Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee
Meeting Date: Tuesday, 20 June, 2023
Location: Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 4.00pm
Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.
1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Minutes
· Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee - 4 April 2023.................................... 1
3. Declaration of Interests
4. Reports
CBD23.17... Standing Report - Budget Update - June 2023.............................................. 6
CBD23.18... Standing Report - Project Update - June 2023.............................................. 8
CBD23.19... Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - Nowra Update.................................... 11
CBD23.20... Junction Street Pedestrian Counters Update............................................... 15
CBD23.21... Taxi Rank Locations - Report Back.............................................................. 17
CBD23.22... Jelly Bean Park Additional Seats / Bicycle Racks Options – Report Back. 21
CBD23.23... Jelly Bean Park Amenities – Report Back................................................... 23
CBD23.24... Demolition - 16 Berry Street, Nowra............................................................ 26
CBD23.25... Committee Actions Report for Ongoing / Completed Items......................... 30
5. General Business
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page |
Mr James Caldwell – Chairperson
Clr Serena Copley
Clr Matthew Norris
Clr Tonia Gray
Clr Patricia White (Alternate)
Ms Jo Gash
Mr Scott Baxter
Mr Brendan Goddard
Mr George Parker
Mr Wesley Hindmarch
Ms Catherine Shields
Ms Jessica Bromley
Mr Carlo Di Giulio
Mr Jason Cox
Non-voting members
All other Councillors
Director, City Services or delegate
Quorum – Seven (7) members
Note: Any non-voting Councillor in attendance at the Committee meetings may act as an alternate voting member in circumstances where achievement of a quorum is required.
Role of the Committee
For the purpose of this Terms of Reference, Councils annual Capital Works Budget which is defined as any Special Rate on the CBD (currently $500,000) plus any top up funding (such as grants or loans obtained by council or other council budgetary allocations) that Council provides to deliver a project initiated by Special Rate Funding.
Note: Any other Capital Works Funding in excess of $100,000 within the CBD will be discussed with the Committee prior to expenditure of funding.
Note: Tasks in relation to part 4 will not be undertaken by Councillors
1. Recommend to Council possible refinement of, and improvements to, the ‘Revitalising Nowra Action Plan (2021-2023)’ and the broader Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy as the committee considers appropriate.
2. Develop a list of projects (with estimated costings) for Council to consider/prioritise over a rolling three year time frame, that will assist in achieving the ten elements of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy. The list is to be presented to an Ordinary Meeting of Council in February each year, and thus adopted by the Council.
3. Make a formal submission to Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD, in accordance with Council’s budgeting process.
4. Reallocate at its discretion, Nowra CBD Revitalisation Budget funds to operational projects, e.g. activation events.
5. Monitor the expenditure of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Budget via a Subcommittee, in particular;
5.1 Approving design plans and specifications at the preliminary concept stage and prior to the detailed drafting and then at final approval stage.
5.2 In cases where the CEO (or delegate) determines that capital works funded by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Budget will be tendered out, the Subcommittee will endorse the tender documentation before tenders are advertised.
5.3 The Chair and delegate may, at their discretion, participate on tender evaluation panels for capital expenditure funded by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Budget.
5.4 The Chair is to endorse the payment of progress claims and endorse the approval of variations, for capital expenditure funded by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Budget.
6. Act as a communication conduit between Council and the CBD stakeholders in respect to the ten elements within the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy and approved Capital Works within the Nowra CBD with reasonable support from Council, at Council’s expense, as determined by the CEO.
7. Assist Council in advocating to the community the adopted list of projects that seek to deliver on the ten elements of the CBD Revitalisation Strategy.
8. Provide a report to Council (resolved at a Committee meeting) each quarter outlining the year to date expenditure on projects funded by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Budget and present a report to an Ordinary Meeting of Council in August each year that explains the expenditure and any non-expenditure, for the previous financial year.
9. Consult with relevant stakeholders as needed.
Delegated Authority
1. To oversee the expenditure of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Budget, as the Committee deems appropriate in accordance with objectives of the Nowra CBD Strategic Plan.
2. To promote the advantages of the CBD inside and outside the Local Government area, including making press releases and promoting the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy and its projects.
3. Council will provide “in-kind” support to the committee in relation to
· Project Design and Documentation
· Facilitation of meetings
· Preparation of reports for the Committee consideration
Nowra Revitalisation Committee - Sub/Working Groups
Governance & Communications Sub Committee |
Finance & Works Sub Committee |
Events & Promotion |
Activation Projects |
James Caldwell (Chair) |
Yes |
Yes |
Clr |
Clr |
Clr |
Wesley Hindmarch |
Scott Baxter |
Brendan Goddard |
George Parker |
Jo Gash |
Catherine Shields |
Carlo Di Giulio |
Jessica Bromley |
Jason Cox |
Gordon Clark |
Paul Keech |
SCC Rep |
Minutes of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee
Meeting Date: Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Location: Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 4.00pm
The following members were present:
Mr James Caldwell - Chairperson
Clr Serena Copley
Clr Matthew Norris
Clr Tonia Gray (Remotely)
Clr Patricia White (Alternate)
Ms Jo Gash
Mr George Parker
Ms Catherine Shields
Mr Carlo Di Giulio (Remotely)
Ms Jessica Bromley
Mr Jason Cox
Mr Wesley Hindmarch (Remotely) – Joined 4:54pm
Others present:
Mr Paul Keech – Director City Services
Mr Gordon Clark - Section Manager - Strategic Planning
Mr Gary George - Manager - Building Services – Left 5:02pm
Mr Micaiah Tipton - Manager Design Services
Ms Brooke Aldous – Governance Coordinator
Ms Alison Henry – Nowra CBD Place Manager – Left 4:15pm
Apologies / Leave of Absence |
Apologies were received from Clr John Kotlash, Mr Scott Baxter and Mr Carey McIntyre.
