7309 on the Yerriyong site, particularly building height restrictions.

Staff advised they would investigate and come back to the Group with details of what permissibility is under that zoning.


MS23.15     Additional Item - Business Case - Fiona Hatcher

The Group noted that Ms Fiona Hatcher had previously agreed to provide information to the Group regarding the current business case for a Motorsports Complex in the Shoalhaven. This will be followed up with Ms Hatcher for the next meeting.



There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 5:47pm.



Clr Matthew Norris








 Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group – Wednesday 07 February 2024

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MS24.1      Action Update - Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group


HPERM Ref:       D24/10561


Department:       Economic Development

Approver:           Coralie McCarthy, Acting Director - City Futures 

Attachments:     1.  Action Table  

Reason for Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group with a progress report on outstanding actions.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group:

1.    Accept and receive the Action Table Report (Attachment 1) for information.

2.    Consider the following actions complete and remove from the Action Table:

a.    MS23.14 - Additional Item - Zoning Permissibility Details - Yerriyong Site

b.    MS23.7 - Additional Investigations - Yerriyong Motoplex Site - Request Report Lands NSW - permissive occupancy - objection to DA - licensing arrangements



1.    As recommended.

Implications: The Action Table will be received and updated to reflect recently completed actions.


2.    That the Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group note the update to the Action Table and request more information.

Implications: Additional information as requested will be provided to the group at the next meeting.



Council records an Action Table of actions requested by the Working Group to track progress and update the group on their status. See Attachment 1.



 Shoalhaven Motor Sports Working Group – Wednesday 07 February 2024

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