Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee



Meeting Date:     Thursday, 14 May, 2020

Location:            Teams Meeting

Time:                   5.30pm


Please note: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice permits the electronic recording and broadcast of the proceedings of meetings of the Council which are open to the public. Your attendance at this meeting is taken as consent to the possibility that your image and/or voice may be recorded and broadcast to the public.





1.    Apologies

2.    Confirmation of Minutes

·      Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee - 26 February 2020. 1

3.    Reports

RF20.3......... Rural Fire Service - Future Works........................................... 3                         

4.    General Business


 Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee – Thursday 14 May 2020




Clr Mitchell Pakes – Chairperson

Clr Patricia White

Clr Mark Kitchener

Chief Executive Officer or nominee (Mr Paul Keech)

Mr Mark Williams

Mr Chris Palmer

Ms Jennifer Lawther (Alternate TBA)

Mr Andrew Fielding (Alternate – Mr Bob Johnston)

Mr Vic Walker (Alternate – Ms Jacqui Cox)

Mr Martin Gaffey (Alternate – Mr Ron Rollinson)

Mr Paul Gleeson (Alternate – Mr Geoff Phillips)

Mr John Ashton (Alternate – TBA)

Mr Bill Bean (Alternate – TBA)

Mr Chris Baseler or nominee 


Quorum - Five (5)



To advise Council on issues of a strategic and policy nature relating to the operation of the Rural Fire Services having regard to the following:

·          That the core communication between brigades and Fire Control Officer on operational issues be raised through the Group Officers utilising the committee structure.

·          All issues be raised through Fire Control so that statutory matters can be resolved immediately.

·          Policy matters raised can be referred to the Strategy and Assets Committee through the General Manager so that statutory matters can be resolved.

·          That the Strategic Planning Committee be developed as the body advising Council on Rural Fire Service policy issues






Minutes of the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee



Meeting Date:     Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Location:            Council Chambers, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   4.45pm



The following members were present:


Clr Mitchell Pakes – Chairperson

Mr Mark Williams – District Manager

Mr Chris Palmer – Staff representative

Mr Andrew Fielding – Group 1 (Primary)

Mr Stuart Thaler – Group 1 (Alternate)

Ms Jennifer Lawther – Group 2 (Primary)

Mr John Ashton – Group 5 (Primary)

Mr Steve Heggie – Group 5 (Alternate)

Mr Bill Bean – Group 6 (Primary)

Mr Vic Walker – Rural Fire Service Association (Primary)

Mr Paul Keech - Director Assets and Works


Karyn Lenard, RFS – in attendance




Apologies / Leave of Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors White & Gash, Ms Megan Birmingham and Messrs Martin Gaffey, Paul Gleeson, Geoff Phillips and Ross Smith.



Confirmation of the Minutes

RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Mark Williams)


That the Minutes of the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee held on Thursday 8 August 2019 be confirmed.


[Note: The meeting scheduled for 28 November 2019 was cancelled due to the Currowan Bushfires and deployment of RFS staff.]



Declarations of Interest






RF20.1       Rural Fire Service - Future Works

HPERM Ref: D20/59540

The Committee held a brief discussion on the list of future capital projects and noted:

·    The list of stations/projects covers those stations where brigades have made representations seeking alterations/additions, or where station appliance/tanker bays may not be of sufficient size to house a new/upgraded vehicle.

·    Any local brigade may put a submission to the District Manager to have a project added to the list or to elevate an existing item on the list.  The Committee will continue to determine the ranking of items on the unfunded capital works project list. 

·    It was confirmed that any station alterations requiring a development application are to be submitted to the Committee for consideration, those funded by donations are to be denoted as “self-funded”.  Such projects would also need to observe Council’s procurement processes and be project managed to ensure a quality outcome.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee notes the update on the status of unfunded capital works projects.


RESOLVED (Mark Williams / Andrew Fielding)

That the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee notes the update on the status of unfunded capital works projects.




RF20.2       Proposed Dates for Meetings in 2020

HPERM Ref: D20/62437

Members present agreed with the suggestion that going forward meetings should start at 5:00pm rather than 5:30pm.


Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee adopt the proposed meeting dates for 2020.


RESOLVED (Clr Pakes / Chris Palmer)

That the Committee adopt the proposed meeting dates for 2020.







There being no further business, the meeting concluded, the time being 5.04pm.



Clr Mitchell Pakes




 Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee – Thursday 14 May 2020

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RF20.3       Rural Fire Service - Future Works


HPERM Ref:       D20/165523


Approver:           Paul Keech, Director Assets & Works 

Attachments:     1.  Future RFS Stations - 14 May 2020 RFS Strategic Planning Meeting   

Reason for Report

To review the status of un-funded capital works projects.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee notes the update on the status of unfunded capital works projects.






The following unfunded projects will remain in the Shoalhaven Strategic Capital Expenditure Program:

·    Conjola Station extensions;

·    Wandandian Station extensions;

·    Basin View Station extensions;

·    Huskisson Station extensions;

·    Beaumont Station extensions;

·    Manyana Satellite garage & main station alterations;

·    Tomerong Station alterations, and

·    Training/Logistics/SMSS Facility (TLSF).


Refer to attachment for details.

Community Engagement

Concept plans for each station extension / refurbishment works are discussed with the relevant brigade.




 Rural Fire Service Strategic Planning Committee – Thursday 14 May 2020

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