Confirmation of the Minutes |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Minutes of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee held on Monday 27 February 2023 be confirmed. CARRIED |
Declaration of Interests |
CBD23.16 Additional Item - Nowra CBD Place Manager Update |
Ms Alison Henry – Nowra CBD Place Manager – provided the following update to the Committee: · Street Eats and Beats was successful throughout the month of March, with a high volume of family attendance, and more uptake due to an increased social media campaign. · Triple U FM will be live on site at the next Eats and Beats, to be held 19 April 2023. · Junction Court is closed from 6 - 10 April for Easter Saturday in the CBD, which will be a free event to get families into the CBD. The event will have a petting zoo, live music, face painting, mini art classes by Pinot and Picasso and Zest’s Coffee van on site. · 11 May 2023 is the potential launch date for the Nowra Fresh Food Markets, which will be held 2pm – 6pm in Jellybean Park. The markets will be reserved for makers, producers and growers. · The marketing and communications campaign for the Nowra CBD is currently being worked on, which will be a 12 month branding and communications plan. As a part of this plan, a data base of businesses and retailers in the CBD has been compiled, which will be used to circulate a bi-monthly newsletter to keep communication channels open and make businesses aware of what the Committee are doing. · A July School Holidays program is currently being worked on in collaboration with the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre, Art Gallery and Library. |
CBD23.15 Proposal - 16 Berry Street Nowra |
HPERM Ref: D23/107729 |
Council staff advised the Committee that this report has come before the Committee because the re-purposing of the building on 16 Berry Street, Nowra, is not feasible due to problems with the interior, the roof of the building, and other asbestos issues. Gary George – Manager Building Services - provided a presentation on the proposed demolition and revitalisation of 16 Berry St, Nowra. The information presented is attached to these minutes. |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee 1. Give In-Principle support for providing funding towards the demolition and rehabilitation of the site at 16 Berry Street, Nowra. 2. Limit additional budget allocation for other projects/initiatives until the budget commitment toward the demolition of 16 Berry Street, Nowra is finalised. 3. Request a report back from the Director City Services on the budget proposal for the demolition of 16 Berry Street, Nowra. The report should include options for future activation of the site following demolition. |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee 1. Give In-Principle support for providing funding towards the demolition and rehabilitation of the site at 16 Berry Street, Nowra. 2. Limit additional budget allocation for other projects/initiatives until the budget commitment toward the demolition of 16 Berry Street, Nowra is finalised. 3. Request a report back from the Director City Services on the budget proposal for the demolition of 16 Berry Street, Nowra. The report should include options for future activation of the site following demolition. CARRIED |
CBD23.10 Committee Actions Report for Ongoing / Completed Items |
HPERM Ref: D23/92384 |
· CBD22.32 - Facade Improvement Program - Quick Fixes It was noted by Clr Copley that the Committee discussed identifying properties which would make a big difference to the CBD façade, with minimal investment through a quick fix, such as a coat of paint. Action: Council staff advised that they would provide a repot back on item CBD22.32, in which they identify the quick fix locations, and the total costs involved. Clr White requested, that as part of this report, a list of the buildings which were looked at by the Committee be provided, with the comments made by the Committee of what needs to happen with these buildings. The CBD Committee would then be able to write to those owners or direct them to get in contact with the Committee to discuss the options available for tidying up their buildings. · CBD22.32 - Nowra CBD Pedestrian Counter Clr White requested that a report come back to the Committee of the data collected from the pedestrian counter over 2021, 2022 and 2023 to evaluate the trend within the CBD. |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee receive the Outstanding/Ongoing Action Report for information. |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee receive the Outstanding/Ongoing Action Report for information. CARRIED |
CBD23.11 Quarterly Report No.1 - Nowra Riverfront Precinct Project |
HPERM Ref: D23/69515 |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee receive Quarterly Report No.1 on the Nowra Riverfront Precinct Project for information. |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee receive Quarterly Report No.1 on the Nowra Riverfront Precinct Project for information. CARRIED |
CBD23.12 Update report - Community Mural Proposal - Laneway (Shoalhaven Regional Gallery) - 12 Berry St, Nowra |
HPERM Ref: D23/96474 |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee: 1. Receive this update on the community event and mural proposal in the Little Laneway for information; and 2. If needed, consider the detailed proposal, including funding request, at a future ‘e-meeting’ once it is received from Collator. |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee: 1. Receive this update on the community event and mural proposal in the Little Laneway for information; and 2. If needed, consider the detailed proposal, including funding request, at a future ‘e-meeting’ once it is received from Collator. CARRIED |
CBD23.13 Standing Report - Budget Update - March 2023 |
HPERM Ref: D23/102479 |
