Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee



Meeting Date:     Wednesday, 05 December, 2018

Location:            Jervis Bay Rooms, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra

Time:                   4.00pm



Addendum Agenda



CBD18.112. Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee Terms of Reference - Committee Role........................................................................................................................ 1

CBD18.113. Update - Report - Berry Street Footpath Upgrade (Western Side Between Junction and Worrigee Streets).................................................................................. 12

CBD18.114. Addendum - Revised Report - Installation Wayfinding Signage - Update... 18

CBD18.115. Addendum Report - Nowra CBD Facade Improvement Financial Assistance Program - Application for 55 and 59 Berry Street, Nowra (James Caldwell)............. 30                           




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CBD18.112 Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee Terms of Reference - Committee Role


HPERM Ref:       D18/305199


Group:                Assets & Works Group 

Section:              Works & Services 

Attachments:     1.  Existing Terms of Reference - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee

2.  Existing Role - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee

3.  Clarified Role - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee

4.  Proposed Role - Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee   

Purpose / Summary

The purpose of this report is to allow the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee to review and make a recommendation to Council to amend the Committee’s Role as the first stage in reviewing the Committees Terms of Reference.



That given the Councillor membership on the committee, the Council adopt the following as the Role of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee and thus allow the Terms of Reference to now be reviewed in the context of these roles.

Committee’s Role;

1.1.      Recommend to Council possible refinement of, and improvements to, the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy as the committee considers appropriate.

1.2.      Develop a list of projects (with estimated costings) for Council to consider funding over a rolling three-year time frame, that will assist in achieving all the ten elements of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy. The list is to be presented to an Ordinary Meeting of Council in February each year, and thus adopted by the Council.

1.3.      Make a formal submission to Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD, in accordance with Council’s budgeting process.

1.4.      Monitor the expenditure of Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD, as follows;

1.4.1.       In the case where Council staff undertake capital expenditure in the Nowra CBD in excess of $100,000 the Committee will receive a report outlining progress (including expenditure updates) and plans at each of the Committee’s Meetings.

1.4.2.       In the case where Contractors undertake capital expenditure in the Nowra CBD in excess of $100,000 the Committee will receive a report outlining progress (including expenditure updates) and plans at each of the Committee’s Meetings.

1.5.      Act as a communication conduit between Council and all CBD stakeholders in respect to the ten elements within the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy and approved Capital Works within the Nowra CBD with reasonable support from Council, at Council’s expense, as determined by the General Manager.

1.6.      Assist Council in advocating to the community the adopted list of projects that seek to deliver on the ten elements of the CBD Revitalisation Strategy.

1.7.      Provide a report to Council each quarter outlining the year to date expenditure of Council’s annual capital works budget as it relates to the Nowra CBD and present a report to an Ordinary Meeting of Council in August each year that explains the capital expenditure and any non-expenditure, for the previous financial year.

1.8.      Consult with relevant stakeholders as needed.




1.    Adopt the “Role” of the Committee as proposed.

2.    Adopt the “Role” of the Committee as clarified.

3.    Adopt the “Role” of the Committee as amended



On Wednesday 6 August 2014 the Nowra CBD Action Committee resolved to adopt a new Terms of Reference and thus ultimately replace itself with the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee. The committee resolved as follows (Minute D14/204205):


a)         Council adopt the Terms of Reference with the following amendments for the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee and be referred to Council;

i)          1.7 To read, Provide an annual report to council each year outlining progress towards achieving the goals set out in the CBD Revitalisation Strategy together with any recommendations for updating the Revitalisation Strategy.

ii)         1.8 To read, Consult with relevant stakeholders on a regular basis

iii)        6.2 (Where a consensus cannot be reached at two consecutive meetings, then a majority of 60% of those present excluding the 3 Council representatives can adopt a recommendation. The alternate views are to be minuted.) a minimum quorum needs to be reviewed and clarified.

iv)        9 the second paragraph needs clarification on the agreed funding level that is allocated– (Council will also use its best endeavours to seek external funding to accelerate the capital works programs contained in the Revitalisation Strategy wherever possible and to work with the Committee on major projects and major capital works program which will have an impact on the operations of the CBD.)

b)         The initial selection process as set out in the report be adopted

c)         A further report be presented to Council recommending committee members once the selection process has been completed.

d)         Consultation be undertaken with the Nowra CBD ratepayers and broader community in relation to the introduction of a possible Nowra CBD Special Rate Variation as outlined in the report and report back to Council

e)         Staff to consider the need for an ongoing Policy Committee i.e. CBD Action and report back to Nowra CBD Action.


