Youth Advisory Committee
Meeting Date: Wednesday, 05 May, 2021
Location: Council Chambers, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra
Time: 10:00am
Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.
1. Election of Chairperson (every meeting)
2. Acknowledgement and Welcome to Country
3. Apologies
4. Confirmation of Minutes
· Youth Advisory Committee - 10 February 2021........................................................... 1
5. Declarations of Interest
6. Presentations
YA21.5........ Presentation - Community Wellbeing Plan Update
Ryan Schulter – Acting Social Infrastructure Planning Manager - To present on Shoalhaven City Council Community Wellbeing Plan
7. Reports
YA21.6........ Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day - Climate Change & Environment 6
YA21.7........ Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day - Activities for Young People....... 8
YA21.8........ Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day - Mental Health and Sexual Health.... 10
YA21.9........ Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day - Gender Neutral Initiatives....... 11
YA21.10...... Youth Advisory Committee Terms Of Reference......................................... 12
YA21.11...... Update on Actions - May 2021..................................................................... 19
Youth Advisory Committee – Wednesday 05 May 2021 Page |
Chairperson – Appointed by Committee at each meeting
All Councillors
Member for Gilmore – Fiona Phillips MP or nominee Matthew Norris
Member for Kiama – Gareth Ward MP or nominee Sebastien Riou
Member for South Coast – Shelley Hancock MP or nominee Jacob Williams
Representative - Shoalhaven Local Area Command NSW Police
Representative - Sanctuary Point Youth & Community Centre
Representative - Bay and Basin Community Resources
Representative - Nowra Youth Centre
Representative - Police Citizens Youth Club
Representative - Regional Development Australia
Representative - Shoalhaven Business Chamber
Representative - 330 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets
Pallas Retimana
Hannah Schofield
Sienna Miller
Cassandra O’Carroll
Hannah Johns
Khy Antoniazzo
Veronica Burt-Leonard
2 voting representatives from each local High School
Quorum – 6 members
a) To represent the interests and views of young people to Council and the Community
b) To provide an opportunity for young people to discuss issues of concern to young people
c) To provide a mechanism for young people to make representations to organisations and various spheres of Government requesting appropriate action to improve facilities and services available to young people
d) To give young people experience in Local Government and community affairs
e) To create greater awareness and appreciation within the general community of the needs and talents of young people
f) To provide a mechanism for young people to address youth issues themselves
Delegated Authority
Act within adopted budgets aligning with Council’s strategic plans and documents to deliver youth programs and activities that meet the needs of local young people.
Minutes of the Youth Advisory Committee
Meeting Date: Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Location: Council Chambers / Microsoft Teams
Time: 10.11am
The following members were present:
Clr Patricia White
Ulladulla High School – Representatives - Emanuelle Kneeshaw, Ebony Wellman (Remotely)
Shoalhaven High School – Representatives - Darcy Conolan, Charlie Butler
St John the Evangelist Catholic High School – Representatives – Phoebe Szymoniozek, Elly Simms
Mr Michael Paine – Manager Community Connections
Others present:
Ulladulla High School - William Stewart, Jaslyn Mackenzie (Remotely)
Shoalhaven High School - Jasmine Blundell, Roshan Devulapally
St John the Evangelist Catholic High School – Kiah Shine
Carly McWalters – Community Capacity Builder
Charlie Butler was nominated and elected as Chairperson for the meeting.
Charlie Butler gave an Acknowledgement to Country.
Apologies / Leave of Absence |
An apology was received from Lilli Stiff-Marr.
Confirmation of the Minutes |
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Minutes of the Youth Advisory Committee held on Wednesday 26 February 2020 be confirmed. CARRIED
Declarations of Interest |
YA21.1 Community Grants Program 2021 Update |
HPERM Ref: D21/31121 |
Carly McWalters – Community Capacity Builder provided an overview of the report. There were no exceptions to the report.