Recommendation That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee adopts the revised budget and expenditure plan D23/106963 and notes the following for information: 1. That $37,830 has been spent since the last meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget update. 2. The total year-to-date spend for the 2022/2023 financial year is $428,275 of the available budget of $1,898,594. 3. A summary of the budget is provided in the Attachment to this report (D23/106963) |
RECOMMENDATION (By consent) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee adopts the revised budget and expenditure plan D23/106963 and notes the following for information: 1. That $37,830 has been spent since the last meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget update. 2. The total year-to-date spend for the 2022/2023 financial year is $428,275 of the available budget of $1,898,594. 3. A summary of the budget is provided in the Attachment to this report (D23/106963) CARRIED |
CBD23.14 Standing Report - Project Update - March 2023 |
HPERM Ref: D23/102499 |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee note the update provided on the nominated projects within the Nowra CBD. |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee note the update provided on the nominated projects within the Nowra CBD. CARRIED |
CBD23.5 Discussion Item - Future Character of New Builds in Nowra CBD |
HPERM Ref: D23/7583 |
Clr Gray addressed the Committee regarding this report and presented the following images of a property in Melbourne as future aspirations for the Nowra CBD: 269 Stewart Street, Brunswick East |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the report be submitted for consideration and received for information. |
RESOLVED (By consent) That 1. The report be submitted for consideration and received for information. 2. A workshop be scheduled for a future Committee meeting to help understand Council’s planning Controls, and the Director of City Development, Director of City Futures and Mr Carlo Di Guilio be invited to give a short presentation to the Committee. CARRIED |
There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 6:22pm.
Mr James Caldwell
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.17 Standing Report - Budget Update - June 2023
HPERM Ref: D23/136608
Department: Technical Services
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Attachments: 1. Attachment - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Budget Update - June 2023 ⇩
Reason for Report
To provide an update on the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee Budget.
That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee notes the following for information: 1. That $11,092 has been spent since the last meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget update. 2. The total year-to-date spend for the 2022/2023 financial year is $439,367 of the available budget of $1,898,594. 3. A summary of the budget is provided in the Attachment to this report (D23/198123) |
This report provides an update to the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget spending compared to the 3-year action plan that was endorsed by Council on 20 July 2021 (MIN21.540). A summary of the Budget is attached.
Name |
Paid to |
Amount (Excl GST) |
Eats & Beats/Easter Event Advertising |
South Coast & Tablelands Broadcasting |
$3,510 |
Petting Zoo – Easter Event |
Cool Cow Pty Ltd |
$732 |
Bunting – Easter Event |
Hoorah Events |
$500 |
Entertainers – Easter Events |
Stella Studioz |
$1,000 |
Traffic Management Plan – Egans Lane |
Traffic Professionals |
$150 |
CBD Place Manager |
Alison Peta Henry |
$5,200 |
Total |
$11,092 |
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.18 Standing Report - Project Update - June 2023
HPERM Ref: D23/136613
Department: Technical Services
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Reason for Report
To provide the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee with an update on nominated projects within Nowra CBD.
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee note the update provided on the nominated projects within the Nowra CBD. |
The following projects are funded by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee. Updates on each of the below projects will be provided at meetings of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee:
· Feasibility Investigation - Use of Smart Poles in the Nowra CBD
· Investigation & Design - Pedestrian Crossing - Junction Street Nowra
· Traffic Masterplan for North Street, Nowra
· Nowra CBD Action Plan
The following projects are funded by Council. The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee has requested a short update on the below projects at meetings of the Committee:
· Nowra Arts Centre - Roof Renewal Works
· Nowra CBD - All Day Car Parking
· Nowra - O'Keeffe Avenue
· Nowra - Berry / Worrigee Street – Multi Storey Car Park - Investigate and Design
· Nowra - Bridge Rd / Hyam St Intersection - Safer Roads Project
· Nowra - Berry St / Worrigee St – Intersection Upgrade Traffic Lights (Design)
· Council Admin Building Works
The following projects have been added to the projects update list as a result of Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee meeting resolutions:
· Morrisons Arcade lease renewal and lighting (CBD21.40)
· CBD Mural Project (CBD21.44)
· Jellybean Park Electrical and Technology Infrastructure Upgrade (CBD22.9)
Project Updates
1. Feasibility Investigation - Use of Smart Poles in the Nowra CBD
Complete Urban has been engaged to undertake the feasibility investigation for $10,190 excl GST. The work has been completed and a way forward will be the subject of a future report to the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.
2. Investigation & Design – Pedestrian Crossing – Junction Street, Nowra
Budget - $5,000.
A design is complete and grant funding has been secured for construction.