An extract of sections of that report is provided below for the committee’s convenience.




1. Terms of Reference – Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee

File 45446E



“The new committee membership is being recommended to comprise of three Council staff, a community member who is not a business owner or a land owner who would represent the genuine interests of the community, 4 CBD land owners and 2 CBD business operators who are not property owners. The makeup of the Committee is being structured very deliberately in order to allow those with a vested interest in the growth and the development of the CBD to have a greater say on how funds raised from the CBD are expended.


Selection Criteria are also provided for the Committee membership. A number of these points relate to all applicants however there are also specific criteria for community members, land owners and business owners to ensure they are representing the interest of their relevant sector as it relates to the CBD and also making it very clear they are not there to represent their own personal interests.”


“The delegations of this Committee and its purpose clearly indicate that it is an operational Committee. Council has a responsibility to develop and adopt the LEP, the CBD DCP, the overall Master Plan and the Revitalisation Strategy. The task of this Committee is to actually implement the broad policy and strategy direction that Council has set and hence there are no Councillors being recommended to be appointed to this Committee because of its operational nature.”


Issues that may need addressing

CBD Revitalisation Strategy

·    CBD Revitalisation Strategy has been adopted by Council.

·    A works program over out years needs to be developed

·    What aspects of the CBD Revitalisation Strategy will be the responsibility of the committee?




At the Ordinary Council meeting held on Tuesday 28 October 2014 Council considered the recommendation and moved a motion that:


a)         Council adopt the Terms of Reference (attached) for the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee as amended from discussion at the Councillor Briefing;

b)         That the initial selection process as set out in the report be adopted;

c)         A further report be presented to Council recommending committee members once the selection process has been completed;

d)         That Council allocated a sum of $500,000 p.a. for 3 years (end annually to Rate Peg amount) to the committee to implement specific areas identified in the Nowra Revitalisation Plan;

e)        Funding to be provided from the Capital Works budget and a redirection of the funds currently allocated to CBD Promotions.


At the Ordinary Meeting on the 25 September 2018 Council resolved a new composition of the Committee to include three Councillors on the committee; (vide minute no MIN18.764).


That Council continue the operation of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee for the period to 20 September 2019 with Councillor membership being:


·    Meetings per year – Four (4) & others as required

·    Commencement time – 4.00pm

·    Quorum – Five (5)

·    Terms of Reference: POL18/22 Amended: 27 March 2018


Role of the Committee

·    To direct the development and implementation of the Revitalisation Strategy for the Nowra CBD and review as appropriate.

·    To determine overall capital works programs established by the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy, as amended from time to time.

·    To agree an annual capital works budget with council.

·    To identify and approve all expenditure of funds identified in the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy, additional funds allocated by council for capital expenditure in the Nowra CBD including any loans, grants or from funds from any other source.

·    To act as a communication conduit between Council and the CBD stakeholders in respect to the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy with appropriate support from council as required.

·    Assist council in advocating the adopted CBD Revitalisation Strategy to the community.

·    Provide a report to council each year outlining progress towards achieving the goals set out in the CBD Revitalisation Strategy together with any recommendations for updating the Revitalisation Strategy.

·    Consult with relevant stakeholders as needed.



·    To expend funds allocated to the CBD Nowra Revitalisation Strategy Committee by Council within the approved budget. Budget adopted $500,000.

·    To establish sub Committees as deemed appropriate.

·    To promote the advantages of the CBD inside and outside the area, including making press releases and promoting the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy project.

·    To raise funds other than rates and loans to fund the objectives of the Committee.

·    To expend funds raised outside of Council as the Committee deems appropriate, e.g. promotions, entertainment etc.