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Youth Advisory Committee: 1. Receive this report on The Community Grants Program 2021 for information. 2. Nominate the following representative to sit on the Youth Inclusion Grant assessment panel: a. [insert name]
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Youth Advisory Committee: 1. Receive this report on The Community Grants Program 2021 for information. 2. Nominate the following representative to sit on the Youth Inclusion Grant assessment panel: a. Representatives from St John the Evangelist Catholic High School b. Representatives Ulladulla High School c. Representatives from Shoalhaven High School CARRIED
YA21.2 Youth Advisory Committee Membership Expression of Interest - Member Recommendation Report |
HPERM Ref: D21/32797 |
Recommendation That the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) recommend to Council that: 1. Membership appointments are offered to applicants who are not eligible to fill the 18 places delegated to school students. 2. Applicants who currently attend High Schools to attend the Youth Advisory Committee as part of school delegations. 3. Remaining vacant position to be kept open and young people from the workplace or traineeships given priority to ensure YAC is represented by a diverse range of young people. 4. A second Expression of Interest to be conducted to fill the remaining vacant member position following the review of Terms of Reference (TOR) at the YAC planning day in March.
REcommendation (By consent) That the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) recommend to Council that: 1. Membership appointments are offered to applicants who are not eligible to fill the 18 places delegated to school students: a. Sienna Miller b. Cassandra O’Carroll c. Hannah Johns d. Khy Antoniazzo e. Veronica Bert-Leonard 2. Applicants who currently attend all local High Schools to attend the Youth Advisory Committee as part of school delegations. 3. Remaining vacant position to be kept open and young people from the workplace or traineeships given priority to ensure YAC is represented by a diverse range of young people. 4. A second Expression of Interest to be conducted to fill the remaining vacant member position following the review of Terms of Reference (TOR) at the YAC planning day in March. CARRIED
YA21.3 Youth Advisory Committee - Planning Day |
HPERM Ref: D21/33721 |
The following suggestions (raised in General Business) were made in relation to the Planning Day: · Go through the Get Involved Page · The link be forwarded to the YAC members for any project or policy that is out for public consultation. · Tree and Land Management: o Fire Hazard Reduction (RFS) o Logging o Asset Protection Zones (APZ) o Bushfire Recovery · Transport o Condition of local roads · Youth employment · Housing costs · Mental Health Services o Waitlists for Headspace o Alcohol and drug use · Capacity of Ulladulla High School – making representations to local members of Parliament regarding the possible use of the former Anglican College (Ulladulla) · Incentives towards renewable energy and solar panels · Extend an invitation to Takesa Frank to guest speak in relation to logging in the Shoalhaven · Report writing and how to get an item on the YAC Agenda
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That the Youth Advisory Committee 1. Members attend a planning day to review the Terms of Reference and re-evaluate how Council works with young people moving forwards. 2. Put forward topics for discussion at the planning day. 3. Suggest a suitable time and day for the meeting.
RESOLVED (By consent) That the Youth Advisory Committee: 1. Members attend a planning day to review the Terms of Reference and re-evaluate how Council works with young people moving forwards.
2. Put forward the following topics (including but not limited to) for discussion at the planning day: a. Go through the Get Involved Page b. The link be forwarded to the YAC members for any project or policy that is out for public consultation. c. Tree and Land Management: i. Fire Hazard Reduction (RFS) ii. Logging iii. Asset Protection Zones (APZ) iv. Bushfire Recovery d. Transport i. Condition of local roads e. Youth employment f. Housing costs g. Mental Health Services i. Waitlists for Headspace ii. Alcohol and drug use h. Capacity of Ulladulla High School – making representations to local members of Parliament regarding the possible use of the former Anglican College (Ulladulla) i. Incentives towards renewable energy and solar panels j. Extend an invitation to Takesa Frank to guest speak in relation to logging in the Shoalhaven k. Report writing and how to get an item on the YAC agenda 3. Hold the Planning Day on Wednesday 31 March 2021 at a time to be established. CARRIED
YA21.4 Update on Actions - February 2021 |
HPERM Ref: D21/33735 |
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That: 1. The Youth Advisory Committee Receive the Status Report for information. 2. The following action be removed from the Action Table due to the time that has lapsed since the introduction of the project. a. In relation to YA19.12, the Committee recommend the Representatives make representations to the next available agenda of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee and report back to the Youth Advisory Committee afterwards.
RESOLVED (By consent) That: 1. The Youth Advisory Committee Receive the Status Report for information. 2. The following action be removed from the Action Table due to the time that has lapsed since the introduction of the project. a. In relation to YA19.12, the Committee recommend the Representatives make representations to the next available agenda of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee and report back to the Youth Advisory Committee afterwards. CARRIED
There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 11.42am.
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YA21.6 Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day - Climate Change & Environment
HPERM Ref: D21/164708
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Reason for Report
To address topics arising from the Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day and identify proposed actions.
