Youth Advisory Committee
Meeting Date: Wednesday, 16 November, 2022
Location: Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 10:00am
Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.
1. Election of Chairperson (every meeting)
2. Acknowledgement / Welcome to Country
3. Apologies
4. Confirmation of Minutes
· Youth Advisory Committee - 17 August 2022.............................................................. 1
5. Declarations of Interest
6. Presentations
YA22.23...... Office for Regional Youth NSW - Regional Youth Insights Report 2022
The Regional Youth and Community Coordinator at the Office for Regional Youth, Andrew Britton, will provide a presentation to the YAC on the Regional Youth Insights Report 2022.
7. Reports
YA22.24...... Update on Actions - November 2022............................................................. 6
YA22.25...... Youth Advisory Committee Leadership Workshop...................................... 12
YA22.26...... Youth Inclusion Grant - Community Grants Program 2022 Update............ 14
YA22.27...... Notification of Council Resolution - Youth Advisory Committee Re-establishment...................................................................................................................... 17
Youth Advisory Committee – Wednesday 16 November 2022 Page |
Chairperson – Appointed by Committee at each meeting
All Councillors
Member for Gilmore – Fiona Phillips MP or nominee Sophie Phillips
Member for Kiama – Gareth Ward MP or nominee Sebastien Riou
Member for South Coast – Shelley Hancock MP or nominee Jacob Williams
Representative - Shoalhaven Local Area Command NSW Police
Representative - Sanctuary Point Youth & Community Centre
Representative - Bay and Basin Community Resources
Representative - Nowra Youth Centre
Representative - Police Citizens Youth Club
Representative - Regional Development Australia
Representative - Shoalhaven Business Chamber
Representative - 330 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets
Representative – Headspace
Representative - University of Wollongong – Shoalhaven
Representative – Country Universities Centre – Shoalhaven
Representative - CareSouth
Nathan Woodcock – Community Member
2 voting representatives from each local High School
Quorum – 6 members
a) To represent the interests and views of young people to Council and the Community
b) To provide an opportunity for young people to discuss issues of concern to young people
c) To provide a mechanism for young people to make representations to organisations and various spheres of Government requesting appropriate action to improve facilities and services available to young people
d) To give young people experience in Local Government and community affairs
e) To create greater awareness and appreciation within the general community of the needs and talents of young people
f) To provide a mechanism for young people to address youth issues themselves
Delegated Authority
Act within adopted budgets aligning with Council’s strategic plans and documents to deliver youth programs and activities that meet the needs of local young people.
Minutes of the Youth Advisory Committee
Meeting Date: Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Location: Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 10:00AM
The following members were present:
Mr Lachlan Congram – Country Universities Centre – Southern - Chairperson
Clr Moo D'Ath (remotely)
Clr Paul Ell – left meeting at 11:36am
Clr John Wells (remotely)
Clr Tonia Gray (remotely) – left meeting at 11:04am
Ms Sophie Phillips representing Ms Fiona Phillips - MP
Ms Veronica Burt-Leonard (remotely)
Craig Sutton - St John the Evangelist Catholic High School
Sophie Weller - St John the Evangelist Catholic High School
Georgia Coleman - St John the Evangelist Catholic High School
Serena McDonald - St John the Evangelist Catholic High School
Jessica Hart – Shoalhaven High School
Jorja Henderson – Shoalhaven High School
Hazel Marr – Nowra Youth Centre
Lily Wright – UOW Shoalhaven (remotely)
Nathan Andrews – Vincentia High School (remotely)
Destiny Pavitt – Vincentia High School (remotely)
Erin Clohessy - Vincentia High School (remotely)
Lisa Gilbert - Vincentia High School (remotely)
Ebony Wellman – Ulladulla High School (remotely)
Karina Maya – Ulladulla High School (remotely)
Manu Maya – Ulladulla High School (remotely)
Others Present:
Carly McWalters – Team Leader – Community Capacity Building
Jessica Richardson - Community Capacity Builder
Monica Kincade - Community Capacity Builder
The Chairperson gave an Acknowledgement of Country.
Apologies / Leave of Absence |
An apology was received from Clr Patricia White.