Chairperson – Appointed by the Committee

2018-2019 Councillor/Staff Membership

·    Clr Gash

·    Clr White

·    Clr Cheyne

·    Director of Assets and Works or delegate

·    Director of Planning and Development or delegate

·    All other Councillors are non-voting members

Community Representatives

·    Two (2) community members: Wesley Hindmarch, vacant

·    Two (2) land owners: James Caldwell (Chairperson), Annie Aldous

·    Three (3) Business owner/operators: Scott Baxter, Brendan Goddard, George Parker

·    One (1) Business retailer: Lynnette Kearney



The current Terms of Reference documents is provided as Attachment 1.


For convenience, the Committee’s Role Existing (as reaffirmed on the 25 September 2018) has been extracted from these Terms of Reference as Attachment 2.




At the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee meeting on the 7 November 2018 the committee adopted the following Recommendation to Council:




1.    The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy notes and receives for information the recommendations from the Workshop report of 1 August 2018.

2.    The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy be promoted and reviewed regularly

3.    The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Action Plan be formalised, monitored and revisited annually.

4.    The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee be consulted in the preparation of the Draft Capital Works Program in relation to works in the Nowra CBD

5.    The Terms of Reference and delegations of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee be clarified and amended to incorporate the outcomes of the workshop

6.    The frequency of meetings of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee be increased to monthly meetings until 31 March 2019 (excluding January 2019), after which meetings will be held bi-monthly meetings (6 per year).


This report seeks to address Item 5 of the above recommendation.


The position above was arrived at after the Committee undertook a facilitated workshop on the 21 May 2018 to among other things discuss the operation of the Committee.  As reported on the 1 August 2018 the committee generally agreed:


……….…that the next step should be a fine-tuning of the Committee’s Terms of Reference (T of R), as follows:


·    Reinforcing the role of the staff representatives on the Committee as the ‘communication conduit’ between staff and CBD stakeholders.

·    Clarifying Council/ Committee decisions – ‘what we can and can’t do’ without Council approval.

·    Clarifying the nature of day-by-day operational decisions and actions by staff that should not require Committee approval. For instance, the T of R requiring approval of ‘all expenditure’ of funds. Consideration should be given to staff ‘delegation’ on operational matters – where to draw the line?



To address the generally agreed outcomes of the 21 May 2018 workshop the following amendments are made to the Committee Role Clarified (Attachment 3).


Given the new makeup of the Committee and the “Strategic Role” of Councillors as opposed to the “Operational Role” of the Committee the following Committee Role Proposed is for consideration (see Attachment 4)




A suitable recommendation regarding Option Three if an amended wording is difficult to agree upon would be as follows;


That the Committee establish a special subcommittee specifically convened to review Section 1 of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee’s ToR – “Role” and receive a further report from the Sub Committee (Director Assets and Works) at a future meeting.


Community Engagement

Nil. The Committee members will consult, as required, with all CBD stakeholders as part of their representative responsibilities.


Policy Implications

The policy implications will depend on the final adopted Terms of Reference however the two options proposed do not substantially the fundamental intent of the committee.


Financial Implications

Nil, in the consideration and adoption of the “Role” of the Committee.


Risk Implications




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CBD18.113 Update - Report - Berry Street Footpath Upgrade (Western Side Between Junction and Worrigee Streets)


HPERM Ref:       D18/351939


Group:                Assets & Works Group 

Section:              Asset Management 

Attachments:     1.  Existing Carparking Arrangement

2.  Proposed Carparking Proposal

3.  Schematic Design Proposal   

Purpose / Summary

The purpose of this report is to advise the Committee of progress on the design and investigations for the construction of footpath upgrade works in Berry Street (western side between Worrigee Street and Junction Street), Plan Set 4985_59.


In addition, the report will address the next steps regarding funding, procurement, construction and seek funding to proceed.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee:

1.    Endorses the layout plan for the footpath and carparking upgrade works in Berry Street (western side) between Worrigee Street and Junction Street (Plan Reference 4985-58, 4985_59_1 and 4985_59_2) and note that this work will fully expend the $20,000 allocation.

2.    Allocates $10,000 from the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Capital Funds to finalise the detailed drawing and prepare the tender documentation for the construction of the works.

3.    Note: the pre-tender estimate of cost (to take the project to completion) for the upgrade works in Berry Street (western side) between Worrigee Street and Junction Street (Plan Reference 4985_59_1 and 4985_59_2) is approximately $990,000 (exc GST). Currently the unallocated funds available for this project are in Nowra CBD Revitalisation budget of $795,782 for 2018/19 and as per MIN.227 Council has allocated a sum of $500,000 for 2019/20.