3. Traffic Masterplan for North St, Nowra
Budget - $60,000.
Cardno consultants have been engaged for concept design and costing. The initial work is complete with additional scope being considered.
Alison Henry has been appointed Nowra CBD Place Manager.
5. Nowra Arts Centre - Roof Renewal Works
Project has been deferred due to variations associated with the works on the library air conditioning.
6. Nowra CBD - All Day Car Parking
This project is split into 2 sub projects.
Berry St, Nowra-Carpark Extension – Complete and in use
Burr Ave, Nowra – Construction planned Q4.
7. Nowra - O'Keeffe Avenue
This project is for the signalisation of the existing pedestrian crossing between Coles and the Ex-Servos. The Project has a budget of $289,000. Construction is currently underway.
8. Nowra - Berry/Worrigee Street - Multistorey Car Park - Investigate and Design
This Project is to design a multi storey carpark at the corner of Berry St and Worrigee St. The Civil and Structural Design has been completed. Electrical designs are ongoing. Easement requirements are progressing. The construction is currently unfunded.
9. Nowra - Bridge Rd / Hyam St Int - Safer Roads Project
This Project is for the design of Traffic Lights at the Intersection of Bridge Rd and Hyam St, Nowra. This project is reliant on grant funding. To date Council has been unsuccessful in obtaining grant funding and the project is on hold.
10. Design of Traffic Lights at the Intersection of Worrigee St and Berry St, Nowra.
This project is reliant on grant funding. To date Council has been unsuccessful in obtaining grant funding and the project is on hold.
11. Council Admin Building Works
Upgrade to Level 3 Accessible Amenities – Provide additional accessible amenities – Budget - $150,000 – Complete
Fire Mitigation Upgrade – To improve the administration buildings fire safety measures– Budget $1,010,000 – Task 1 - Attaining existing fire schedule compliance Certification & Compliance have issued revised Fire Safety Schedule (FSS) for review prior to issuing formally through a Fire Safety Order (FSO). Task 2 - Draft NISO (2) has been issued by Certification & Compliance for commission of a Fire Engineering Report (FER).
12. Morrisons Arcade lease renewal and lighting
The lease for the Morrisons Arcade airspace is due for renewal on 14 June 2023. Lease renewal work commenced in January 2023 with the intention of Council taking control and responsibility for the lighting in the public thoroughfare.
13. CBD Mural Project
Budget - $55,000.
A mural on the building at 11 Haigh Avenue, Nowra has been completed.
14. Jellybean Park Electrical and Technology Infrastructure
Festoon lighting and additional power outlets have been provided. This was funded by the residual of the Your High Street Grant.
A variation application has been approved by the grant funding body to provide additional power outlets on the other side of Jellybean Park, replace light globes in Junction Street and provide a pedestrian crossing in Junction Street. The light globes replacement in Junction St is complete. Additional power outlets in Jellybean Park are also complete.
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.19 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - Nowra Update
HPERM Ref: D23/108848
Department: Technical Services
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Reason for Report
To provide an update and advice regarding Council’s approach to the installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations across the Shoalhaven and in the Nowra CBD.
1. Note the updates and information as outlined in this report.
Implications: Staff will continue to explore opportunities for EV charging and continue discussions with CPOs as outlined in this report.
2. Request further information or recommend alternative actions.
Implications: Further information can be provided or alternative recommendations investigated/actioned.
At the 13 March 2023 Ordinary Meeting it was resolved that:
1. In relation to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in the Nowra CBD, the CEO (Director City Services), Council investigate and report back to the Committee targeting the May 2023 meeting on the following:
a. Council’s Policy position on Electric Vehicle charging stations and how it relates to the Nowra CBD
b. Options available to engage with Electric Vehicle charging station providers
2. Council receive a report on installing and implementing EV parking stations city wide.
This report addresses points 1a and 1b above.
1a. Council’s Policy position – EV charging stations
In 2022, Council reviewed and updated its EV Charging Stations on Public Land Policy. The purpose of this Policy is to provide criteria for the provision, installation, management, maintenance, and removal of EV charging stations on public land in the Shoalhaven City Council LGA, and to support the selection of the correct type of infrastructure at the right location. The Policy seeks to support and encourage increased uptake of EVs and outlines the principles for planning EV charging infrastructure on public land.
As stated in the Policy, it is not considered Council’s core business to own and manage vehicle charging infrastructure, however Council may support the installation of charging infrastructure on public land through a leasing arrangement with Charge Point Operators (CPOs) where proposed locations serve the public interest. The provision of EV charging stations on public land must be fair and equitable, and any provision of EV charging stations on public land will be subject to licensing/leasing arrangements in accordance with Council’s Occupation of Council Owned or Managed Land Policy.
1b. EV charging opportunities in Nowra
To support the uptake of EVs across NSW and address charging blackspots, the NSW Government has released an Electric Vehicle Strategy and NSW EV Fast Charging Master Plan identifying optimal zones where fast charging infrastructure will be prioritised. Both Nowra and Ulladulla have been identified as optimal zones for EV fast charging in this Master Plan.