Confirmation of the Minutes |
RESOLVED (Georgia Coleman/Serena McDonald) That the Minutes of the Youth Advisory Committee held on Wednesday 18 May 2022 be confirmed. CARRIED
Declarations of Interest |
YA22.17 Open Round Table Discussion - Employment and Transport Challenges and Opportunities for Young People in the Shoalhaven |
HPERM Ref: D22/315448 |
There was discussion between YAC members, arising from the following Prompt Questions: 1. Introduce yourself and let us know how you arrived where you are today? I.e. Bus, car with parents, cycle, walk etc. 2. Are you currently working, studying and/or volunteering? Please briefly detail 3. Have you encountered any challenges in getting to and from your work, school, recreational activities etc? 4. What have you found easy/ helpful about getting to and from your work, school, recreational activities etc? 5. Have you encountered any challenges in engaging in employment, training or volunteering opportunities? 6. What have you found easy/ helpful about engaging in employment, training or volunteering opportunities? 7. Is what you hear from your friends/ peers similar to what you have said already? 8. Is there anything else you would like to share with the group today?
The main issues that arose from this discussion were: · Lack of public transport throughout the Shoalhaven district, particularly wheelchair-friendly public transport. · Reliance on private transport for youth to travel to school and places of employment. · Challenges around obtaining employment in different locations due to limited transport options and limited vacancies in some of the smaller villages within the Shoalhaven. |
YA22.18 Transport for New South Wales Presentation |
HPERM Ref: D22/315380 |
Transport for NSW Communities & Place Project Team gave a presentation on the 16 Regional Cities Services Improvement Program and the broader Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Transport Plan. · The aim of the 16 Regional Cities Program is to provide better bus connections for residents in regional areas for work, school, health, social and recreational activities. · There will be over 250 additional weekly services throughout the Shoalhaven. · The new services are scheduled to commence from Monday 29 August. A copy of the presentation is attached to these Minutes. Related links to today’s presentation are shown below:
YA22.20 Action Table Update - August 2022 |
HPERM Ref: D22/331723 |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Youth Advisory Committee accept and receive the Update on Actions report for information. |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Youth Advisory Committee: 1. Consider the Action - Nomination of Chairperson for the Next Meeting as complete and remove this action from the Action Table. 2. Accept and receive the Update on Actions report for information. CARRIED
YA22.19 Shoalhaven Community Investment Committee Presentation |
HPERM Ref: D22/315429 |
Brooke Gould representing the Shoalhaven Community Investment Committee provided a presentation to the YAC to explore collaborative and sustainable solutions to youth unemployment. The presentation included a description of the committee’s purpose, an outline of the Youth Employment Action Plan and an opportunity for engagement with the YAC on identifying youth focused responses to meeting needs and gaps in the service area. The following issues were discussed: · The biggest challenge for youth in obtaining employment is the limited transport options available, as well as having to fit work around school hours and other commitments. · Limited vacancies for work opportunities, especially in small villages across the Shoalhaven. · Easy access to information on employment rights for young people separate from the place of work would be beneficial. This could be incorporated into careers information at school for the current situation rather than focussing on future career information. · Links on school websites to external websites for employment rights and opportunities would be helpful for students. A copy of the presentation is attached to these Minutes, as well as information regarding the Hire List to register for employment. |
Note: Clr Tonia Gray left meeting at 11:04am.
YA22.20 Action Table Update - August 2022 |
HPERM Ref: D22/331723 |
This item was dealt with earlier in the meeting.
General Business
YA22.21 YAC Leadership Workshop |
HPERM Ref: D22/315453 |
RESOLVED (By consent) The Community Capacity Building Team advised that the proposed date for the YAC leadership workshop is Sunday, 2 October, based on the survey results from the previous informal meeting. After further discussion the new proposed date is Wednesday, 12 October. CARRIED
Note: Clr Paul Ell left meeting at 11:36am.
YA22.22 Election of Chairperson for Next Meeting |
HPERM Ref: D22/341394 |
RESOLVED (By consent) It was resolved that a student representative from St John the Evangelist Catholic High School will chair the next meeting to be held on Wednesday, 16 November 2022. CARRIED
There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 11:49am.
Lachlan Congram
Youth Advisory Committee – Wednesday 16 November 2022 Page 0 |
YA22.24 Update on Actions - November 2022
HPERM Ref: D22/431876
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Action Table Report - November 2022 - Youth Advisory Committee ⇩
Reason for Report
To provide the Youth Advisory Committee with a progress report on outstanding actions.
1. Adopt the recommendation as written.
Implications: The Youth Advisory Committee is updated on progress of actions and recommendations made at previous meetings.
2. Request more information.
Implications: Members of the Youth Advisory Committee request further information.
This report is to update the Youth Advisory Committee on outstanding actions from previous meetings. All actions have been completed. Attachment 1 provides information regarding the status of actions and resolutions made at previous meetings.