4.    Appoints (insert name) as the committee representative to work with the Shoalhaven City Council’s Project Management team as the staging strategy, tender documentation and procurement process proceeds.









1.    Adopt the recommendation.


The project will proceed using funds drawn from the Nowra CBD Revitalisation budget.


2.    Not accept the recommendation.


The project would be placed on hold.



In April 2018, the Committee received a power point presentation on the proposed footpath upgrade for western side of Berry Street between Junction Street and Worrigee Street.  A budget of $20,000 was provided by the Committee to City Design Unit to facilitate the schematic design development and investigation; including sub surface cable location, survey, service pit investigations, design and external consultation. To date costs of $17,753 have been incurred.  The yet to be completed construction drawings and specifications will utilize the remaining funds of $2,247. 

Should the Committee elect to proceed with funding the works detailed construction drawings and tender documentation, specifications, tender evaluation plans are required to be completed prior to lodging a tender on Tenderlink. 

The streetscape upgrade includes (as indicated in attachment 1, 2 and 3);

·     A 25m café blister adjacent to Standish Medical Centre, which will resemble the outdoor space on the eastern side of Berry Street.

·     A pedestrian crossing point, which can be expanded to accommodate a ‘zebra crossing’ at a later date should warrants require.  This will involve minor deconstruction of a few meters on each side of the road of the above-mentioned blister.

·     New street trees and existing street trees with tree bases surrounded in Stoneset® which allows for tree growth whilst minimising trip hazards.

·     Honed concrete footpath with Stoneset® header courses to match existing works on the eastern side.  The width of the footpath is proposed to be increased by 300mm to prevent trucks from hitting the existing Endeavour Energy light pole in front of Roxy Cinema.

·     Street furniture such as seating, raised planter boxes.

·     A reconfigured parking, bus stop, taxi rank and community transport arrangement which sees no loss of parking despite the inclusion of café blister and landscaped pedestrian blisters.

The schematic designs and proposed traffic alterations plans were provided to owners of all buildings, shop keepers and business managers in addition to transport companies.  In addition, plans were provided to Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee and Nowra Chamber of Commerce.  The feedback from members of the disability sector and community transport company has been reviewed and as such has required an additional sign to be mounted on the taxi rank signage.  This new sign will enable a timed stop point for community transport providers near the Standish Medical Centre to cater to patients with mobility needs. The plans have been reviewed by Council’s Traffic Management Unit and are deemed acceptable.


Community Engagement

Extensive community engagement has been undertaken on both sides of Berry Street with external stakeholders who own properties and businesses within the designated scope of works. In addition, letters and plans have been sent to public and community transport providers.  Both the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee and the Chamber of Commerce have received the plans and accompanying explanatory letter. This information has been Trimmed to 58054E. 

Financial Implications

The cost of construction of Berry Street Footpath Upgrade is to be fully funded by Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee and will need to stage this work into the 2019/2020 financial year.


Risk Implications

Financial risk will become clearer once tenders are received. The perceived risk is that preliminary estimate of $990,000 may be insufficient. 



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CBD18.114 Addendum - Revised Report - Installation Wayfinding Signage - Update


HPERM Ref:       D18/419456


Group:                Assets & Works Group    

Attachments:     1.  Wayfinding Signage - Construction Documentation   

Purpose / Summary

To report to the Committee on the progress of engineering drawings, geotechnical investigation and options for a way forward to installation of wayfinding signage at the five agreed locations.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That Council install the Wayfinding Signage in the Nowra CBD as per drawing set number 2736 (drawn 11 October 2018) at the following locations Jelly Bean Park, Junction Court, Stewart Place, Post Office corner and Stockland Nowra, funded by the Nowra CBD Capital Allocation up to a maximum amount of $32,000, excluding GST.




1.   Nil at this stage, assuming that the initiative is still a priority.

2.   Consider an alternate sign design and manufactured extremally.

Implications:  possibly a cheaper option



At the October 2018 meeting, the Committee resolved as follows;

“That the Committee fund a maximum of $35,000 (inc GST) for the supply and installation of 5 x Wayfinding signs as outlined in the report to the agreed locations; Jelly Bean Park, Junction Court, Stewart Place, Post Office corner and Stocklands Nowra (subject to the consultation with Stocklands on the location of that sign).”


