Minutes of the Inclusion & Access Advisory Group



Meeting Date:     Monday, 24 May 2021

Location:            Council Chambers, City Administrative Building, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   11.02am



The following members were present:


Clr Patricia White - Chairperson

Ms Lesley Zandstra – representing The Hon Fiona Phillips MP

Ms Jackie Kay

Mr Chris Mitchell

Ms Penelope Espinoza Hallett

Mr Bill Deaves

Ms Nola Stephens

Ms Kylie Knight (remotely)


Others Present:


Mr Michael Paine - Senior Community Development Officer - CEO Nominee

Mr Colin Wood - Manager - Certification & Compliance

Ms Carly McWalters - Team Leader - Community Capacity Building





Apologies / Leave of Absence


Apologies were received from Clr Nina Digiglio, Frederick Oberg, Arthur Ball, Lily Wright, Annette Pham and Theo Bagou.



Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (Nola Stephens / Bill Deaves)


That the Minutes of the Inclusion & Access Advisory Group held on Monday 22 February 2021 be confirmed.





Declarations of Interest







IA21.8        Update on Actions - May 2021

HPERM Ref: D21/87705

Clr White and Council Staff addressed the meeting in relation to the items in the Action Table and made the following comments:

·         IA19.5 - Additional Item - Disability Awareness Training - Councillors - Clr Training & Development Program - now complete and has been superseded by IA20.14 - Additional Item - Consider Annual Disability Awareness Training Program for Councillors and Staff.

·         19.21 - Ulladulla Subway and Services NSW Accessible Parking Investigation - Defer to Staff - Strata Owners:

o   Meet with Service NSW regarding accessible parking at Ulladulla Subway and Service NSW and report back to next meeting.

·         IA20.14 - Additional Item - Consider Annual Disability Awareness Training Program for Councillors and Staff

o   Council to further investigate whether there is a section for applicants to include their disability on the Council employment application.

o   Receive a report from Council’s Human Resources team as to how they see these statistics could be recorded.

o   Request someone from Human Resources to attend next meeting to discuss how we could track statistics of staff with an identified disability.

·         IA21.4 - Additional Item - Footpath & Kerb Ramp Repairs - Nowra - Scenic Dr / Hyam St / Bridge Rd - Further investigate time frame for footpath to be fixed by contractors Fulton Hogan.

·         IA21.6 - Additional Item - Ramp Exits from Stocklands and Accessible Spaces at Kmart Ulladulla - Investigation / Report request – Council staff to further investigate and meet with Stocklands regarding the possibility of improving the existing steep ramps to meet wheelchair and disabled access requirements.

·         IA21.7 - Additional Item - Funding from Accessible Parking Fines - Budget Allocation - Implementation of Disability Inclusion Action Plan - Report request

o    Report went to Council and was carried.

o   The new Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) is currently being developed.

o   Once the DIAP is finalised, the IAAG will need to identify the prioritised action plan projects and estimate the costs of the prioritised projects.

o   Surplus funds from Accessible Parking Funds the quarterly 2021-22 budget review and future years are to be set aside for DIAP prioritised action plan projects.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.    The Inclusion & Access Advisory Group receive the Update on Actions report for information.


RESOLVED (Lesley Zandstra / Penelope Espinoza Hallett)


1.    The Inclusion & Access Advisory Group receive the Update on Actions report for information.

2.    IA19.5 - Additional Item - Disability Awareness Training - Councillors - Clr Training & Development Program - is complete and removed from action table (Recommendation superseded by Item IA20.14)




IA21.9        Working Group - Promote and Engage

HPERM Ref: D21/187073

Note: Kylie Knight joined the meeting at 11:25 (remotely).


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.    The Committee endorse the proposed actions developed by the working group as stated below.

a.    Increased promotion of the IAAG and its functions.

b.    Increased promotion of people with a disability within the Shoalhaven via inclusive and positive social media/media campaign

c.    Increased committee membership through a membership expression of interest (EOI)

2.    Council develops an EOI application to increase membership for the Committee.

3.    The Committee endorse a Planning Day, scheduled after a completed membership recruitment period.


RECOMMENDATION (Nola Stephens / Jackie Kay)


1.    The Committee endorse the proposed actions developed by the working group as stated below.

a.    Increased promotion of the IAAG and its functions.

b.    Increased promotion of people with a disability within the Shoalhaven via inclusive and positive social media/media campaign

c.    Increased committee membership through a membership expression of interest (EOI)

2.    Council develops an EOI application to increase membership for the Committee.

3.    The Committee endorse a Planning Day, to be scheduled for the first quarter of 2022 after a completed membership recruitment period.



IA21.10      Disability Inclusion Action Plan review - Committee update

HPERM Ref: D21/188144

Carly McWalters provided an update to the meeting:

·         Kylie Knight has been chosen to sit on the DIAP Assessment Panel and Flagstaff were selected to deliver DIAP.