Council has been closely monitoring advice and funding opportunities to identify how it can support EV charging and the transition to low emissions vehicles for its community, while considering the appropriate role of local government in this transition.
· In February 2022, SCC identified 20 initial locations across the Shoalhaven where EV fast charging could be explored as part of a submission under the NSW Expression of Interest to host fast EV charging sites.
· The EOI submission nominated a key staff contact at Shoalhaven City Council who CPOs could contact to discuss EV fast charger installation in the Shoalhaven LGA.
· The EOI included four sites located in Nowra, including the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre, Berry Street Carpark, South Nowra Rotary Roadside Park, and Nowra Showground.
· Locations were selected with consideration to their proximity to the optimal zones identified in the NSW EV Fast Charging Master Plan, as well as adequate parking provision, and safety and public lighting considerations.
· Council is currently reviewing this list to ensure that all of the sites have adequate electrical capacity, meet the key criteria of Council’s EV Charging Stations on Public Land Policy, and also meet the current funding criteria of NSW and Federal grants.
· It is proposed that once these sites have been confirmed as suitable, the full list of sites will be published for community consultation to enable feedback in line with Council’s Policy requirements, and then presented to Council for approval. These sites will then be listed under a public Expression of Interest process for Charge Point Operators (CPOs) seeking to install EV charging infrastructure.
1b. Working with Charge Point Operators (CPOs)
· To ensure that any future agreement with a CPO to install EV charging infrastructure on public land will be fair and equitable, Council is currently developing a standard leasing/licensing agreement for this purpose. This will ensure that the terms and conditions of any agreement will be consistent between CPOs seeking a license to install and operate EV charging infrastructure on public land.
· Council has been contacted by seven CPOs regarding interest in council sites, including EVIE networks, NRMA, Tesla, Shell Energy, EVX, EVSE and Gemtek.
· CPOs have expressed interest in the initial four Nowra locations identified by Council and requested letters of support for grant applications to explore feasibility of fast EV charging infrastructure at these sites.
· Council has provided letters of support to enable CPOs to explore the feasibility of installing EV fast charging across the sites.
· The letters of support provided by Council are non-binding and provided under the condition that if the site design is feasible and satisfactory, the site meets Council Policy criteria, and if parties are able to agree on suitable commercial and operational terms, the letter of support may be nullified by formal site agreements.
· Round two of these grant applications closed on 10 March 2023 and sites which are successful in advancing to the next stage of assessment are expected to be notified within 7 weeks.
Key considerations for Council with regard to EV fast charging
Under its EV Charging Stations on Public Land Policy, Council recognised that Electric Vehicles powered by renewable energy present a significant opportunity to reduce transport emissions and contribute towards Council and State targets to achieve net zero emissions.
A key objective of the Policy is to support and encourage the increased uptake of EVs. However, when determining Council’s role in this transition, there are some key issues that need to be considered.
- Council’s role in providing EV charging on public land needs to be considered as part of a broader industry landscape. For example, petrol retailers and service stations are positioned to provide fuel services to vehicles and are strategically located along transport routes for this purpose. Companies such as Ampol and Shell have committed to progressively installing EV charging across their sites (E.g. Shell has committed to add 500,000 charge points by 2025). Likewise, commercial businesses and corporations such as supermarket chains and hotel venues are also entering the EV charging space as they have large parking areas and can attract additional revenue through charging fees and increased shopping/patronage at their premises. Given these industries are responding to address charging gaps, Council needs to consider whether there is an appropriate and long-term role for local government in the provision of EV charging stations.
- Allocating carparking spaces for EV charging, particularly in carparks where spaces are already in high demand (such as the CBD), presents an equity issue as standard carparking spaces are available to all types of vehicles, while electric vehicle charging spaces are only available to electric vehicle drivers. EV charging stations need to be located where carparking is adequate to meet current and future demand in order to limit the loss of carparking.
Community Engagement
In line with Council’s EV Charging Stations on Public Land Policy, Council is committed to undertake community consultation when planning new EV charging infrastructure on public land. Community consultation will be undertaken using Council’s Get Involved page, with any proposed charging stations published online to enable community feedback.
Policy Implications
Council’s EV Charging Stations on Public Land Policy is the primary policy which outlines the requirements for the provision of EV charging stations on public land. The installation of EV charging infrastructure on public land must comply with this Policy and Council’s Occupation of Council Owned or Managed Land Policy.
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.20 Junction Street Pedestrian Counters Update
HPERM Ref: D23/136633
Department: Technical Services
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Attachments: 1. Pedestrian Counter Data - Junction St Nowra - 2017 to 2023 (under separate cover) ⇨
2. Graph of Pedestrian Counts ⇩
Reason for Report
To provide the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee an update on pedestrian counter numbers in Junction Street, Nowra
At the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee meeting held on 4 April 2023 an update on the pedestrian traffic counters in Junction Street, Nowra was requested.
