Aboriginal Advisory Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 06 February, 2024

Location:            Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   5.00pm


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Meeting Conduct Statement

2.    Apologies

3     Acknowledgement of Country

4.    A Minute Silence in Respect of Aboriginal Elders, Past and Present

5.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Aboriginal Advisory Committee - 21 November 2023.................................................. 1

6.    Declarations of Interest

7.    Presentations

AA24.1........ Manager Design Services - Proposed Road Closure - Part Comberton Grange Road, Comberton

The Aboriginal Advisory Committee requested Mr Micaiah Tipton – Manager Design Services to present back to the Committee in 2024 to allow a thorough discussion with more members present.

AA24.2........ Gavin Brook - Service NSW Business Bureau - Aboriginal Small Businesses in Shoalhaven

Mr Gavin Brook wishes to present to the Committee to gain a broader understanding of Aboriginal small business in the Shoalhaven, fundamentally to identify opportunities Service NSW Business Bureau can assist.

AA24.3........ Boongaree Reconciliation Garden Berry

Council’s Open Space & Recreation Planning Team will present to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee (AAC) about Bongaree Reconciliation Garden, Berry.

Topics that will be discussed:

·      Inform the AAC that widespread engagement with Aboriginal elders, organisations, communities, and people will take place shortly.

·      Invite participation and comment.

·      Provide an overview of the Reconciliation Garden project status, with a draft concept plan available.

·      Show the 3D model of the draft concept plan, for comment by members.


8.    Reports

AA24.4........ Standing Apology Request - Ms Nicole Moore.............................................. 6

AA24.5........ Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Action Table Report February 2024.......... 9

9.    General Business

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Chairperson - Ms Natalie Lloyd

All Councillors

Chief Executive Officer or nominee

Ms Janet Atkins

Ms Sylvia Timbery

Mr Shane Brown

Mr Paul McLeod

Mr Charlie Ashby

Ms Nicole Moore

Ms Caryn Carpenter

Ms Sharlene Cruickshank

Mr David Blakeney

Ms Belinda Little

Mr Jason Groves - Nowra LALC

Mr Alfred Wellington - Jerrinja LALC

Ms Karen Tronier - Ulladulla LALC


Quorum – Five (5) local Aboriginal community members




To provide appropriate and considered advice to Council on all relevant issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the Shoalhaven LGA, and to influence Council’s support & intent in achieving their objectives for the current Statement of Commitment 2010 (SoC) and the Shoalhaven City Council Community Strategic Plan 2027 (SCCSP) and endorsement of the Uluru Statement of the Heart June 2020.


Role of the Committee

All members are encouraged to become actively involved in the business of the AAC and to be an advocate between community and Council. The role of the Committee is:-

·           To advise Shoalhaven City Council on necessary issues relating to Aboriginal communities in the LGA.

·           Promote and increase knowledge & understanding of Aboriginal society, history & culture in the LGA.

·           Facilitate access and accessibility to services and facilities for Aboriginal people.

·           Advise on the development and implementation of the Shoalhaven City Council Community Strategic Plan.

·           Develop strong collaborative partnerships between Aboriginal communities and Shoalhaven City Council.

·           Maintain strong links between Council and Aboriginal communities throughout the Shoalhaven to accomplish the relationships and outcomes required for genuine reconciliation.

·           Foster and safeguard a spirit of mutual trust and respect which allows the AAC and Shoalhaven City Council to work together in their commitment towards intelligent, well informed decision making processes that are sensitive to all Aboriginal issues.

·           Recognise, support & uphold past and present local cultural heritage and its place in future Council directions.

·           Remain a meaningful ‘place’ for the communication of messages and information from Aboriginal community voices that identify local needs for services, facilities and activities.

·           Support and promote significant celebrations and events within the Shoalhaven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

·           Provide specialist advice to other Committees of Council.



Ordinary Meeting 21 December 2009 – Item 43 – MIN19.1808




This Statement commits Shoalhaven City Council to continue building mutually respectful relationships with the Aboriginal Communities of the Shoalhaven.


Shoalhaven City Council values its culturally diverse communities and lifestyles and is deeply committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal people of the Shoalhaven. This Partnership will be based on mutual respect and equality to further employment, social, cultural and economic community development.