Subject to the Group concurring that satisfactory progress has been made to complete the item on the October 2022 Action Sheet Report, the Group is requested to adopt the Recommendation to note completion of:
a. YA22.18 - Transport for New South Wales - TfNSW - Presentation - 16 Regional Cities Services Improvement Program
b. YA22.19 - Shoalhaven Community Investment Committee Presentation - Youth Employment
c. YA22.20 - Action Table Update - August 2022
d. YA22.21 - YAC Leadership Workshop - 12 October 2022
e. YA22.22 - Chairperson - Next Meeting - 16 November 2022 - St Johns Representative
Should YAC members require further information on the status of the actions in the table attached, Council staff will provide as requested.
Community Engagement
It is important that the members of the Youth Advisory Committee are kept informed on progress towards the completion of actions and projects. This report provides a structured approach to facilitate this information exchange.
Youth Advisory Committee – Wednesday 16 November 2022 Page 0 |
YA22.25 Youth Advisory Committee Leadership Workshop
HPERM Ref: D22/432499
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Reason for Report
To provide a report for the Youth Advisory Committee on the outcomes of the Leadership Workshop held on 13 October 2022.
1. Adopt the recommendation as written.
Implications: The Youth Advisory Committee receive the report and approve the use of YAC funds for the delivery of the workshop.
2. Request more information.
Implications: Members of the Youth Advisory Committee request further information.
3. Amend the recommendation.
Implications: Members of the Youth Advisory Committee propose amendments to the recommendation.
The Community Capacity Building Team held a leadership workshop with YAC members to take an empowering strengths-based approach to meeting the following requirement in the Youth Advisory Committee Terms of Reference:
3.3.3 Training: a) Annual induction and training opportunities will be offered to members to assist in skill development. Topics will be voted on by the Committee and could include Advocacy, Networking, Public Speaking, Speech Writing, the inner workings of Council etc. This leadership program will work towards meeting this requirement of the TOR’s.
Event Details
This Leadership Workshop guided the YAC Members to develop their own personal leadership development plan, reflect on their personal leadership style and develop strategies to strengthen and build the qualities they wished to possess. Developing these leadership qualities for the Members in a safe, inclusive and encouraging environment will equip them to be more confident participants in the YAC Meetings and strengthen their skills as leaders in our community.
Council was excited to partner with Avalon Bourne from Sonder Youth who supported by facilitating the workshop and ensuring the sessions were engaging. Avalon runs the local Changemakers program and has a background in international relations and has been lucky enough to work on community-led change projects.
When: Thursday 13th October
Time: 9:15am to 2:15pm
Where: Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre – Gallery Room
18 Youth Advisory Committee members attended the workshop and all members reported strong to significant improvements across the leadership outcomes and all felt supported through the workshop. Participants feedback included:
“I had a wonderful time, can’t wait for the next one”.
“It was a thoughtful, grounding activity”.
“Thank you to everyone that helped make this day happen, I really enjoyed and appreciated it”.
The outcomes for the day included:
· Young people build on their leadership skills
· Young people become active and engaged participants in YAC meetings
· Young people develop a sense of purpose and confidence to raise their voice on the issues that matter to them
· Relationship building between YAC members – particularly in breaking down barriers between school cohorts and community members
Community Engagement
YAC members were consulted on the content and format of the workshop to ensure that a youth driven approach was taken. Through this consultation the YAC identified the following focus areas:
· Self-assessment
· Leadership styles
· Self-confidence
· Advocacy
· Teamwork
· Personal Development Plan
The workshop was developed and run to address the six areas listed above.
Financial Implications
The workshop expenditure came to $1,500.00, it is proposed that this can be fully funded from the YAC budget allocation.
Youth Advisory Committee – Wednesday 16 November 2022 Page 0 |
YA22.26 Youth Inclusion Grant - Community Grants Program 2022 Update
HPERM Ref: D22/432587
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Reason for Report
To update the Youth Advisory Committee on the Youth Inclusion Grant - Community Grants Program 2022.
1. Adopt the recommendation as written.
Implications: The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) receive the report and approve the use of YAC funds to support the Youth Inclusion Grant Recipients.
2. Request more information.
Implications: Members of the Youth Advisory Committee request further information.
3. Amend the recommendation.
Implications: Members of the Youth Advisory Committee propose amendments to the recommendation.
Shoalhaven City Council’s Youth Inclusion Grants program delivers flexible small-scale grants to fund a range of projects that will support communities to deliver community programs and initiatives that have a positive youth development focus and give young people the opportunity to develop a range of skills. Grants need to address young people’s identified needs in an innovative way and increase young people’s connection, representation and belonging to the community.
The Youth Inclusion Grant Program provides small grants of between $500 and $2000. The program supports collaborative efforts between community groups and organisations that are based in the Shoalhaven Local Government Area to deliver local projects that support the vision of Council.