A pedestrian counter is installed adjacent to Sturgiss News Agency. It records the number of pedestrians passing in each hour of each day. Council has data from 2017 to present. Council is updated with the data monthly. Previously this data was published on Council’s website however the link was broken. The broken link has been rectified and the data can now be found at:
Attached to this report is a spreadsheet with the raw data and a graphical representation of the pedestrian numbers from March 2017 through to current.
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.21 Taxi Rank Locations - Report Back
HPERM Ref: D23/136707
Department: Technical Services
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Get Involved Page Sample ⇩
2. Attachment 2 - Junction Street - Taxi Rank - Relocation - Sketch ⇩
Reason for Report
To update the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee on proposed relocation of the taxi rank in Junction Street Nowra.
1. As recommended.
Implications: The committee will receive feedback from the wider community on the proposed relocation of the taxi rank in Nowra.
2. Do Nothing
Implications: The proposed relocation of the Taxi Rank in Junction Street, Nowra would not progress at this time.
At the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee held on 27 February 2023 the committee resolved:
That in relation to relocating the Nowra CBD Taxi rank locations:
1. The CEO (Director City Services) investigate and report back to the Committee targeting the May 2023 meeting on the following:
a. Kinghorne Street near Coles/Aldi; and
b. Near Telstra building, Stewart Place Bus Terminal.
2. The report include:
a. Feasibility of the project
b. Funding options for investigation and design
c. Funding options for construction
The idea of moving the location of the Junction Street Taxi Rank has been around since at least 1999. The most recent community consultation was conducted in 2013. Consultation consisted of the following:
· Letter issued to key stakeholders including a map and survey form.
· Advertisement in the South Coast Register and Nowra News.
· Exhibition of the documents at Council’s Nowra and Ulladulla Administration Offices.
· Exhibition of the documents on Council’s Internet Site.
64 submissions were received at the conclusion of the consultation period in 2013, and it is notable that the Nowra Radio Taxi Cooperative did not support a relocation from Junction Street at that time. Results for the 2013 relocation consultation are summarised in the figure below:
Financial Implications
Nil for the community consultation. Any financial implications post the community consultation will be included in a future report to the committee. Note that this project is not listed in Council’s 10 year Capital Works plan listed in the 2022/23 DPOP and has no funding allocated to it.
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.22 Jelly Bean Park Additional Seats / Bicycle Racks Options – Report Back
HPERM Ref: D23/136641
Department: Technical Services
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Attachments: 1. Jellybean Park Steating and Bike Rack Options (under separate cover) ⇨
Reason for Report
To report back on the options for additional seats and bicycle racks in Jelly Bean Park, Nowra.
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee fund the construction of 5 seats and 6 bike racks (As shown in strategy 1 D23/198991) in Jellybean Park Nowra, estimated to cost $25,545 excluding GST in the 23/24 financial year. |
1. As recommended.
Implications: 5 seats and 6 bike racks will be installed in the 23/24 financial year at Jelly Bean Park.
2. The committee could elect to fund the addition of 5 seats and 6 bike racks, and the beautification of the park as shown in Strategy 2 - Attachment 1 (D23/198991).
Implications: Estimated cost of supply, install and project management is $53,545 excluding GST.
3. Do nothing.
Implications: Jelly Bean Park will remain in its current state.
At the 27 February Meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee the following was resolved (CBD23.6):
That Council investigate options to increase the number of seats and bicycle racks in Jelly Bean Park.
Two options have been scoped for the consideration of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.
Option 1 – Addition of 5 seats and 6 bike racks (details in attachment 1 D23/198991).
Option 2 – Option 1 plus some other low cost improvements to the park such as pressure cleaning the stoneset pavement, revitalisation of planting and addition of play elements (details in attachment 1).
Community Engagement
Nil outside of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.
Financial Implications
Option 1 is estimated to cost $25,545 (Details in attachment 1)
Option 2 is estimated to cost $53,545 (Details in attachment 1)
There is no funding allocated to this project in Council’s 10 year capital works plan. For this project to go ahead at this stage the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee would need to fund the project.
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.23 Jelly Bean Park Amenities – Report Back
HPERM Ref: D23/136725
Department: Technical Services
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Attachments: 1. Jelly Bean Park Amenities Options (under separate cover) ⇨
Reason for Report
To report back to the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee on the options for replacement/improvement of the amenities block in Jelly Bean Park, Nowra.
1. As recommended.
Implications: The existing amenities block will remain with scheduled inspection and maintenance occurring in accordance with the asset management plan.
2. Bring forward the replacement.
Implications: To bring forward the replacement of the amenities block the Committee could consider funding the project. The cost would depend on the option chosen. It is recommended to complete the project in stages starting with design development. 10% of the overall project cost should be allocated to design development. A resolution for this option would be:
That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee allocate $50,000 for the design development of a replacement amenities block in Jelly Bean Park, and report back with a concept design and construction estimate, prior to commencing detailed design.
At the 27 February 2023 Meeting of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy committee the following was resolved (CBD23.8):
That in relation to the amenities at Jelly Bean Park (Egans Lane), the CEO (Director City Services) investigate and report back to the Committee targeting the May 2023 meeting on the following:
1. Feasibility of the project
2. Funding options for investigation and design
3. Funding options for construction
The 3 public amenities in the Nowra CBD are located at Stewart Place, Harry Sawkins Park, and at Egans Lane (Jelly Bean Park). The Jelly Bean Park Amenities are the closest amenities for approximately 2 ½ blocks of the Nowra CBD.