Shoalhaven City Council recognizes and acknowledges the history and treatment of Aboriginal people in Australia and supports the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation’s vision and values.


Shoalhaven City Council recognises Aboriginal people’s valuable contribution made in strengthening and enriching our communities and the heritage of all Australians.


Shoalhaven City Council Acknowledges and Recognises:

·         Aboriginal people as the first people of Australia

·         Past practices and policies that impacted on Aboriginal people’s lives, cultures and society

·         The customs and traditions of Aboriginal people and their spiritual relationship with the land

·         The rights of Aboriginal people to live according to their own beliefs, values and customs, and

·         The significant contribution made by Aboriginal people in the past, present and future.


Shoalhaven City Council commits itself to:

·         Ensuring local Aboriginal involvement in events and celebrations of significance which respect the dignity and protocols of the local Aboriginal communities

·         The ongoing development of strategies to improve and increase the level of participation of local Aboriginal people in the local Government decision making processes

·         Undertake holistic community planning to address wellbeing, employment and social economic or cultural disadvantage experienced by local Aboriginal people in the Shoalhaven

·         Ensuring all council staff and Councillors are exposed to ongoing education and cultural training and development programs to increase knowledge, understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal Cultural heritage and the needs of the Aboriginal communities

·         Celebrate and support significant Aboriginal ceremonies and events, e.g. NAIDOC week, Sorry Day, Reconciliation Week and Survival Day

·         To continue to fly the Aboriginal flag in places such as City Administrative Centre, Council Chambers, Reception room and in other prominent Council locations.







Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee



Meeting Date:     Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Location:            Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   5.14pm



The following members were present:


Clr Amanda Findley – (Left at 6.28pm)

Clr Matthew Norris

Clr Evan Christen

Clr Patricia White - (Left at 5:51pm)

Clr Gillian Boyd - (Joined remotely at 5.15pm and left at 6:41pm)

Ms Sylvia Timbery

Mr Shane Brown

Mr Paul McLeod

Mr Charlie Ashby

Ms Caryn Carpenter (Remotely)

Mr Michael Paine - Manager - Community Connections


Others present:


Ms Jane Lewis – Director City Lifestyles

Ms Carly McWalters – Lead – Community Capacity Building

Ms Casey Holtom – Social Planner

Mr Micaiah Tipton – Manager Design Services

Ms Brooke Aldous – Governance Coordinator




Apologies / Leave of Absence

An apology was received from Ms Natalie Lloyd and Ms Janet Atkins.



Mr Michael Paine - Manager - Community Connections assumed the Chair and asked the members present if there were any nominations for the role of the Interim Chairperson. Mr Charlie Ashby was nominated by Mr Paul McLeod and seconded by Mr Shane Brown. There being no further nominations, the Committee agreed the election process was conducted fairly and reasonably and accepted the nomination.


Mr Charlie Ashby opened the meeting with an Acknowledgement of Country and observing a Minute of Silence in respect of Aboriginal Elders, Past and Present.






Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (Paul McLeod / Charlie Ashby)

That the Minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 22 August 2023 be confirmed.




Declaration of Interests





AA23.27     Presentation - Jerrinja Tribe - Representative Membership Request

HPERM Ref: D23/362995

The Jerrinja Tribal Group presented their case to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee in relation to the Jerrinja Tribal Group having a representative member on the Committee.


AA23.28     Shoalhaven Hospital Redevelopment - Project Update

HPERM Ref: D23/369488

Health Infrastructure NSW presented to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee to provide an update on progress of the Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital Development project.

The presentation will be attached to the Minutes.





AA23.29     Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Appointment of Community Members

HPERM Ref: D23/404201

Action: A report be provided at the next Aboriginal Advisory Committee meeting regarding the standing apology request received.


That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee:

1.    Endorse and accept the appointment of David Blakeney as a member of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

2.    Endorse and accept the appointment of Belinda Little as a member of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

3.    Provide an unsuccessful outcome letter to the other applicants and thank them for their application, with encouragement to apply to the next EOI for the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

RECOMMENDATION (Paul McLeod / Shane Brown)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee:

1.    Endorse and accept the appointment of David Blakeney as a member of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

2.    Endorse and accept the appointment of Belinda Little as a member of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

3.    Provide an unsuccessful outcome letter to the other applicants and thank them for their application, with encouragement to apply to the next EOI for the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.