Actual positioning is still to be determined on site, depending on location of services:



Description of Location

Jelly Bean Park

Adjacent to the main thoroughfare between Egans Lane and car park (next to the crossing)

Junction Court

Approximately 10 metres from the intersection of Junction Court and Kinghorne Street (adjacent to NAB bank)

Stewart Place

Approximately 10 metres from the corner of Stewart Place and Schofields Lane

Post Office corner

Approximately 10 metres from the intersection of Junction and Berry Street (adjacent to the Post Office)

Stockland Nowra


subject to consultation with Stockland. Meeting to determine this is to be arranged by Annie Aldous (CBD Revitalisation Committee)



At the 7 November 2018 meeting the committee resolved as follows;


“That the General Manager (Assets and Works) provide a report to the committee regarding the required engineering drawings and geotechnical reports for the Wayfinding signs and provide options for way forward.”



The agreed sign arrangement is attached (Attachment 1) and extracted as follows;




Extracted from Drawing Set 2736


Internal structural engineering design recommended using a two-post steel support system, chemically anchored into a 400 diameter by 1 metre deep. The cost has not yet been determined for this. The estimated cost of each footing $950 per installation. Total footing costs $4,750.


This typical arrangement is based on the typical undisturbed natural soil in the Nowra CBD area. Should the site material significantly differ from this, a decision on site will be made to increase the size of the footing accordingly.


The final detail design and fabrication of the sign is pending, and it is likely that the construction cost estimate of this initiative will be available in February 2019.


Financial Implications

At this stage the initiative is still approximately $35,000 (including footings to the value of $4,750) and will be funded by The Nowra CBD Revitalisation Committee Capital Allocation.

Note this equates to $31,818 excluding GST (i.e. $32,000)



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CBD18.115 Addendum Report - Nowra CBD Facade Improvement Financial Assistance Program - Application for 55 and 59 Berry Street, Nowra (James Caldwell)


HPERM Ref:       D18/413621


Group:                Planning Environment & Development Group 

Section:              Strategic Planning 

Attachments:     1.  Recipients of Nowra CBD Facade Improvement Program Financial Assistance

2.  Application - Financial Assistance - Nowra CBD Facade Improvement Program - 55 & 59 Berry St NOWRA - James Caldwell / Bridgeton Developments Pty Ltd

3.  Further Information - Facade Improvement Works - A E Smith works program 55 and 59 Berry St   

Purpose / Summary

Determine whether to provide financial assistance for the proposed works at 55 and 59 Berry Street, Nowra under the Nowra CBD Façade Improvement Program, which is funded by the Committee.

Recommendation (Item to be determined under delegated authority)

That the Committee:

a) Determine whether the works subject to the application are eligible under the Program; and if so,

b) Determine the amount of funding assistance it will provide under the Nowra CBD Façade Improvement Program for 55 and 59 Berry Street, Nowra.

1.    Should the Committee determine not to provide financial assistance the committee advise the applicant of the reasons for not approving the application for financial assistance as:

a.    The application is not solely for physical works on facades and the application has not provided appropriate detail.

b.    The buildings are located outside the Program Area and are not directly adjacent or fronting onto the Program Area.




1.    Not support the provision of financial assistance.

Implications: This could allow the existing budget to be utilised on other eligible improvement applications within the program area.

2.    Support the provision of financial assistance and the committee determine the amount of financial assistance for each application within the remaining CBD Façade Improvement Program budget of $8,298. The maximum amount of assistance that can be provided under the program is 50% of the costs and a maximum of $5000 for each application.

Implications:  This will potentially exhaust all available funds in the Nowra CBD Façade Improvement Program budget and no further applications would be able to be considered in the 2018/19 financial year. The committee can decide to provide a reduced amount of financial assistance from the current budget is $8, 298 to allow for remaining budget in the rest of the 2018/19 financial year. It is also noted that the interest in the Program has generally been limited.



Two applications for financial assistance under the Nowra CBD Façade Improvement Program have been received from Mr James Caldwell for properties at 55 and 59 Berry Street, Nowra.  The images and map below show the current façades of the buildings and the location of the properties (yellow outline) in the context of the Façade Improvement Program Area (red outline).