Asset Information
· Construction year - 1976
· Original construction cost - $144,352
· Forecast replacement date – 2072.
3 levels of improvement/replacement have been scoped shown in Attachment 1 (D23/200801).
· Option 1 – Rejuvenation
· Option 2 – Replacement SCC Design
· Option 3 - Replacement with a prefabricated unit
Community Engagement
SCC’s asset custodian has provided comment on suitability of options.
Policy Implications
Council’s current Asset Management Plan for public amenities (D22/521570) does not recommend funding the proposed works to the amenities at Egans lane at this time. The current amenities have been assessed as being in generally good condition with a life expectancy expiry date of 2072.
An objective of the Asset Management Policy (POL22/146) is to align Council’s asset management activities with principles of community benefit and financial sustainability. Refurbishment before replacement is the currently adopted philosophy of the Asset Management Policy objectives.
Financial Implications
The current amenities building is approximately 80m2.
Option 1 - The cost for a rejuvenation featuring:
· Repaint internal and external
· Mural by local artist
· Internal works including replacement of partition walls and tile flooring, updated fixtures and fittings
Would be approximately $180,000.
Option 2 – Recently completed amenities buildings using the SCC standardised design have costed in the order of $11,000m2. Applying that rate and comparing with proportionally larger versions of the building yields the following cost estimates:
· Same size - $880,000
· 25% Increase - $1,100,000
· 50% Increase - $1,320,000
· 100% Increase - $1,760,000
Option 3 – Recently Council explored the use of prefabricated amenities buildings, which have an estimated cost of $8,000m2. Applying that rate and comparing with proportionally larger versions of the building yields the following cost estimates:
· Same size - $640,000
· 25% Increase - $800,000
· 50% Increase - $960,000
· 100% Increase - $1,280,000
Risk Implications
Council’s asset custodian for public amenities does not support installation of a prefabricated option for the CBD. Trialling prefabricated amenities in low use areas is currently being considered to assess robustness and lifecycle costs. The Nowra CBD is a high-profile high use area not considered appropriate for a trial solution.
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.24 Demolition - 16 Berry Street, Nowra
HPERM Ref: D23/236367
Department: Building Services
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Attachments: 1. Presentation - Attachment - 16 Berry Street Nowra AKA Former Betta Electrical Building - Nowra CBD (under separate cover) ⇨
Reason for Report
To report back to the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee on the option to enter a funding arrangement for the demolition of 16 Berry Street Nowra.
That Council demolish the dilapidated building and remediation the site at 16 Berry Street Nowra, to create an “ever evolving activation space” until the site is developed for the long term. Funding for the demolition and remediation be provided as follows; a. Transfer $1,300,000 from the existing Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget to the existing SCC Strategic Property Reserve. b. Undertake works funded fully from the SCC Strategic Property Reserve over 23/24, 24/25 Financial Years. c. Repay $1,300,000 from the SCC Strategic Property Reserve to the Nowra CBD budget via the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Reserve when proceeds of either the future sale or development of the property becomes available. |
1. As recommended.
Implications: Funds are secured for the demolition and remediation of the site and transfer executed. Planning, approval and tendering may proceed for the demolition of the existing structures on 16 Berry Street, Nowra to provide an open space for community use. If this recommedation is not adopted the project does not proceed in the foreseeable future and the site remains vacant, and continues to deteriorate. The opportunity to provide community space activation is not realised and the status quo remains.
2. Alternative recommendation.
That the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee approve the proposed demolition and remediation works and fully fund from the Nowra CBD revitalisation committee unspent capital allocation (total cost $1.3M).
Implications: Funds are secured for the demolition and remediation of the site and transfer executed. Planning, approval and tendering may proceed for the demolition of the existing structures on 16 Berry Street, Nowra to provide an open space for community use.
These outcomes are in line with the purpose of the annual allocation of fund to revitalise the CBD. Therefore, Council proposes to pay for the demolition of 16 Berry Street, Nowra (total cost - $1.3M) using the unspent capital funds available.
If this recommedation is not adopted the project does not proceed in the foreseeable future and the site remains vacant, and continues to deteriorate. The opportunity to provide community space activation is not realised and the status quo remains.
3. Alternative recommendation.
That Council reassess the strategic purpose of retaining the property and consider disposal of the asset, with a future report being presentedto the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee
Implications: This option has not been investigated currently Funds would not be secured for the demolition and remediation of the site and instead investigations undertaken for the viability and process of divesting the asset. The opportunity to provide community space activation is not realised nor the potential exist and the status quo remains until a decision is made.
The property at 16 Berry Street, Nowra was acquired by council in 2007 for ‘Strategic Purposes’. It is located within a precinct surrounded by other civic buildings including the Arts Centre, School of Arts and the library further north.