AA23.30     Development of Reconciliation Action Plan for Council

HPERM Ref: D23/431293

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee:

1.    Receive this report Development of Reconciliation Action Plan for Council for information.

2.    Resolve to support the development of the Reconciliation Action Plan and reaffirm the nominations of Natalie Lloyd and Jason Groves as being the AAC’s representatives on the RAP Yarning Group in line with the draft Terms of Reference as detailed in the report.

RESOLVED (Paul McLeod / Charlie Ashby)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee:

1.    Receive this report Development of Reconciliation Action Plan for Council for information.

2.    Resolve to support the development of the Reconciliation Action Plan and reaffirm the nominations of Natalie Lloyd and Caryn Carpenter (with proxy) as being the AAC’s representatives on the RAP Yarning Group in line with the draft Terms of Reference as detailed in the report.



AA23.31     Aboriginal Advisory Committee Action Table Report November 2023

HPERM Ref: D23/445819

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee:

1.    Receive report for information.

2.    Accept that the following actions are acknowledged as complete and removed from the action table:

·    AA22.26 – Additional Item - Cullunghutti Plan of Management – Updates

·    AA22.21 - Cultural Immersion Workshops - Men’s Business - Investigate - Organisations

·    AA23.25 - Referendum on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice - Support Services - Promotion

·    AA23.27 - Additional Item - Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Consider Financial  Assistance to members - Meeting Attendance Fuel costs

3.    Accept the following completed actions to be removed from the Completed Actions section of the Action Table:

·    AA23.6 - Boongaree Reconciliation Garden - Naming - Invite contribute signage –    heritage

·    AA23.18 - AAC Terms of Reference 2023 - Accept Amendments

·    AA23.19 - 2023 Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards Update and 2024 Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards Committee Representative Nomination

·    AA23.21 - Additional Item - First Nation Students Program – Workshop

RESOLVED (Charlie Ashby / Shane Brown)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee:

1.    Receive report for information.

2.    Accept that the following actions are acknowledged as complete and removed from the action table:

·    AA22.26 – Additional Item - Cullunghutti Plan of Management – Updates

·    AA22.21 - Cultural Immersion Workshops - Men’s Business - Investigate - Organisations

·    AA23.25 - Referendum on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice - Support Services - Promotion

·    AA23.27 - Additional Item - Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Consider Financial  Assistance to members - Meeting Attendance Fuel costs

3.    Accept the following completed actions to be removed from the Completed Actions section of the Action Table:

·    AA23.6 - Boongaree Reconciliation Garden - Naming - Invite contribute signage –    heritage

·    AA23.18 - AAC Terms of Reference 2023 - Accept Amendments

·    AA23.19 - 2023 Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards Update and 2024 Local Government Regional NAIDOC Awards Committee Representative Nomination

·          AA23.21 - Additional Item - First Nation Students Program – Workshop



General Business

·    Comberton Grange Road - Potential Closure

Mr Micaiah Tipton – Manager Design Services provided an update to the Committee. Clr Christen provided further background information to the Committee about why he requested for this to be reported to the AAC at the Ordinary Meeting of Council and the potential impact to community if the road closure were to go ahead. It was clarified that Mr Micaiah Tipton is seeking feedback to take back to Councillors.


AA23.34     Additional Item Presentation Invitation - Cultural Community Engagement

RESOLVED (By consent)

The Aboriginal Advisory Committee requested Mr Micaiah Tipton – Manager Design Services to come back in February 2024 to allow a more in detail discussion with more members present. The Committee extended an invite for a representative from the Shaolin Temple to present to the Committee on their cultural community engagement.



·    Committee Name Change Discussion 

The new Director for City Performance – Kerrie Hamilton has queried the Committee name as it does not include reference to Torres Strait Islander. This was discussed with the Committee and asked whether the Committee would be accepting of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee. This was not recommended.