That the Youth Advisory Committee provide recommendations to Council to advocate and address topics arising from the Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day relating to Climate Change and Environment:
1. To be added at the YAC Meeting - Insert Recommendations here:
Topics identified as important to the young people within Climate Change and Environment were:
Bushfire Response and Mitigation
· Bushfire hazard management
· More focus on regeneration of cleared / fire affected land
· Promotion of eco-friendly lifestyles
· Leaving the wild areas alone – build elsewhere / know the risks / stop deforestation
· Environmentally friendly changes – litter reduction / renewable energy
· Environmentally sustainable Council-owned buildings
· Sustainable choices for our community
Community Projects / Community Led Initiatives
· Encouraging more Community gardens
· More community owned / run environmental projects
Wildlife Conservation
· Pest control
· Endangered species – Koalas
Protecting Our Natural Environment
· More trees / plants along our coast and around our waterways
· Litter / pollution
· Healthy oceans
· Global warming
· Provision of more public refillable water stations
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YA21.7 Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day - Activities for Young People
HPERM Ref: D21/164924
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Reason for Report
To address topics arising from the Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day and identify proposed actions.
That Youth Advisory Committee provide recommendations to Council to advocate on topics arising from the Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day relating to Activities for Young People: 1. To be added at the YAC Meeting - Insert Recommendations here:
At the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Planning Day held 31 March 2021, the Committee raised several topics and issues to review. 11 topics were identified by the group and 4 were selected as priority areas. Activities for Young People received 9 votes as a topic for review at YAC.
Topics identified within Activities for Young People were:
Spaces and Places
· Safe “hangout” spaces for young people – cafés / meeting places / events / job opportunities.
· More retail shops in the Nowra region.
· Bigger shopping centre with a wide variety of retails stores, like Stockland Shellharbour.
· Outdoor gyms with weight machines and other suitable equipment.
· More community activities – movie nights / dances / markets.
· Activities for teenagers – more leisure facilities, laser tag, gaming arcade, skate parks, go-karting.
· Encourage physical activity in young people.
· More activities that include disabled youth.
· Concerns regarding lack of social events / activities for teenagers.
· More things to do on weekends.
Social Connection
· Social meetings such as YAC – more open and available to all, not just Student Council (SRC) representatives.
· Music festivals.
· Social and educational cultural events – Professional speakers / film festival / activities that will increase and promote cultural awareness.
· Musical performances.
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YA21.8 Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day - Mental Health and Sexual Health
HPERM Ref: D21/164967
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Reason for Report
To address topics arising from the Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day and identify proposed actions.
That Youth Advisory Committee provide recommendations to Council to advocate on topics arising from the Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day relating to Mental Health and Sexual Health: 1. To be added at the YAC Meeting - Insert Recommendations here:
At the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Planning Day held 31 March 2021, the Committee raised several topics and issues for review. 11 topics were identified by the group and 4 were selected as priority areas. Mental Health and Sexual Health received 6 votes as a topic for review at YAC.
Topics identified within Mental Health and Sexual Health were:
Access to Services
· Being able to see a Doctor without a parent or guardian present.
· Options for youth to be able to take ownership of their own health.
· Lack of availability for face-to-face mental health support.
· More accessible support services for rural areas.
Mental Health
· More mental health facilities.
· Student mental health.
· Mental Health support networks for the entire Shoalhaven region, particularly in the more remote areas – mental health / LGBTQIA / counselling and therapy services.
Advice and Awareness
· How to better deal with the impacts of bullying, regarding diversity.
· Impact of mental illness on daily life.
· Lack of mental health awareness.
Sexual Health
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YA21.9 Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day - Gender Neutral Initiatives
HPERM Ref: D21/164992
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Reason for Report
To address topics arising from the Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day and identify proposed actions.
That Youth Advisory Committee provide recommendations to Council to advocate topics arising from the Youth Advisory Committee Planning Day relating to the topic Gender Neutral Initiatives: 1. To be added at the YAC Meeting - Insert Recommendations here:
At the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Planning Day held 31 March 2021, the Committee raised several topics and issues for review. 11 topics were identified by the group and 4 were selected as priority areas. The Gender Neutral Initiatives topic received 9 votes as a topic for review at YAC.
Issues identified within the Gender Neutral Initiative topic were:
· Gender neutral uniform options in schools
· Gender neutral options and facilities in schools
· Diversity education – open sexuality in schools / anti-bullying
· Gender neutral bathrooms in public places
· More awareness and support for LGBTQIA+ students
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YA21.10 Youth Advisory Committee Terms Of Reference
HPERM Ref: D21/156820
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Attachments: 1. Youth Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference ⇩
Reason for Report
To provide the Youth Advisory Committee with proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference POL21/29 for endorsement.