55 Berry Street:

(Source: Google Images, February 2018)

59 Berry Street:

(Source: Google Images, February 2018)

The applicant is the chair of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee and has declared a pecuniary conflict of interest in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct. 

Other members of the Committee have previously received financial assistance under the Façade Improvement Program – a summary of previous recipients of financial assistance under the Program is provided in Attachment 1.

A copy of the current applications are provided in Attachment 2.

The applications state that the total works for 55 Berry Street are $47,167 and 59 Berry Street are valued at $31,711.  These values are for a maintenance program that includes painting the entire buildings and other building works which are outside the scope of the adopted Façade Improvement Program.

The applicant was requested to provide a breakdown of the estimate cost / quote of labour and materials for the proposed façade improvement works only, as required in Part 6 of the application form.  In response, the applicant provided further information on 30 November 2018 – see Attachment 3.



In accordance with the Program Guidelines, all applications for financial assistance must be for physical works on facades within the Program Area.  It is unclear from the application and further information submitted what the actual value of the physical works to the façades are and that these can be completed by the end of the Financial Year. 

Additionally, the subject properties are outside the Program Area, are not directly adjacent to or fronting the program area and are not within the B3 Commercial Core (CBD) zone in Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 (see above map).

However, under the current Program Guidelines, buildings that are directly adjacent to and fronting the program area may be eligible for financial assistance if the initial program funding allocation still available by the application closure date (end of 2018/19 financial year). In this regard, the Committee has previously considered an application outside the program area (59 Kinghorne Street). 

The Program Guidelines also state that to be eligible, the works must complement works within the Program Area, and that only works which are able to be completed by the end of the Financial Year will be considered.  The application is for a program of works spanning a six (6) year contract with no completion dates provided.

Additional information was sought from the application however this did not provide the clarification required. It was requested that this application be considered urgently so that work could commence.


Assessment Criteria

Irrespective of whether the applications are eligible, the following responses to the Program Assessment Criteria are provided below:

a)      Is the project consistent with the relevant planning controls?




b)      Will the project contribute to a greater visual improvement to the façade and the overall streetscape and public domain (i.e. is it close to properties that are also committing to undertake improvement projects)?


Both applications are for what appears to be maintenance works rather than specific improvements/upgrades.  The committee will need to decide whether the maintenance will contribute to a greater visual improvement to the façade and the overall streetscape and public domain (i.e. is it close to properties that are also committing to undertake improvement projects), given the location of the properties outside the Program Area, and the lack of clear information to support the Application for Financial Assistance.


c)      Can the project be completed by the end of the Financial Year?


The painting contract that has been provided for the buildings is a six (6) year contract.  Should the committee determine that the application is eligible, it is noted that only physical works on facades are eligible for financial assistance under the Program and must be completed by the end of the Financial Year.


Budget and Financial Implications

The current remaining budget for the Nowra CBD Façade Improvement Program for 2018/19 is $8,298.

Under the Program the maximum financial assistance per property is 50% of the total cost of works (labour and materials) to a maximum dollar value of $5,000 (excl. GST). 

In this instance it may be necessary to obtain a formal quote and breakdown of the proposed façade improvement works from the intended provider.

Should the Committee decide that financial assistance is supported under the Program, an amount will need to be determined by the committee.  This may result in funds not being available for other applications within the Program Area in the remainder of 2018/19 Financial Year. It is noted that there has not however been a significant take up of the program generally.


Review of Program Guidelines

As a separate matter the Chair of the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee, has also requested that the Program Guidelines be reviewed to update the budget available and make it clear that the funds are allocated “from the Nowra CBD Revitalisation Strategy Committee”.

As it has now been some years since the inception of the Façade Improvement Program, it is also recommended that this review consider whether the intended purpose of the program to “encourage building owners and business operators within the program area to enhance the appearance of their facades through the provision of financial assistance for labour and materials” is still relevant and being achieved, and whether further advertising is needed to make building owners and business operators in the Program Area aware of the Financial Assistance Program.  It is also recommended that the review consider additional provisions such as a scoring system to assist decision makers in determining the merits of applications under the Program.







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