AA23.32     Glossy Black Cockatoo Project - Feedback

HPERM Ref: D23/359633

The Department of Planning and Environment (DPIE) presented to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee on 22 August 2023, the work that has been undertaken on the Glossy Black Cockatoo Project.

No further feedback was provided by the Aboriginal Advisory Committee. Hard copies were provided to those present at the meeting.

The draft plan and interactive mapping tool can be found here: Healthy Country Plan for glossy black-cockatoo


There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 7.04pm.



Mr Charlie Ashby








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AA24.4       Standing Apology Request - Ms Nicole Moore


HPERM Ref:       D23/504146


Department:       Business Assurance & Risk

Approver:           Michael Paine, Manager - Community Connections 

Attachments:     1.  Response to Standing Apology Request - Nicole Moore  

Reason for Report

A request for a standing apology has been received from a voting community member of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee and Council would like to seek the Committees guidance.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee determine an appropriate way forward to deal with the standing apology request received from a community member of the Committee.



1.    Accept the request and make adjustments to the Terms of Reference as outlined in the report.

2.    Not accept the request and should the member not attend the next meeting, membership be considered ceased.

Implications: If the membership is considered to be ceased, an EOI will be conducted to fill the role that is considered vacant.

3.    An alternative recommendation

Implications: Unknown



Community Connections received a standing apology request for all future meetings from Ms Nicole Moore an Aboriginal Community Representative on the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

The Aboriginal Advisory Committee Terms of Reference does not include a clause that allows for standing apologies however, the ToR does include the following notation within the conditions of non-attendance, see below.

5. Membership - Conditions of non-attendance:

Non-active members disrupt the function of the committee.

Council’s Code of Meeting Practice under the heading Attendance at Committee Meetings states the following:

20.8 - A Committee member (other than the Mayor) ceases to be a member of a Committee if the Committee member:

(a) has been absent from three (3) consecutive meetings of the Committee without having given reasons acceptable to the Committee for the member's absences, or

(b) has been absent from at least half of the meetings of the Committee held during the immediately preceding year without having given to the Committee acceptable reasons for the member's absences.

Following an audit of Ms Nicole Moore’s attendance at the Aboriginal Advisory Committee meetings, Ms Nicole Moore has submitted one (1) apology for the meeting held on 22 August 2023 and one (1) apology for the meeting held on 8 November 2022.


External Consultations

Ms Nicole Moore was written to on 9 August 2023 in response to her request and a copy of the letter is shown as Attachment 1.


Policy Implications

As stated above the Terms of Reference currently include the following notation within the conditions of non-attendance, see below.

5. Membership - Conditions of non-attendance:

Non-active members disrupt the function of the committee.

Should the Committee accept the request from Ms Nicole Moore than this should be removed from the Terms of Reference.


Risk Implications

The Aboriginal Advisory Committee has been experiencing difficulty reaching quorum and if this request was to be accepted by the Committee, this may further impact the Committees ability to make quorum.



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AA24.5       Aboriginal Advisory Committee - Action Table Report February 2024


HPERM Ref:       D24/24423


Department:       Community Connections

Approver:           Michael Paine, Manager - Community Connections 

Attachments:     1.  Action Table February 2024   

Reason for Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the Aboriginal Advisory Committee (AAC) with a progress report on outstanding actions.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Aboriginal Advisory Committee receive this report for information.



1.    Adopt the recommendation as written.

Implications: The Aboriginal Advisory Committee is updated on the progress of actions and recommendations made at previous meetings.


2.    Request more information.

Implications: Members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee request further information.



This report is to update the Aboriginal Advisory Committee on outstanding actions from previous meetings.

Subject to the Committee concurring that satisfactory progress has been made to complete the items in the February 2024 Action Table Report, the Committee is requested to receive this report for information. 

Attachment 1 provides information regarding the status of actions and resolutions made at previous meetings, including items which are still in works. Should AAC members require further information on the status of the actions in the table attached Council staff will provide as requested.


Internal Consultations

Responsible Officers have been consulted to provide an update on their actions.


External Consultations

It is important that the members of the AAC are kept informed on progress towards the completion of actions and projects. This report provides a structured approach to facilitate this information.




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