·         Extensive consultation is being held across Council Directors, Councillors and Council staff.

·         Council urges all Committee Members to complete the survey online either as a community member or as a business at https://getinvolved.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/diap-2021. For anyone experiencing difficulty completing it online, contact Council staff who can then make contact with Flagstaff for assistance.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)


1.    The Inclusion and Access Advisory Group receive this report for information.


RESOLVED (Kylie Knight / Nola Stephens)

That the Inclusion and Access Advisory Group receive this report for information.




Introduction of Items as Matters of Urgency

RESOLVED (Clr White / Bill Deaves)

That the following addendum report be introduced as a matter of urgency:

1.       IA21.12 Membership Application



The Chairperson ruled the matter as one of urgency as it relates to urgent business of Council and allowed its introduction.




Addendum Reports


IA21.12      Membership Application

HPERM Ref: D21/206390

Members discussed the membership application received from Jennifer Anstiss.



That Council appoint Jennifer Anstiss as a community member of the Inclusion & Access Advisory Group.


RESOLVED (Clr White / Nola Stephens)

That the Inclusion & Access Advisory Group thank Ms Anstiss for her excellent application and advise that the Committee does not generally accept membership from representatives of community groups or CCBs, and that she may resubmit her application as a community representative to the Committee for consideration.





General Business


The following items were raised in General Business and are considered outside of the Terms of Reference of the Inclusion & Access Advisory Group:


IA21.11      Accessible Parking - Milton Showground – Other Showgrounds and Public Venues

HPERM Ref: D21/142456

Lesley Zandstra advised that she had recently attended Berry Showground for an event and discovered that disabled community members are not permitted to park inside the Showground premises and are required to park at Berry train station. They then have to make their way along the footpath to the Showground, which is challenging for people using walkers and similar support equipment. Additionally, there is no clear direction of travel from the train station to the Showground.

This is common at other Showgrounds in the Shoalhaven, for example Milton and Kangaroo Valley Showgrounds, as well as at other public venues. Clear direction for people with disabilities needs to be provided for any event held at public venues across the Shoalhaven.


Note: This matter has been noted and will be considered in the review of the Shoalhaven City Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan.




·         Bill Deaves advised that he had asked for an automatic door to be included at the Bridge Road entrance of the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre however it has not been included in the upgrade.



·         Penelope Espinoza Hallett advised that:

·         In her local area of Worrigee there is very limited access via pedestrian pathways, for example there is no safe way to cross the highway anywhere at South Nowra.

·         She would like to be able to see a more continuous network of pathways, as a lot of them stop at street junctions.

Public transport is severely lacking especially for disabled people. It’s a struggle to easily find the bus timetable and locate the bus stops as they are not clearly marked or identified.



·         Bill Deaves on behalf of Theo Bagou advised that Mollymook Sandgate Cemetery still has no disabled parking and requested further investigation.

Note: This item was removed from the Action Sheet at the IAAG’s meeting of 4 November 2019. As reported at the time:

Discussed with the Bereavement Services Manager who advised that there is no dirt car park at Mollymook Cemetery. People have been parking in an area that is not for parking. That area is designated for expansion of the lawn cemetery. There is also an informal car park on the opposite side of Ocean Street on the corner of Mitchell Parade that will not be formalised. There is a project underway to kerb and gutter Ocean Street for more formalised parking on the street. There was a CEO Note regarding this as well. No further action.



·         Accessible parking is still an issue for the carpark at Ulladulla Subway and Service NSW.



·         In discussion, there was a query as to whether there is a section for applicants to inform Council of any disability on the Council employment application forms. This could be a valuable source of recording statistics for disabilities in the workplace.

Note: This matter has been noted and will be considered in the review of the Shoalhaven City Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan.



·         Discussion took place about the damage that has been caused and the work that needs to be carried out by contractors Fulton Hogan to repair the Footpath & Kerb Ramp at Scenic Drive /  Hyam Street / Bridge Road.



·         The exit ramps at Stocklands are really steep and therefore not wheelchair and disabled access friendly. There was discussion about meeting with Stockland Management and the possibility of moving the disabled parking to the Woolworths end of the carpark and improving the ramps for easier access.



·         Clr White asked that Council ensure that members of the IAAG be included in any applicable community consultation or community engagement invitations via email going forward.

·         Nola Stephens mentioned that the Foodworks Worrigee development does not include any outside seating at the front of the building and if it would be possible going forward to ensure Council includes seating when approving plans for such developments.

·         Disability Inclusion & Access Plan workshop to be held Thurs 10 June 10:00 - 11:30 at Council Admin building.

·         Kylie Knight queried the additional cost to incorporate the use of Braille on any new business cards, particularly Councillors. Michael Paine advised that the Community Connections team have ordered new cards with Braille.


There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 12.44pm.



Clr Patricia White