Minutes of the Special Shoalhaven Traffic Committee



Meeting Date:     Friday, 16 September 2022

Location:            Teams Meeting

Time:                   2.00pm



The following members participated:


Convenor David Pieresko - Senior Civil Engineer

Clr Patricia White

Mr Stuart Coughlan (Representing Mr Gareth Ward MP)

Mr Craig Exton - Manager Technical Services

Mr Ankit Bhangale – TfNSW

Ms Simone King – Premier Motor Services

Ms Lynne Arnold – (Representing Ms Shelley Hancock MP)

Mr Mitchell Vidler - TfNSW

Mr Ryleigh Bowman - Design Engineer

Mr Josh Winsdor - Asset Engineer

Sgt Ian McManus – NSW Police (Via Email)




Apologies / Leave of Absence


An apology was received from Nicole Brodie - TfNSW.



Business Arising from Previous Minutes





Reports of the Convenor


TC22.39     Major Event - 50th NSW Aboriginal Rugby League Knockout Carnival 2022 (PN 3720)

HPERM Ref: D22/390589



1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed traffic management plan (TMP) and associated traffic guidance schemes (TGS) for the NSW Aboriginal Rugby League Knockout Carnival 2022 (as per D22/391408), subject to the following:

a.   Council does not support the use of on-street parking for this event and the event organiser is to submit additional supporting evidence identifying parking areas and increased parking capacity to accommodate the remaining number of attendees at off-street parking locations. 

2.   The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411.




1.   The Chief Executive Officer (Director City Services) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the proposed Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and associated Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS) for the NSW Aboriginal Rugby League Knockout Carnival 2022 (as per D22/391408), subject to the following:

a.      Council does not support the use of non-approved private parking for this event.  

b.      Incorporation of TfNSW advice pertaining finalised bus shuttle links into TMP. 

c.      A Fire & Rescue and Ambulance NSW endorsed Emergency Services Access Plan being provided to the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee. 

d.      Provide Communication Plan for the broader non-event community and affected residents.  

e.      Provide a copy of the proposed Event Map / Communication Document for spectators detailing the designated parking areas, shuttle bus routes, times and drop off zones. 

f.       Provide a revised parking management plan for the Country Motor Company site with current aerial photo to confirm the adequacy for bus parking and turning movements via parking spaces layout and swept path analysis. 

g.      Provide a revised parking management plan for the Bridge Road Public Carpark identifying the proposed parking spaces and management systems to be implemented (i.e. traffic cones, signage) (*per s3.4.1 of the TMP*) 

2.      The recommendation be approved by the Director City Services under delegated authority from Shoalhaven City Council - refer MIN21.411.


Note: This Recommendation was approved by the Director City Services 20 September 2022





There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 2:22pm.



David Pieresko