The lot area is 917m2 and the land is zoned Operational B3 – Commercial/Retail, which was consistent with its use up until 2013 when operated as a retail appliance outlet.
The current state of the existing buildings are beyond refurbishment or reuse and the site is in a state of disrepair. Access is prohibited due to the presence of hazardous materials (internally) as identified by an Hygienist assessment undertaken in 2021.
Considering the quantum of works required to return the building to a fully compliant facility, it is deemed unfeasible from a cost perspective, also noting that the buildings configuration is somewhat disjointed and appears derelict amongst an otherwise central business district.
The hygienist recommendation is to demolish the building and remediate the site; therefore, council have investigated and determined this to be a viable option contingent upon relevant approvals to undertake works.
Demolition and remediation of the site provides benefit to the community and an opportunity to return the site as an open public space which becomes available for alternative uses i.e. a blank canvas for a range of street activities including, but not limited to markets, stalls, entertainment events or mobile food vendors to name a few. The presentation (attached) provided to the Nowra CBD revitalisation strategy committee on 4 April 2023 illustrated these.
Council is not able to fund the demolition of the existing buildings due to higher priority operational needs; therefore, it is likely the building will remain condemned for some time into the future. However, there an opportunity for the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee to undertake the demolition and creation of an open space area, “loaning” some of their unspent funds for that purpose.
The demolition works will benefit the CBD. Removal of the condemned building will make the CBD more attractive, create opportunities to activate the CBD through events, and will ultimately provide benefit to the CBD business owners.
This could be achieved by a financial arrangement whereby the committee funds the works via a transfer of funding to council, council would commit to repaying the committee when either the lot is sold, or funding becomes available due to site redevelopment.
A professional Quantity Surveyor was engaged in April 2023 to prepare a cost plan for the demolition and remediation of the site, returning an open space for community use.
The overall cost to undertake the project was $1.3 million including a 15% contingency. The Costs breakdown includes works as follows.
1. Head Contractor to oversee all aspects of the project.
a. Site establishment incl set-up temp fencing, screens, sheds etc
2. Demolition contractor.
a. Strip out hazmat materials & demolish structures.
3. Civil contractor
a. Remediate site (if required)
b. Cut and fill to site area.
c. Import sub-base material to levelled site and provide uniform base.
4. Site to then be re-constructed including the following:
a. General stormwater drainage
b. Electrical mains board with minor boards for food truck / market connections
c. General light pole lighting
d. 70% of site to have synthetic turf.
e. 30% of site to have asphalt pavement.
f. Allowance for murals, temp / pop-up play equipment / features
Community Engagement
Community engagement will be undertaken consistent with the Development Approval process. Considering this project may be approved in accordance with the Transport & Infrastructure SEPP, the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) will be advertised and form part of the community notification process. Other community engagement activities will be undertaken in accordance with the Hygienist recommendations as specified in the Hazardous Materials Report.
Policy Implications
The proposed activity will have no policy implications.
Financial Implications
As of 1 July 2023, the Nowra CBD revitalisation committee unspent capital allocation will total $1.835M. This consists of the FY23/24 budget allocation of $505k, plus prior year carry forwards of $1.33M.
It’s not unusual for the committee to carry forward funds and create a fund of between 1.0 and 1.5 million dollars and thus achieve “impact” spending every few years, thus reigniting interest in the CBD. This proposal continues that practice.
The funding strategy for the demolition of the exiting building and remediation of 16 Berry Street is as follows;
a. Transfer $1,300,000 from the existing Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee budget to the existing SCC Strategic Property Reserve.
b. Undertake works funded fully from the SCC Strategic Property Reserve over 23/24, 24/25 Financial Years.
c. Repay $1,300,000 from the SCC Strategic Property Reserve to the Nowra CBD budget via the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Reserve when proceeds of either the future sale or development of the property becomes available.
If the Committee and Council agree to proceed with the demolition this will result in a transfer of allocated funds from capital to operational expenses, increasing Council’s forecast FY 23/24 operating deficit. There would be no impact on cash as the funds have already been internally restricted. The increase to the forecast operating deficit would require a resolution of Council, either through the quarterly budget review process or a separate report to Council.
Risk Implications
Tangible risks associated with this project would be managed in accordance with a project specific risk management plan for the demolition and construction works.
Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee – Tuesday 20 June 2023 Page 0 |
CBD23.25 Committee Actions Report for Ongoing / Completed Items
HPERM Ref: D23/206332
Department: Business Assurance & Risk
Approver: Paul Keech, Director - City Services
Attachments: 1. Attachment - Action List - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee - 20 June 2023 ⇩
Reason for Report
To advise and update the Committee on the Outstanding/Ongoing Actions from the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee.
1. As Recommended
2. Adopt an alternate recommendation
The actions listed in the attachment are drawn from resolutions made by the Committee of which an action is required.
Outstanding/Ongoing Action Report (attached) is current as at the time of drafting this report (Wednesday 29 May 2023) and there are no completed actions from the previous report.
This will be a standing report on the agenda for each meeting to keep the Committee informed of progress on the actions / resolutions from previous meetings.