That Youth Advisory Committee 1. Endorse the proposed amendments to the Youth Advisory Committee Terms of Reference and submit to Council for adoption.
1. The recommendation is adopted as written:
Implications: The Terms of Reference (TOR) will be updated and provide the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) an agreed way forward as detailed in this report.
2. The recommendation is not adopted, and an alternative recommendation is provided.
Implications: The proposed TOR will not be updated and the YAC will be required to provide an alternative proposal.
In December 2020, an Expression of Interest was conducted to fill the 6 vacant community member positions of the YAC. At the 10 February 2021 meeting the Committee accepted the recommendations of Council and endorsed 5 new community members. Following this a Planning Day was held on 31 March 2021 to induct new members, review the TOR, and set the direction for the Committee. The agenda for the day was as follows:
1. Aims and goals
a) Why are we here?
b) What is the goal of the Committee?
c) What do you want the Committee to be known for?
2. Terms of Reference review
a) Membership - who will be involved?
b) Training - how will we achieve our goals?
c) Meetings - where and when will we meet? What format will meetings take?
3. Setting direction
a) Issues and opportunities
b) Training opportunities - advocacy, report writing, communications skills?
4. Induction Training
a) Function of the YAC
b) Submitting reports
c) Council processes
As part of these discussions’ members have proposed some changes to the TOR which are included in the attachment. Amendments include:
1. Membership appointments
Age range
i. Increase range of school students from Year 9 to Year 7.
ii. Increase age range of community members from 12-25 years – previously this was 15-21 years of age.
2. Period of membership
a) Annual
review – setting direction and membership review.
Membership will be reviewed every 12 months.
b) Diversity of the committee
Ensure targeted recruitment to maintain a diverse representation of young
3. Training
a) Induction
and Planning Days
An annual induction and planning day will be held.
b) Skills
development and training opportunities
Council will provide opportunities for members to build capacity and skills
funded from existing Youth Advisory Committee budget.
4. Chairperson
a) Nomination in advance
The Chairperson will be nominated at the end of each meeting for the next.
b) Training/support
Council staff will work with the nominated chair, prior to the meeting to ensure they understand the responsibilities and requirements of chairing a meeting.
c) Agendas
A summary page will be provided additional to the full agenda.
5. Meetings
a) Format
To encourage participation, a round table discussion question will be posed at the start of each meeting.
b) Venue
Venues will be rotated across the Shoalhaven to ensure that the meetings are inclusive and accessible to all.
c) In-person/online
Preference is for in person attendance at meetings, but the committee felt it was important to continue to provide alternative methods of attendance (i.e., online).
Members raised several issues and opportunities which will require further consultation. This consultation will be undertaken over the next 3 months to engage with YAC members and schools to discuss other topics arising at the planning meeting including:
· Membership structure – consideration of an open memberships to the committee
· Establishing working groups
· Training and skills development – specifically what training would be useful for the young people to fulfill their roles on the committee.
· Promotion opportunities
· Advocacy work.
A detailed Planning Day summary report will be submitted at the next meeting to outline the outcomes of this consultation and any further amendments to the TOR.
Community Engagement
YAC were consulted on the proposed changes to the TOR at the Planning Day in March. Thirteen Committee members of the YAC attended including 2 community members and 11 school delegates.
Policy Implications
Information shared during the planning day was taken into consideration for the proposed amendments to the TOR. Should the YAC wish to make any future changes to the TOR, a recommendation to Council will be required.
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YA21.11 Update on Actions - May 2021
HPERM Ref: D21/164741
Department: Community Connections
Approver: Jane Lewis, Director - City Lifestyles
Reason for Report
To report on status of actions from the last Youth Advisory Committee meeting.
Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority) That: 1. The Youth Advisory Committee Receive the Status Report for information and note there are no outstanding actions.
1. Adopt the recommendation as written.
Implications: The Youth Advisory Committee is kept updated about progress towards the completion of identified actions.
2. Request further information.
Implications: Members of the Youth Advisory Committee will be provided additional information as requested and available.
This report is to update the Youth Advisory Committee on actions and resolutions of Council from previous reports.
There are no outstanding actions, hence there is no attached Action Table for the Committee and no ongoing actions for completion.