Program Aim
To break-down barriers and increase young people’s (aged 12-25 years) access to and inclusion in the community, to increase the social and economic participation of young people in the Shoalhaven community and enhance wellbeing and a sense of community belonging for young people in the Shoalhaven.
Program Objectives
To empower young people to:
· recognise and celebrate the contribution young people make to their local community
· overcome barriers to participating in the community
· build community-based partnerships and networks
· feel a greater sense of belonging within their community
· feel empowered, as their ideas and opinions are respected, considered, and acted upon
· gain relevant training to support their participation by providing young people with knowledge and skills to strengthen their ability to participate in their local community such as developing teamwork, communication, decision-making, and leadership skills
· feel more confident within themselves and their abilities, having expanded their knowledge and skills
· seek further opportunities to participate and stay engaged in their community
The Community Capacity Building Team at Council assessed the grant applications and provided the following recommendations for successful applicants:
Organisation |
Project Name |
Outcome |
Recommendation |
Headspace Nowra |
headspace Nowra Movie and Market Extravaganza! |
Successful |
2000.00 |
The Flagstaff Group |
Tradie Training Program |
Successful |
2000.00 |
Kangaroo Valley Lions Club Inc. Youth Project |
Kangaroo Valley Youth Group Launch events |
Successful |
2000.00 |
Supported Accommodation and Homelessness Services Shoalhaven Illawarra |
Aboriginal Mural for SAHSSI's Nowra Women's Refuge |
Successful |
1835.25 |
Nowra Youth Services Inc. Trading As Nowra Youth Centre |
NYC Cooking Program |
Successful |
1500.00 |
Treading Lightly Inc. |
Treading Lightly Inc. Youth Environmental Immersion & Team Building Day |
Successful |
2000.00 |
11,335.25 |
The Assessment Panel commented that these projects would provide opportunities for Youth Inclusion across the LGA.
Community Engagement
The priority Areas for this grant program were based on the priority areas set by the Youth Advisory Committee in the last 12 months.
• Sustainability and climate change
• Activities for young people
• Sexual health and mental health support
• LGBTIQ+ Inclusion
Financial Implications
The Youth Inclusion Grants came to a total of $11,335.25.
$5,000 of the funding required will come from the Youth Advisory Committee Budget to supplement the funds from the Community Grants Budget. This will allow for a wide range of diverse activities to be provided to the maximum amount of young people across the Shoalhaven.
Youth Advisory Committee – Wednesday 16 November 2022 Page 0 |
YA22.27 Notification of Council Resolution - Youth Advisory Committee Re-establishment
HPERM Ref: D22/447088
Department: Business Assurance & Risk
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Reason for Report
Advise of Council’s resolution in relation to the membership and re-establishment of the Youth Advisory Committee.
1. As recommended.
Implications: The membership structure as resolved by Council is adopted for the period to 30 September 2023.
2. Propose a different membership arrangement.
Implications: Should the Youth Advisory Committee wish to make an alternative recommendation in relation to membership, this would need to be reported to Council for consideration/endorsement.
Each year, Council reaffirms all its Committees for the next 12 months - Council has the option to: reaffirm its Committees; make any change to the membership, purpose, delegation, quorum, and the number of meetings required for those Committees; or disband Committees.
This report is provided to inform the Group members of the resolution of the Council. Should the Group wish to make any changes to the above, a recommendation to Council will be required to that effect.
At the Ordinary meeting on 26 September 2022 Council resolved as follows:
Meetings per year – Four (4) and others as required Commencement time – between 10am – 12pm |
Quorum – Six (6) |
Terms of Reference: POL22/71 Amended: 11 April 2022 |
Purpose: a) To represent the interests and views of young people to Council and the Community b) To provide an opportunity for young people to discuss issues of concern to young people c) To provide a mechanism for young people to make representations to organisations and various spheres of Government requesting appropriate action to improve facilities and services available to young people d) To give young people experience in Local Government and community affairs e) To create greater awareness and appreciation within the general community of the needs and talents of young people f) To provide a mechanism for young people to address youth issues themselves |
Delegation: Act within adopted budgets aligning with council’s strategic plans and documents to deliver youth programs and activities that meet the needs of local young people. |
Chairperson – Appointed by Committee at each meeting |
2022-2023 Councillor/Staff Membership All Councillors |
Community / Organisational Representatives Six (6) Young people aged between 12 and 25 years High School Representatives: 2 students selected as voting members, and up to 3 other students from each local high school are invited to join Member for Gilmore or nominee Youth representatives from the community and social service sector Tertiary Education Representatives Member for Gilmore or nominee Member for Kiama or nominee Member for South Coast or nominee |
Policy Implications
There were no amendments to the Terms of Reference by this resolution.